
Wednesday, February 24, 2016


One of the things I've commented on from time to time, is the uncanny way that patterns emerge in the articles that people share with me. Most readers here are aware that this website's community contributes an enormous amount of articles via emails, and when I review them, I try to allow the readership here to determine what I blog about. I make the selections of course, but every now and then, so many articles are sent that are more or less focussed on particular themes or topics, that I try to blog about those patterns when they occur.
This week, there was a heavy interest - maybe it's in the aether - on the subject of the technologies and techniques of mind manipulation and even of weaponizing such technologies. Consider these two articles, the first, shared by Ms. M.W., and the second by Mr.V.T.:
Using Brain Electrodes Researchers Were Able To Read Minds Almost At The Speed Of Thought
Putin targets foes with 'zombie' gun which attack victims' central nervous system
Now, concerning the first article, some weeks ago I blogged about Japanese neurological researchers who had successfully demonstrated a system that was able to read a person's thoughts remotely, i.e., via a super-sensitive receiver that tuned into a person's brain waves, and then translated these via computer algorithms. Note that the technology discussed in the first article is the use of implanted electrodes in the brain, but note also the vast expansion of possibilities this makes available:
The team implanted the electrodes into the brains of epilepsy patients at the Seattle Harborview Medical Center. These patients were chosen because usual treatments, like medication, weren’t effective. It was necessary for the researchers to use this procedure temporarily to see if they could find the focal points of the seizures.
With their specialized test of showing images of faces and houses to the patients, the researchers were able to determine in a much broader scale, the affected neurons instead of one neuron in traditional diagnostics. This allowed for an algorithm that analyzed the data to determine on its own what the patient was looking at, whether it was a picture of a house, a face, or a blank screen and to their surprise, the algorithm ascertained the right answer at 96% of the time. It did it at an average speed of 20 milliseconds.
Things get weirder with this area of research. In another experiment researchers were able to get disabled persons to move a finger where they couldn’t do before and they hooked up two brains with electrodes so that the two people could guess what the other was thinking.
This is straight out of science fiction for sure but it’s a reality now.
In theory the use of electrodes of a more complex level could achieve ways for disabled persons to regain lost abilities of mobility and communication.
It does not take much imagination to see endless other possibilities, such as "radio assisted telepathy," i.e., the direct communication of thoughts between soldiers on the battlefield, without the use of speech. Throw in encryption technologies (think of the current dispute between Apple and the US Federal government here, over the phone of the San Bernardino terrorists), and one has not only a vast potential for "interaction", but also for a new type of privacy in communications. Then throw in hacking, signals jamming and... well, you get the idea.
But the technology also implies something else, raised by the second article:
Sources in Moscow say Mr Putin has described the guns, which use electromagnetic radiation like that found in microwave ovens, as ‘entirely new instruments for achieving political and strategic goals’.
Mr Putin added: ‘Such high-tech weapons systems will be comparable in effect to nuclear weapons, but will be more acceptable in terms of political and military ideology.’
Plans to introduce the super- weapons were announced quietly last week by Russian defence minister Anatoly Serdyukov, fulfilling  a little-noticed election campaign pledge by president-elect Putin.
Mr Serdyukov said: ‘The development  of weaponry based on new physics principles – direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, and so on – is part  of the state arms procurement programme for 2011-2020.’
Specific proposals on developing the weapons are due to be drawn  up before December by a new Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Research into electromagnetic weapons has been secretly carried out in the US and Russia since the Fifties. But now it appears Mr Putin has stolen a march on the Americans. Precise details of the Russian gun have not been revealed. However, previous research has shown that low-frequency waves or beams can affect brain cells, alter psychological states and make it possible to transmit suggestions and commands directly into someone’s thought processes.
Note that the "psychotronic" weapons are but one component of a whole list of weapons Russia will be adding to its arsenal: directed energy, geophysical, wave-energy(think Dr. Evgenny Podkletnov!?), genetic weapons, and of course, the mind-manipulation weapons, which, in this list, and given the types of capabilities that have been demonstrated in neurological research in recent months, are no longer the stuff of science fiction. And with the development of such technologies will come the inevitable development of countermeasures.
Stop and ponder this for a moment: the arms races of the 20th century, from the dreadnought to the strategic bomber to nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, will now give way to the arms race to control and manipulate the mind itself. One can imagine all the usual offshoots: tactical weapons, i.e., psychotronic "pistols" and "rifles" for use against specific individual targets, to theater and strategic psychotronic "howitzers" able to influence whole regions and their populations. (One can only hope that they'll be able to beam some sense into Washington, Wall Street, Berlin, and the City of London.)
But what I find most interesting about this is the tacit admission contained in the second article. For years, beginning in the 1980s, former Lt. Col.(US Army, ret.) Tom Bearden began to write and warn precisely about the Russian research and development of a series of weapons he called "scalar" or "quantum potential" weapons, weapons that could alter the physical state of matter, drain energy from, or put energy into, various regions, and, yes, alter the mental and emotional state of individuals and populations. These, Bearden maintained, were all based on the same basic principles, i.e., there was an underlying and basic physical principle which could be tapped and tweated and adjusted to accomplish a variety of things, depending on the situation and the desired goal, including mind manipulation, and even disease induction or cure. Bearden was, of course, largely scoffed at. It sounded magical, unbelievable.
But Mr. Serdyukov has now seemingly confirmed the existence, at least as far as the Russians are concerned, of "new physics principles," which sounds suspicious like what Bearden was warning about decades ago. In short, it's now public, and the Russians plan on spending some money on the technologies.
Now for the high octane speculation. Over the past few months, I've been suggesting in various blogs and interviews, that Russia is, in a sense, the first post-post modern state, since shedding the avowed atheism and secularism of the Soviet era. Russia, as I and others have noted, has been challenging the dogma of the West's globalists - I occassionally refer to it as globaloney - namely, that the era of the nation-state is over, and that the world should be run by transnational corporations and banks ala the encyclicals of David Rockefailure. The new sovereignty is the transnational corporation. So what has this to do with psychotronic weapons? A great deal, it turns out, for if the new sovereignty is the transnational corporation, then it becomes possible, according to the Russian logic, to declare war on them. But how would one target such an entity? Precisely by such weapons. In this context it's worth remembering the Soviet-era "microwaving" of the US embassy in Moscow, a hazardous place to work, since the incidence of cancers of embassy employees was abnormally high. Now imagine parking your pyschotronic weapon truck outside, say, Mon(ster)santo's headquarters in St. Louis, Misery, and beaming "disease" waves or mental and emotional states... You get the idea. It's a covert way to wage war, par excellence, and the Russians appear to be willing to expand their arsenal to be able to wage it.
The psychotronic arms race may have just begun...

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