
Monday, February 22, 2016

Jade Helm 2? UWEX 16 covert military operation in Texas looking for civilian actors

Posted by George Freund on February 20, 2016

By Dylan Baddour

Published 12:56 pm, Thursday, November 12, 2015

The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly
  A special warfare exercise across parts of Texas and the nation will bring civilian role players acting as journalists, government officials and "guerrilla-chiefs."

The U.S. Army Special Operations Command's Unconventional Warfare Exercise 16 (UWEX 16) is scheduled in at least three Texas counties for March through June 2016. It may take many readers back to Jade Helm 15, the SOC's seven-state realistic military training that riled some Texans' fears of federal preparations for martial law.
RELATED: Texans organize 'Operation Counter Jade Helm' to keep an eye on the federal troops

But the involvement of civilian role players sets UWEX 16 apart. Job listings posted to Oak Grove Technologies in November call for more than 30 actors to help simulate scenarios for SOC trainings between March and June, including at least 25 who would perform in San Antonio in March and April after preparations at the SOC headquarters in Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

SOC spokesman Mark Lastoria was not immediately available Thursday morning to describe the contributions of the civilian actors.
Job listings call for 18 hostage actors, six guerrillas, a journalist, two "resistance force," an ambassador, a financier, an NGO worker and officials from the Department of Justice and the Department of State, among others. In addition to San Antonio, some will perform concurrently in Arizona and Oregon.

RELATED: Texas preacher warns the next Jade Helm could wipe Texas off the map

The "guerrilla-chief" role requires previous special forces experience, or "quantifiable previous experience as a Guerrilla-Chief." Others require past work as a government analyst, foreign service member or law enforcement officer. All roles require signatures on a non-disclosure agreement. 

In West Texas, commissioners of Tom Green County approved the military's request to hold realistic training in the county, according to footage of a late October meeting.

According to the Austin American-Statesman, commissioners in November approved the same request in Bastrop County, which became the center point of Jade Helm frenzy in June when international media gathered to watch volunteer Texans attempt their own counter surveillance operation against some of the U.S. military's most elite groups.

That came months after Texas governor Greg Abbott mobilized the state guard to monitor the federal troops throughout the exercise, citing citizens' safety concerns.

RELATED: Covert warfare coming to Texas sparks some fears of federal takeover

Many of the same blogs that sounded the first alarms of the truth behind Jade Helm were quick to assert that UWEX 16 was another step in a far-reaching conspiracy to imprison American people in their own communities.

SOC has said, and experts have agreed, that realistic military training off of federal property is neither abnormal nor cause for alarm.

In a Statesman report, Bastrop County Judge Paul Pape said he hoped UWEX 16's lack of a catchy name would prevent its spread on social media.

Click through our slideshow to see the role player jobs currently offered for the unconventional warfare training.


The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly in Texas between March and June, 2016. Photo: Oak Grove Technologies
The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly in Texas between March and June, 2016. Photo: Oak Grove Technologies
The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly in Texas between March and June, 2016. Photo: Oak Grove Technologies
The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly in Texas between March and June, 2016. Photo: Oak Grove Technologies
The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly in Texas between March and June, 2016. Photo: Oak Grove Technologies
The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly in Texas between March and June, 2016. Photo: Oak Grove Technologies
The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly in Texas between March and June, 2016. Photo: Oak Grove Technologies
The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly in Texas between March and June, 2016. Photo: Oak Grove Technologies
The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly in Texas between March and June, 2016. Photo: Oak Grove Technologies
The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly in Texas between March and June, 2016. Photo: Oak Grove Technologies
The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking for role players, most with past military, government or law enforcement experience, to take part in unconventional warfare training that will happen partly in Texas between March and June, 2016. Photo: Oak Grove Technologies
March 19: The report that started it all.“We’ve got huge breaking news, ladies and gentlemen,” said Texas’ most classic conspiracist, Alex Jones, on his television broadcast InfoWars. “They’re having Delta Force Navy Seals with the army train to basically takeover. This is over the top. Texas is listed as a hostile sector, and of course we are. We’re here defending the Republic.”He said an insider source had sent him a now-highly-circulated slideshow, accessed openly at the Army Special Operations Command website, detailing Jade Helm, with Texas labeled as a “hostile” territory.“This is in preparation for the financial collapse and maybe even Obama not leaving office,” Jones said. “I’m telling you this is so huge.”By the next day, the Internet was awash with Jade Helm alarm. Photo: Screenshot from March 19 broadcast of InfoWars. Reporter Joe Biggs points to the now-infamous Jade Helm map designating Texas a "hostile" territory. WATCH IT Photo: Screenshot

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