
Friday, January 1, 2016

The USSA's Secret Space Program(s)

Everyone is familiar with the spacefaring exploits of the USSA’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Russian space program and the European Space Agency (ESA). The increasingly sophisticated Chinese space program is also well known internationally.

But for years there has been quiet talk of another space program, a secret space program, a covert consortium, if you will, that operates quietly out of the public eye, drawing on the expertise, technology and personnel of major aerospace corporations, major military agencies and the publicly known space agencies and using all of those organizations and bureaucracies as a cover for clandestine space projects carried out in great secrecy. It seems like an outlandish idea at first blush. But there is evidence that points in that direction. 

Project Dyna-Soar

Most people have never heard of the USSA Air Force’s preparations for the so-called Dyna-Soar manned space program in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Dyna-Soar was based on the 1930s theoretical boost-glide space plane concept of the 20th Century German scientist, Eugen Sänger. Nazi rocket expert, SS General Walter Dornberger, was brought to the USA by Project Paperclip after World War II and carried along schematics and blueprints for a rocket launched space plane based on Eugen Sänger’s earlier work. In my book, Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files, I reference two Project Paperclip memoranda from 1947 that explicitly asked for both SS General Dornberger and Eugen Sänger to be brought over to the USSA under Project Paperclip. 

General Dornberger was brought over and worked for Bell Aircraft, in upstate New York, where he advanced the space plane concept under the guise of the USSA's Air Force’s Dyna-Soar project. Initially, Bell’s design for the Dyna-Soar was the leading concept, but then the Air Force decided to award the project to Boeing instead.  (The best history that I have seen of this project, and its Nazi antecedents, is the conference article by William C. Walter, Project Dyna-Soar: The Roots of Shuttle - A Memoir, IAA-92-0193, 43rd Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, August 28-September 5, 1992, Washington, DC (International Astronautical Federation, 3-5 Rue Mario-Nikis, 75015 Paris, France).

In plain English, NASA's space shuttle was not home-grown American technology. It actually was an outgrowth of  a concept based on Nazi research and plans dating back to the era of the Third Reich, in the 1930s and 1940s, albeit that it took the USSA a few decades after WW-II to build and fly a spacecraft that resembled the original Nazi concept. The original intent was to orbit the Dyna-Soar. Publicly, that program was shut down; however, with a delay of over a decade the Space Shuttle, a larger, boost-glide, space plane was launched and did orbit hundreds of astronauts.

Interestingly, Neil Armstrong, the celebrated first man to walk on the moon in NASA’s Apollo space program, was one of the Dyna-Soar space plane astronauts before he left Dyna-Soar to train with NASA. Eventually, after spending a lot of money and time, and training a Dyna-Soar astronaut corps, the Air Force publicly announced that it was shutting down the program, allegedly without ever putting any Dyna-Soar astronauts into space.

The Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL)

The USSA Air Force also planned to establish a Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL), and in the period 1965-1967 selected yet another corps of military astronauts. The Air Force’s MOL astronaut corps operated in parallel to the NASA manned space program’s astronaut corps. But then, as with the earlier Dyna-Soar program, the Air Force announced that it was shutting down the MOL program. 

Project Horizon

And then there were the USSA Army's plans for a major program to establish a manned outpost on the Moon. It was called Project Horizon  and projected scores of Saturn rocket launches of men and materiel into space, to construct a manned lunar base by 1966. Officially, nothing like this came to concrete realization, and the first Apollo astronauts did not set foot on the lunar surface until 1969, three years after the projected date of completion of the USSA Army's planned, manned lunar base.

The public record therefore shows that the USSA military planned at least three manned space programs in the 1950s and 1960s (Dyna-Soar, the MOL and Project Horizon) that were distinctly separate from the NASA Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs. The Air Force trained its own military astronauts for the Dyna-Soar and MOL programs, before very publicly shutting them down for ostensible lack of funding and political support. 

The USSA Military's Parallel Secret Space Shuttle Program

But was the story presented to the public really the whole story? The question has to be asked, because in August of 1989 the U.S. Air Force announced for yet a third time that it was shutting down another, this time secret, manned space program that it again intended to run parallel to that of NASA’s manned space program. In this case the Pentagon had spent $3.3 billion dollars to build its own space shuttle launch facility at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, a launch control facility in Colorado, and had a secret cadre of 32 military astronauts.

Mind you, none of this was public knowledge until the 1989 announcement by the Air Force that it had disbanded its secret, previously unknown, astronaut corps, that it was “mothballing” its space shuttle launch facility at Vandenberg AFB, and that it was abandoning its space shuttle program. There were therefore three publicly acknowledged efforts by the U.S. military over a 30 year period to establish its own manned space programs. In each case, the programs were publicly shut down, but only after first going to elaborate and costly lengths of training astronauts, developing technology and spending multiple billions of dollars. This represents quite a lot of repeated effort over a period of decades to obtain a null result.

Unless of course, this repeated exercise over a 30 year period was but a costly charade carefully calculated to deflect scrutiny from other military programs that actually have secretly put men into space.

I have often wondered whether something like the USSA Army's Project Horizon (see above) may even now be in secret operation, with manned outposts on the Moon, and perhaps elsewhere in the solar system, and even farther afield in the galaxy.

Curious Case of Gary McKinnon

Which brings me directly to the curious case of Gary McKinnon, the British computer hacker who was hauled up on serious criminal charges by the U.S. government for hacking into U.S. government and military computer networks. As of early 2010 McKinnon was facing 70 years in prison for hacking into U.S. Space Command computers, where he alleges to have seen computer files with lists of Non-Terrestrial Officers’ names, and records of fleet to fleet transfers containing names of ships that he says were not U.S. Navy ships. What he saw caused him to believe that the U.S. military has a secret space fleet and that the ships’ names that he viewed belong to that secret space fleet. 

Be that as it may, whatever it was that he saw caused the U.S. Government to go to unusual lengths to try to extradite Gary McKinnon to the USA and criminally prosecute and imprison him for the rest of his natural life. Judging by the extreme reaction of the U.S. Government to what would seem to be an otherwise comparatively minor hacking incident, maybe it really does have a secret space fleet. Maybe that’s why it went after Gary McKinnon so aggressively. Maybe the repeated, publicly “failed” or abandoned attempts by the U.S. Air Force to establish a separate, military, manned space program were just covers for another, more secretive manned space program that had quietly flown beneath the radar of public awareness until a bumbling British hacker stumbled across it.

Area 51

In that vein, much speculation has focused on the famous Area 51 in Nevada, and the Lockheed Corporation’s famous “Skunk Words” in California, as sites where secret spacecraft may have been developed and built. After all, it was Lockheed’s “Skunk Works” where super-secret aircraft such as the U-2, SR-71 Blackbird and F-117 stealth fighter were designed and built. And Area 51 is widely assumed to be a place where reverse engineering of recovered extraterrestrial technology takes place. 

One of the most interesting anecdotal accounts of the extraterrestrial technology held at Area 51 that I have seen appeared in a 2002 Robert Stanley interview with David Adair in NEXUS Magazine. (Robert M. Stanley, “Electromagnetic Fusion and ET Space Technology,” NEXUS New Times Magazine USA/Canadian Edition, vol. 9, no. 5 (September-October 2002): 53-57, 74-75.) Briefly, Adair says that in 1971 he was taken underground at Area 51 to a mammoth, underground, work space where he saw many exotic craft, including a large, bus-sized, fusion engine that was so exotic and sophisticated that it was clear to him that it was of extraterrestrial manufacture and could not have been made on Earth. The plain implication is that the military-industrial complex of the USA has extraterrestrial space engines.

We Now Have The Technology To Take E.T. Home

But it was the dramatic comments in 1993 of Ben Rich, director of the Lockheed Skunk Works from 1975 to 1990, that conclusively revealed that great technological advances have been made in the black world of compartmentalized programs. In March of 1993 Rich presented a talk to an engineering alumni meeting at the University of California- Los Angeles (UCLA). Jan Harzen, a Boeing executive and Director of the Mutual UFO Network’s Orange County section, was present in the audience that day. Harzan witnessed Rich show a slide of a black flying disk headed into outer space and tell the audience of engineers, “We now have the technology to take E.T. home.” 

Ben Rich went on to say that by making changes in unspecified mathematical equations there had been an engineering breakthrough and that it did not take long to travel to other stars. In recent years, a letter written by Rich in 1986 has also come to light in which he wrote: “Many of our manmade UFOs are Un Funded Opportunities.” This comment by Ben Rich clearly refers to black budget, off the books projects and technology. The clear reference to “manmade UFOs” is unambiguous and carries extra weight coming from Rich, who was an insider’s insider in the American military-industrial complex, particularly in the secretive world of high-tech, cutting edge, aerospace technology.

Information From My Own Sources And Research

I must say that none of this surprises me in the least. My personal view is that manned space flight in the modern era likely began in the early 1950s, a full decade before the Russians and Americans began publicly catapulting astronauts and cosmonauts into space in hypersonic tomato cans called "space capsules."

My belief is that from the time of the Third Reich on (or even before) electrogravitics, antigravity and other modes of propulsion were being explored.  I have explained my thinking and observations at length in previous blog posts, among others:  Nazi Vril Kaleidoscopic Merry-Go-RoundUnthinkable Torsion Secrets Of Our Most Recondite Delusion and  Vorticular Madness Of The Dark Magicians . The work of T. Townsend Brown, Charles Dellschau, the Nazi scientists and engineers, and a host of others, as well as the technology recovered from the Roswell  UFO crash in 1947 and other UFO crashes, absolutely did not escape the notice of the planners behind Project Paperclip, the Manhattan Project,  MJ-12, the Jason Group, Project Rand and other organizations and research groups dealing with exotic and cutting edge technology. In fact, the modern space effort appears to have begun in earnest many decades ago.

In my book, Kundalini Tales, I very briefly refer to a clear telepathic communication  that I received from Robert Monroe, the well-known out-of-body explorer and author who founded The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia. For whatever reason, I had a fair amount of telepathic contact with Robert Monroe over the years. Of course, he is not presently physically alive. In about 1981, he telepathically communicated to me that the first men went into space in 1951 (not 1961) and that the first space missions revealed that there were certain esoteric aspects to space travel, things that NASA, for instance, has never publicly revealed. Essentially, there is a deeply magical or mystical aspect of space travel -- it's not all nuts and bolts, hard engineering. There are certain key times and places, and specific manners in which you can send men to space. If the proper protocols are not observed the missions do not succeed. That was the gist of what he communicated to me.

More than that, other information I have received has suggested that the huge black triangles that so many people have seen, in different regions of the world, are a compartmentalized, Black Project of major aerospace companies that uses plasma technology as a propulsive force. The observed performance of the craft is consistent with some sort of alectrogravitic or antigravity technology. The same is probably true for the Nazi Vril-style flying saucers that have been repeatedly seen over the years.

I would also observe that when I was researching my first book on underground bases and tunnels, I ran across a technical document that mentioned a planned, nuclear powered, tunnel boring machine called a Subselene, designed to  excavate tunnels beneath the Moon's surface. I briefly mention the Subselene toward the end of the book. The document even estimated the cost of transporting the machine to the Moon, without, however, specifying exactly how that would be done. At the time, I wondered to myself if that could perhaps be done with a big, heavy lift, black triangle.

Twenty years later,  I am still wondering about that.

Bottom Line

The bottom line is that the available evidence indicates the likely existence of at least one classified, military space program using chemical rocket technology, and operating clandestinely, in parallel to the NASA manned space program. Additionally, the comments of Ben Rich and the remarks of David Adair indicate the probable existence of at least one other highly secret space program, using unconventional space technology, also operating in parallel to the NASA manned space program. The aggressive pursuit of criminal charges by the American government against the British hacker, Gary McKinnon, who alleges to have seen evidence of a secret U.S. military space fleet also points to a secret American space program.

The black budget is massive, running into the hundreds of billions, even trillions of dollars. The evidence strongly indicates that a lot of that money has gone into secretive activities in space about which we have never been informed. At places like Area 51, Vandenberg Air Force Base, White Sands Missile Range, Edwards Air Force Base, Cape Canaveral and elsewhere there are profound secrets about space and space travel that have been held back from the American people.

The general public have been massively lied to. The time has come that we learned the truth about what happens in those places, the many discoveries and breakthroughs that have been made, and the technology that is in use.

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