
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The PNAC, 9-11, "shadow government" and FEMA: Connecting the dots and the big picture

11 сентября 9/11 атака взрыв

The recent resurgence of information on the existence of FEMA internment camps, revelations of total surveillance by Edward Snowden, and several instruments of total power passed into law by US President Obama, have forced many denizens of the internet and seekers of truth, to take yet another look at what the world is becoming. Although there is still time to fight it appears that there is little we can do to stop the United States and its attempts to turn the world into a complete and total Orwellian security state. For Americans the time to rise up may have passed as plans for a mass uprising are already in place and include prisons that will be able to house millions.

Post 9-11 takeover by the “shadow government”
Recently the existence of FEMA internment camps, or as some are calling them “concentration camps”, once again as has been the case periodically since 9-11 and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, has become the focus of some of the world’s alternative media.
Usually such reports are dismissed and marginalized by the US Government subservient “mainstream” media, and only alternative media or “conspiracy theorists” such as Alex Jones or Jesse Ventura, are the only ones who have the courage to report on the subject.
Since 9-11, when the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City were intentionally imploded in a controlled demolition providing the, for lack of better term, “shadow government”, with the catalyst they needed to start a global war of domination and strip away the rights of Americans, the existence of FEMA “Camps”, plans for the implementation of martial law, and thousands of Draconian and Machiavellian moves by the US Federal Government to strip away the rights and freedoms of Americans all on the basis of security, have been the subject of much debate but even the exposure of massive illegality and the waging of wars of aggression have not brought caused a single individual to account for such egresses.
Silencing those who question 9-11
The shadow government has done everything they can to punish and silence anyone who has questioned the events of 9-11. This first started with the silencing and marginalizing of the entire 9-11 truth movement. A movement based and founded on the simple observation that even a three year old child could have made, namely that if you hit something on the side, it falls over following the same path of force that the impacting object was following, and it does not implode into its own footprint.
Immediately after the events of 9-11 questions began to be raised and everyone from FBI agents to structural engineers got involved voicing very credible, plausible and even concrete scientifically based evidence questioning the official version, sadly everyone was eventually silenced, marginalized and even killed.
One of the most reputable voices who stated that 9-11 was an inside job was a man who died last year, Ted Gunderson, a 30 year veteran of the FBI who was the Los Angeles Bureau Chief and had approximately 800 FBI Agents working under his command. He was also most famous for handling the case of the John F. Kennedy assassination and the death of Marilyn Monroe.
Before his death Mr. Gunderson openly questioned 9-11, gave talks on the issue and also started to investigate the existence of FEMA camps. This was one of the most troubling issues that he fought to get to the truth of until his death and one that has to this day not been properly addressed by the authorities or anyone in power.
Although the 9-11 Commission was the last instrument to silence the populace and their questions on 9-11 there has been no official response to questions about FEMA camps.
The entire post 9-11 paradigm
To understand the entire current post 9-11 world very uncomfortable questions need to be asked and the evidence has shown that it all goes back to Nazi gold, Preston Bush, and 40,000 Nazis who found refuge in the United States after WWII.
Ronald Reagan, his Star wars, Aids and the “cleansing” of America of blacks and homosexuals were just some of the steps of the plan.
Then came along Clinton and he began downsizing the military and closing military bases. After all the Cold War was over and there was no need for such a global military structure. This angered the military industrial complex and along came Monica Lewinsky from the Pentagon to help get rid of Clinton. Clinton fought back and was convinced to allow the military industrial complex and the “shadow government” to invade Yugoslavia as a test to the concept of aggressive war disguised as humanitarian intervention.
The plan worked and to this day no one has had to answer for the aggressive invasion and the breaking up of Yugoslavia nor for the slaughter and genocide of the Serbs.
Post Clinton expansion, the PNAC and Bush
The “shadow government” and the military industrial complex had tasted the “success” of the Yugoslavia operation and were hungry for more so a plan was devised by the Project for the New American Century which would allow for all of their goals to be fulfilled, global expansion, aggressive wars and the subjugation of the American people, something that would require the American Constitution to be, for lack of a better expression, flushed down the toilet.
Their plan required a mass casualty event to serve as a catalyst and to force the US populace into accepting the stripping of their liberties and thus 9-11 was carried out. 9-11 was the catalyst, everything that has happened since has been a part of their plan.
Obama and the continuation of the plan
Towards the end of the second Bush regime the dissent of the American populace was growing, in particular the Liberal and minority populations so the planners had to think of a way to silence the left and those who were questioning their activities. The planners decided that installing a black president who promised change would be the best way to deal with dissent and for the most part it has completely silenced the left and everyone who would otherwise protest, refusing to believe that a black president could be a party to anything nefarious. However this is about installing a “Big Brother” and Obama fits the bill. It is not important that his skin is dark, this is about absolute power and control of the masses, race has no real role, except when it comes to the end game.
FEMA, the Board of Governors and dealing with American dissent
All of the matters listed above have been well-documented and would each require volumes to cover properly, however one area that has been under reported and under investigated is FEMA.
FEMA stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and they are one of the bodies that will control the entire United States after the implementation of martial law if such an event is allowed to take place. They will be under the head of the Department of Homeland Security, the newly created Board of Governors and the President of the United States who will become a new imperial power.
The Board of Governors was created under Obama and consists of 10 governors who will rule and take power away from the governors of the states which find themselves in the 10 regions which the United States has already been divided into.
With the implementation of martial law the US military, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the President will control the entire United States and anyone who dissents will be dealt with according to the level of threat that they are determined to pose.
Instruments of control
According to hundreds of reports FEMA has already built from 600 to 800 internment camps in the United States. Many of them have been documented, recorded and filmed, however there has been no admission by the government, nor explanation as to their purpose.
Even when confronted openly, even at the very facilities in question, the response has always been denial. Many of the internment facilities are supposedly already in use and are housing entire families and children, these have been filmed. Yet despite obvious evidence that they are essentially high-security prisons the authorities claim they are family care centers and the like.
Information available from open sources and a large part of the independent investigations by Ten Gunderson have allowed for some insight into the FEMA camps, the fact that they exist and the way they will be used.
It is reported that all of the camps share several chilling characteristics including access to railway infrastructure, high multiple fences with barbed wire pointing inward, huge territories, airplane and/or helicopter access, and the ability to house huge numbers of people including children. One center which is in use was filmed for a conspiracy theory program by Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones and has since been banned but has found a following on the net.
According to conflicting reports there are centers that can house as many as 5 million people. According to Mr. Gunderson evidence one center exists on an island off Alaska that is said to be capable of housing up to five million people and would be impossible to escape from.
Some evidence, which cannot be proven, but is available on the internet points to the installation of gas chambers, the stockpiling of massive numbers of coffins and even a color coding system which calls for those deemed “red” to be killed immediately, those marked “blue” to be reprogrammed, and the least threatening “yellow” to be exterminated or set free as they are useless and there are too many of them.
Legal framework
A bill called HR 645 has set up the legal framework for these camps to be built in the United States and the way in which they may be used is chilling. In the event of martial law entire segments of the population may be interred in the camps.
One reason for the internment may be mass opposition to a US military invasion, for example if the US decides to invade Central America. Another may be a mass-uprising by the black population, or the perceived threat of a possible uprising. In such an event African Americans may be interred.
These are just some of the plans in place and approved by Obama and the current US Government and laid out in HR 645.What is chilling is that all of these plans and instruments are in place and no one has been able to do anything about it.
Other instruments of control
Almost all of the instruments of totalitarian total control are already in place in the United and many have been finalized only recently. For example the right to broadcast state created propaganda to the internal US population, something I wrote about recently. This will allow for an Orwellian Ministry of Truth to be created in the United States.
Edward Snowden has revealed the total surveillance infrastructure already in place and being used under secret directives and in the name of security.
Uncontrolled fusion centers with no accountability have popped up all over America to serve as command and control centers in the event of martial law and to assist in identifying enemies of the state.
Billions of bullets have been ordered by the US Government in preparation for massive unrest and the killing of American citizens, according to reports on the web.
False flag terrorist attacks and the perpetuation of the terrorist threat as a pretext for taking away liberties and freedoms and rights.
The war on journalists and whistle-blowers and the clamp down and monitoring of the press have allowed them to control and deal with anyone who might have access to the truth or who is able to connect the dots.
Drones and other new technologies have allowed for the monitoring, remote assassination and spying on anyone anywhere in the world.
Extra judicial executions, indefinite detention, the cancellation of Habeas Corpus rights and secret off shore prisons have all been in place for years and are to be expanded on as no one has been able to stop these practices.
Total and complete surveillance, facial recognition, advanced profiling, and the ability to accurately predict the movements of the populace allow for the complete control of anyone they choose as a target.
Those with the proof silenced
If you have followed the cases of Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden and have taken an interest in the number of people with inside knowledge that died mysterious deaths after 9-11, you might come to the conclusion, as I have that Manning, Assange and Snowden have facts that they have not released to the public and that point to collusion by the shadow government into the events of 9-11.
Whether they know it or not, and it is quite possible the three of them are not aware, they most definitely hold key pieces of the puzzle that would unravel the “shadow government” and cause the collapse of the US system as we know it. I would offer that this is the true reason for the way the US Government has gone after these three individuals they way they have. It is not merely some obsession of Obama’s.
Assange may know this and it may be contained in his famous insurance file, which is why he is still alive. Snowden may know these things which is why the US Government has gone so far and begged Russia not to give him a “platform”. Unfortunately we do not know and can only guess but if it is and they have been silent then we can only postulate that the information they have may cause revolution and resulting mass casualties and a complete end to the United States and the so called New World Order.
What can we do?
The only thing that can be done is to remove those who have taken over power and to roll back everything that they have done to usurp the US Constitution and international law. Will or can anyone do this? It is unlikely but we have to keep exposing and questioning and demanding accountability.
The key lies with the American populace, if they rise up and refuse to allow this to continue it can be stopped. But there is no will among the general population to do so. Everyone has been cowed into submission and inactivity by the endless mind controlling flow of propaganda being fed to them by those in power.
I oversimplify here but those are the conclusions I have reached after conducting hundreds of interviews and investigating these matters for over 15 years. There is no real terrorist involved in the “War on Terror” and it is not a war “against” terror or terrorism, it is a war “using terror as a pretext” and the target of that war is you, free thinking and independent citizen of the world.
I invite any official with solid and credible information regarding the hundreds of FEMA camps in the United States, who can show that they are really being built in case of a natural disaster, or who can prove that they do not even exist to contact me and tell their side of the story.

The views and opinions expressed here are my own. I can be droned at

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