
Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Muslim Brotherhood Has Taken Over the White House

Posted by George Freund on December 10, 2015    ~  hehe & ya "wonder" Y they's in a hurry 2 take away yer BOOM~STICK ...America ???     hehe  u's fucked in the head's dummycocks      & Oops let NOT fer~geet u's kooky republipubes ...either !  yer just gonna piss this ONCE GREAT   Cunt~reey away ...just like that      LOL ... don't worry u's will blame the  tea's ,indy's that VAST right wing "C" fuck you'll's even blame big~feet, ghost's ,the boogeyman ,fuck, even the man on the moon,vamp's,zomb's,were's  E.fucking ass probing T's ..fuck me !  even pred's ! ( mud,Mud ,MUD !!)  ,the "lone gunmen" over there on the yonder "grassy neel" jews,christ~yen's & on &on &ON blah ,blah fucking blah fuck even the "ghost" in the machine or is that christ~ mas~past ?  banker's ,basterd's  hell even musT~urd's ,yeti's bet ?      ALL   u's regis~terd's    "voter's"    ya know the less of 2 evil's        "crowd ???     who ONLY in  ameri~kee edu~ani't ~ed  sus~dumm ... hasn't ...can't fig~errrrrr'd    out that evil + evil   =    fucking EVIL ... dip shit ?  ...Frank :o ...Waiter: Telephone call, commissioner.
Commissioner Anabell Brumford: Thank you.
[picks up phone]
Commissioner Anabell Brumford: Hello?... He did what?... How many animals escaped?... Oh, my God...
Lt. Frank Drebin: Good evening, commissioner. You're looking lovely tonight.
Commissioner Anabell Brumford: Do you realize that because of you this city is being overrun by baboons?
Lt. Frank Drebin: Well, isn't that the fault of the voters?
[Frank walks away, leaving Commissioner Brumford with an astonished face]

07 Dec, 2015 by Dave Hodges

It is one thing for people of Islamic faith to serve the American government out of a sense of duty, honor and patriotism. It is quite another for people of any faith with ties to known terrorist organizations to be allowed to serve in highly secure and sensitive positions involving people with clear ties to a major terrorist organization. In this context, I am speaking about people holding key positions, many of them inside of the Department of Homeland Security, who are tied to the extremist terrorist group known as the Muslim Brotherhood. And when the Commander-In-Chief is one of these individuals, America has a duty to speak out and take steps to force the government to remove these individuals, with very questionable loyalties, from office.

A New Strategy to Get the Guns Out of American Hands

In a speech delivered to the nation, from the Oval Office, on December 6, 2015, President Obama called for denying guns to those on the “No-Fly-List”, as if this was going to put a dent into any terrorist from obtaining guns. Such a law would not have prevented the San Bernardino terrorist from obtaining guns. Seventy-two members of DHS are on the N0-Fly-List. People end up on the No-Fly-List because they are political enemies. Are you confused? So am I.

The Obama Administration Has Been Aiding and Abetting Terrorism for a Long Time

In May of 2015, former Army Special Forces Officer, Scott Bennett, revealed that he had irrefutable proof that the Obama administration had been funding ISIS through Swiss bank accounts and were also supplying weapons to the CIA supported group. How could the American people support Obama’s terrorist policies, especially with regard to ISIS, in light of these revelations? After one reads the remainder of this article, one should consider any terrorist attack upon America by ISIS as also an attack coming from the White House.

The Obama Administration Is Dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Organization

This is not about being a Muslim. This is about senior White House officials having strong ties to a terrorist organization, who in turn, have ties to ISIS.

The above key officials are terrorists wtih known terrorist associations. This is a violation of their oath offfice. This is treason. And since Obama and his senior officials are complicit in these and a multitude of similar appointments, this is treason of the highest order since we have already declared the Muslim Brotherhood to be a terrorist organization.

The CIA Director Converted to Islam

John Guandolo, a retired FBI agent, stated that CIA Director, John Brennan, is a converted Muslim. While serving as the Station Chief for the CIA in Saudi Arabia, he visited the Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina while accompanied by Saudi officials who convinced to him to convert.Brennan has strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama’s Senior Advisor Is a Communist and a Muslim with Ties to Terrorists

Please note the above quote accompanying the picture of Senior White House Advisor, Valerie Jarrett. This is who is running the White House.

The father-in-law of President Obama’s trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government.

Valerie Jarrett’s father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, was labeled as a Chicago Communist, according to separate FBI files. If you made this into a movie, nobody would believe it!

The Deputy Chief of Staff to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin

The embarrassed and disgraced wife of deposed Congressman, Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, has undeniable family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. In an interview with FrontPageMag, anti-Islamist activist and author Walid Shoebat explained that Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, is and was deeply involved with the Muslim Brotherhood and that Huma’s brother, Hassan, is on the board of the Oxford Centre For Islamic Studies (OCIS) where he is a fellow and partners with other board members including “Al-Qaeda associate, Omar Naseef and the notorious Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Youssef Qaradawi; both have been listed as OCIS Trustees.” Has the FBI stopped vetting Federal governmental employees in highly sensitive positions?

Department of Homeland Security Deputy Mayor, Arif Alikhan

In the publication, Discover the Networks, the editors discuss the background as it relates to highly sensitive federal agency employment (e.g. DHS) and the Muslim terrorist affiliations ofArif Alikhan. Alikhan’s resume is very impressive.

“Former deputy mayor of Homeland Security and Public Safety for the City of Los Angeles

Was responsible for derailing the LAPD’s plan to monitor activities within the Los Angeles Muslim community

Was appointed as assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Development in Barack Obama’s Department of Homeland Security in 2009

Became a Professor of Homeland Security and Counterterrorism in 2010.”

Now serving as a distinguished, visiting professor at the National Defense University.

Alikhan was responsible for derailing the LAPD‘s efforts to monitor radical and potential terrorist activities within the city’s Muslim community, where numerous radical mosques were known to have provided aid and comfort to the 9/11 hijackers.

Alikhan, an openly devout Sunni Muslim, has openly participated in a Muslim Public Affairs Council fundraiser titled “Be the Change,” in order to support that organization’s leadership-development programs which openly advocates for the Sharia Law takeover of the United States. The open support for this Sharia Law intention to overthrow the U.S. government, on the part of an American citizen, is illegal. When such an advocate is a Federal employee in a sensitive position this person should be disqualified one from holding sensitive positions within the government.

Mohammed Elibiary, Advisor to DHS Security

Mohamed Elibiary is an advisor to the Department of Homeland Security. Out of this list he probably is the most controversial. According to a November 9, 2011 CBN News article, Elibiary spoke at a Texas conference in 2004 and honored Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini as a “great Islamic visionary.” Do any of you remember the Jimmy Carter era of the Iranian Hostage Crisis, then you would understand treason which underlies Elibiary’s assertions.

Elibiary is a member of the Department of Homeland Security’s Advisory Council. He w, as granted access to a nationwide database that contained terror watch lists and sensitive FBI reports, which he was accused of leaking portions of the documents to the media in order to spread charges of “Islamophobia” within Governor Rick Perry’s Texas government.

Obama Administration Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel

If you were on the FBI team vetting Presidential appointees, would you grant your seal of approval to the grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder, Siraj Wahhaj, who was named as a co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and who has defended the convicted WTC bombers? Well, somebody thought Eboo Patel, the man in question would make a splendid member of Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.

Additionally, Patel, himself, spoke at a Muslim Students Association and ISNA Convention, while appearing on a panel, and also being partnered with Tariq Ramadan. Ramadan is the grandson of Siraj Wahhaj, who was named as a possible co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and has defended the convicted WTC bombers. Wahhaj allegedly advocates for the Islamic takeover of America under the banner of Sharia Law.

Patel also has strong ties with former leaders of the terrorist organization, The Weathermen Underground, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Dohrn, the wife of Ayers, was convicted for her role in what resulted in the death of two law enforcement officers in an attempt to rob an armored car while a member of the Weathermen. According to the late FBI informant, Larry Grathwohl, Ayers and Dorne launched the political career of President Obama from their home in Chicago. Bill Ayers, an undeniable terrorist, an associate of Patel, still visits the White House.

Amazingly, Bill Ayers and wife, Bernadine Dohrn, called for putting 50 million Americans into FEMA camps and “eliminating” over half of them. This is who backed this President’s rise to power and the couple is linked to radicalized, Muslim Brotherhood terrorists serving within the Obama administration.

Just How Bad Is the Muslim Brotherhood?

In 2006, Rajab Hilal Hamida, a Muslim Brotherhood member serving in the Egyptian parliament, said:

“From my point of view, bin Ladin, al-Zawahiri and [the late radical Islamist] al-Zarqawi are not terrorists in the sense accepted by some. I support all their activities, since they are a thorn in the side of the Americans and the Zionists.”

“In May 1991, The Muslim Brotherhood produced an “Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America.” This document was written by Mohamed Akram Adlouni, a member not only of MB’s governing Shura Council, but also of its Planning Committee, its “Special Committee,” its Curriculum Committee, its Palestine Committee (which provided “media, money and men” to Hamas), and its QZT Committee (a high-level entity identified only by its initials).

Asserting that the Brotherhood’s mission was to establish “an effective and … stable Islamic Movement” (EDITOR’S NOTE: THIS WOULD BE THE MODERN DAY ISIS) on the continent, this document outlined a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” for achieving that objective. It stated that Muslims “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.” Through stealth jihad, the Brotherhood would seek to impose Islamic values and customs on the West in piecemeal fashion — gradually, incrementally gaining ever-greater influence over the culture. The memorandum listed some 29 like-minded “organizations of our friends” which sought to realize the same goal”.

There is more to this travesty as it has been revealed that “At a 1995 conference (hosted by the Muslim Arab Youth Association) in Toledo, Ohio, MB spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi vowed that Islam would “conquer Europe [and] America — not through sword but through Da’wa [proselytizing].” He also urged Muslims to “continue to fight the Jews” and “kill them.”

“In January 2010, Muhammad Badi [a.k.a. Muhammad Badie] was named as (the) Muslim Brotherhood’s new Supreme Guide. Badi has described the U.S. as an infidel nation that “does not champion moral and human values and cannot lead humanity.” He has characterized America and Israel as “the Muslim’s real enemies,” asserting that “[w]aging jihad against both of these infidels is a commandment of Allah that cannot be disregarded.” And he maintains that the “change that the [Muslim] nation seeks can only be attained through jihad and sacrifice and by raising a jihadi generation that pursues death just as the enemies pursue life.”

Please permit me the opportunity to state the obvious: A senior Obama appointee, Lois Lerner the IRS Director, has been implicated in providing material support to a known and major MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD terrorist figure, Malik Obama. Malik Obama, the President’s half brother, has been granted undeniable special privilege under U.S. law and in granting that privilege, Lerner even used an alias and a private email server, initially, to complete the act. In other words, she knew what she was doing was treason and she was attempting to cover it up. Again, the plot worsens.

Malick Obama, the Head of the Muslim Brotherhood Finance and Arms Procurement

Out of this list he probably is the most controversial.

Malick Obama is the half brother of the President. Malick is a terrorist and is in charge of finances and arms procurement for the Muslim Brotherhood. During his tenure in office, President Obama has been strangely silent on the terrorist membership of his half brother.

The oversight of the Muslim Brotherhood’s international investments is one reason for the Obama administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to an Egyptian report citing the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, Tehani al-Gebali. We know now from investigative facts supplied by researcher Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian Liberation Organization operative, in which it was established that Shoebat and al-Gebali were led “to inform the American people that their President’s brother. Malik Obama is one of the architects of the Muslim Brotherhood.” And the Muslim Brotherhood is a strong supporter of ISIS.

Shoebat reported in May of 2014 that Malik Obama is the executive secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization, or IDO, a group created by the Sudanese government, which is labeled as a terrorist state by the U.S. State Department.

The establishment of President Obama’s half brother as someone who has distinct terrorist ties was established in the Arab Spring back in 2011. The notion went unchallenged but largely unreported in the MSM.


Some conclusions write themselves. We have been invaded and occupied. Christianity is on its way out and it is being replaced by radical Islam. Our learders are embracing it and I believe that soon you will be forced to to do the same under Sharia Law.

In the next part in this series, there will be direct evidence offered that ISIS has been committing outrageous acts of terror that have been coveniently covered by this administration and the MSM.


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