
Thursday, December 17, 2015

MORE FACTORY EXPLOSIONS IN RUSSIA AND CHINA                                                          ~ hehe just how long do ya think's "this" "covert" war is gonna stay ...'hidden'  oops

In case you think I've forgotten about other stories we've been watching here, such as the mysterious deaths of practitioners of "holistic" or "alternative" medicine, the equally bizarre deaths of members of the banking business, or for that matter, factories in countries opposed to US policy that seem to have a curious habit of blowing up, I haven't. There have been two more such explosions in Russia and China, and they were within a day of each other, as these two articles from RT, which many of you shared, indicate:
Huge fire erupts at Moscow factory
Now, as the first article indicates, this is not the first time there has been an explosion at a Chinese chemical plant in the city of Jilin, where the most recent Chinese explosion occurred. This, of course, would argue against any "high octane scenarios" as might be advanced or suggested. However, a day later, in Russia, a fire erupts:
A huge blaze has erupted in a five-storied building on the grounds of a machinery plant in northwest Moscow, producing flames rising into sky.
The fire engulfed the area of some 15,000 square meters, the Russian Emergencies Ministry said, adding that the fire was fully extinguished shortly after 1:00 a.m. on Friday morning.
Sounds of explosions could be heard in one of the buildings engulfed in flames, Russia24 TV channel reports. An explosion of a gasoline tank on the ground floor of one of the buildings could be the cause of the blaze, Russian media reported.
Explosion of a gasoline tank in a Russian machinery plant? I don't know about you, but the last time I looked, gasoline tanks don't just spontaneously explode, unless there's...well, let's use lamestream media-speak here... unless there's some inducement for them to do so, like lighting a fire underneath them, electrical shorts, and so on. My suspicion meter is therefore in the red zone, and when it's in the red zone, my high octane speculation mode turns on, and I have to wonder about the seeming pattern in these events. At the head of the list is the fact that these two incidents occurred within a day of each other, in two countries, both world powers, that have been a consistent thorn in Washington's side the past few years, and increasingly so in the past few weeks. How does one send messages that "we mean business" without publicly stating such and having to send in the troops to convince said nations that "we mean business"? One sends in the covert ops people, to blow up a factory or two. So much the better that one of them is in one of those nation's capitals.
Of course, there's no evidence of any of this wild high octane speculation, and neither government is giving any indication that they suspect foul play, and given the atmosphere of geopolitical tension these days, that's a significant and deafening silence.
Nevertheless, in China's case, the number of these explosions in the past year is suspicious, and there's yet another pattern to consider...
... have you noticed that the pattern seems to be that these explosions are occurring at night, presumably when they are either not in production, or in scaled down production with a smaller staff, or perhaps with just a security detail on the campus? Lives are not lost from any production crew, though there were lives lost in the explosion at the factory in Tianjin, China, earlier this year. So, seriously, all these explosions at night? "When nobody is looking," so to speak? And interestingly enough, these two explosions occur within a wider geopolitical context of increased tensions between Washington on the one hand, and Beijing and Moscow on the other. And let's not forget the mysterious internet cable cuttings incidents in and around San Francisco either... viewed in this wider context, these events begin to take on that distinctive sense of "something is not quite right here.
Sorry folks, I've tried to argue myself out of my suspicions and back into a "this is all just coincidence mode", and it may very will be. But my suspicions remain.

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