
Wednesday, November 18, 2015




Last Friday night, much to the confusion of my listeners, I opted to do a show on space junk, UFO’s and fireballs. I was well aware of the tragedy in France; it had happened after we had already planned a show for the night and I could not in good conscience report on things I didn’t know, especially since it was obvious that the mainstream media did not know what was happening either.
I listened to other shows to see how they were handling the event, and of course most of what was said was all emotional knee jerk opinions and interviews with self-professed terror experts, saying things that could have been said from 2001-2003.
Traditional journalists have the philosophy that we may not always report something first, but if we don’t, it is because we want to report something that is the best.
When you decide that you want to become a national talk show host, It always remains a constant that when things get bad and you decide to figure things out and report your honest interpretation of why tragic things happen, you are not going to make too many friends.
You have to make an agreement with yourself that you will never going to satisfy everyone with what you are going to say, especially when you are pigeonholed as a conspiracy theorist. However, whatever people perceive me as, I have cut my teeth for years as an investigative journalist.
My time as a mainstream journalist ended long ago when there stopped being a place for journalists who wanted to expose criminal corruption in local and national government.
We illustrated this point when we spoke of Danny Casolaro, whose investigation into the Octopus revealed tentacles of a shadow government that is connected to a world synarchy. The tentacles of terror can be found in the fine print of the deals and negotiations made with bankers to finance terrorist organizations like ISIS, who are being used as a cudgel to terrify Americans out of being isolationists and giving the war effort in Syria a major boost. It is the very knife that will pierce the heart of liberal and moderate Europe and make way for neo-fascist control.
Politics and media bias dole out what people want to hear in order to prop up their prejudices and their need for some sort of justice for something they can’t define. Most won’t appreciate it when you attempt to even explain how the mainstream narrative tries to make everything so simple, so homogenized and so wrong.
It is the corporate media strategy to report what they are told. They feel no need to investigate, or to uncover certain withheld aspects of the case that the public has a right to know. It is up to independent journalists to do this job. It is up to us to inform and report what balls have been dropped in this game of information gathering.
Tonight I hope you do not think that I will make up some conspiracy theory about what happened in France. That would do nobody any good. But what I will do is state what the mainstream refuses to do, and as I have said it may not be comfortable to hear.
After my show on Friday night I came home and took out a copy of 1984. As I thumbed through the pages, I remembered a quote from Orwell that I posted on my facebook site. The quote is as follows:
“In philosophy, or religion, or ethics, or politics, two and two might make five, but when one was designing a gun or airplane they had to make four. Inefficient nations were always conquered sooner or later, and the struggle for efficiency was inimical to illusions. Moreover, to be efficient it was necessary to be able to learn from the past, which meant having a fairly accurate idea of what had happened in the past. Newspapers and history books were, of course, always colored and biased, but falsification of the kind that is practiced today would have been impossible.”
I posted the quote because I hoped that readers would be touched by it and understand what is truly happening with the terrorist attacks in France.
In order to efficiently tell you what is happening in France, it is necessary to learn from the past and to declare to the world that the mainstream media and so called “official” sources want you to accept that 2+2= 5. It is also necessary to tell you that armchair conspiracy theorists have some crazy ideas want you to feel the same way.
You see, the neo-fascist disciples of Hitler were thought to have disappeared over time. However, thanks to so-called intellectual war hawks and old revolutionaries, there were a few who lay low, waiting to revive the monster of fascism.
Their philosophy is the same philosophy expressed by war relic Zbigniew Brzezinski. He states:
“In early times, it was easier to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.”
He is not only an adviser to Barack Obama, but is also a member of the Club of Rome, a member of the CFR, a member of the old Polish Black Nobility, and a member of the Committee of 300. America is the proving ground for Committee policies which lead directly to a dissolution of the old order and an entry into the One World Government-New World Order.
One of the chapters in Brzezinski’s book “The Technotronic Era” explains how new technology will bring in its wake intense confrontation that will strain social and international peace.
Abuse of new technology can also play a part in destructive social engineering. In fact, it was reported that the terrorists in the French attacks communicated using a PlayStation 4. When the new generation of consoles launched, there were concerns that they would be too light on privacy, with peripherals like Microsoft’s Kinect and PlayStation’s Camera possibly having the ability to spy on users if say, the government wanted a window into your living room.
DT42X6 Sony Playstation  4 Video Game Console
We have said that it is a case of the Orwellian big brother watching you but it’s the non-peripheral-based communication on gaming consoles which may provide terrorists a channel to effectively converse with one another. The comparatively low-tech system may offer a more secure means of communication than even encrypted phone calls, texts and email.
Another interesting tidbit that may have been overlooked by the media is something that we reported with regard to the frightening video that was going viral on YouTube showing a hooded figure in a Venetian plague doctor costume. Some of the clues found on that video seem to be coincidentally tied to the attacks in France.
For example, several codes and cyphers were decoded which included the coordinates for the White House and the words REDLIPSLIKETENTH, an anagram for KILL THE PRESIDENT.
The Islamic State warned in a new video today that countries taking part in air strikes against Syria would suffer the same fate as France, and threatened to attack in Washington.
The video, which appeared on a website used by Islamic State to post its messages, begins with news footage of the aftermath of Friday’s Paris shootings in which at least 129 people were killed.
There were also some eerie coincidences including a flashing message that stated :

The attack happened on Friday the 13th. 2015 was a year that had 3 Friday the 13th dates and November the 13th 2015 was the last one or the third one.
There was also a Latin phrase that said:
And finally, there was also character sub-character cipher text that when decoded said:

The shootings and bombings in France took place during a concert where the Eagles of Death Metal were playing.
Was this another form of communication? This is exactly what Brzezinski was talking about when he said that new technology will bring in its wake intense confrontation that will strain social and international peace.
New technology is, unfortunately, responsible for disinformation about what happened in France. It is unfortunate that a lot of what is spreading on the internet is being held as fact by highly misinformed conspiracy theorists who didn’t even wait until the bodies were cold before they started saying that what happened was a false flag.
The day before the attacks on France, Beirut, Lebanon was attacked. Many people are unaware of the coincidence that Beirut is known as the “Paris” of the Middle East and that two suicide bombers had killed 43 people and wounded 239 more in an ISIS-propagated murder. The media ignored this. Why? Conspiracy theorists didn’t even manage to scream false flag here. Why?
We know that false flag operations exist but are these all false flags, or do we selectively choose false flag hype to serve a quota for downloads? As Chris Knowles of “The Secret Sun” blog and past guest of Ground Zero noted:
“Indeed, yelling “false flag” before the bodies are even cold is one of the primary reasons alternative research communities have become so universally scorned outside their own little bubbles.”
It is so unfortunate that people who take the time to research often get thrown in with those who don’t, making it impossible to get beyond those who post pictures of alleged American crisis actors who are paid and flown to France just to pose in a crying stance. How can people be so gullible?
Oh, but to point out such nonsense make you a shill for the new world order, when it is those who spread disinformation who need to be called out for the damage they cause to alternative media. There was also the sloppy research concerning the date of Friday, November 13th, resulting in the claim that it is a day that is sacred to the Templars and how this was some sort of revenge for that day. Jacques de Molay, last Grand Master of the Templars, was indeed executed on Friday the 13th, but in October, not November – so it really wasn’t the anniversary of Templar repression.
The date of November 13th is significant, not for the Templars but for the Muslims. It was on November 13th, 1918 that the French were responsible for the fall of the last Islamic caliphate.
From November 13th, 1918 to September 23, 1923, the Occupation of Constantinople (present day Istanbul) was the occupation of the capital of the Ottoman Empire, following the Armistice of Mudros by the Triple Entente of World War I. The first French troops entered the city on November 12, 1918, followed by British troops the next day. The occupation had two stages: the de facto stage from November 13, 1918 to March 20, 1920, and the de jure stage from March 20, 1920 to the days following the Treaty of Lausanne.
It is history that can provide clues as to what may motivate terror and it is important to use history in order to reveal how all of the terror groups in Europe take their orders and get their passport and credentials from what are known as “stay-behind “ neo-fascists who have agendas.
Before the Charlie Hebdo attacks and the recent attacks, France’s worst terrorist event was carried out in 1961 by the “Organisation of the Secret Army.” This terrorist group planted a bomb on the Paris-Strasbourg train line, derailing a train and killing 28 people.
The OSA grew out of NATO’s ‘stay behind’ paramilitary group known as Operation Gladio.
Operation Gladio was set up in 1956 with the help of British Intelligence and the OSS, the precursor organization to the CIA. Gladio was part and parcel of their 1948 efforts to establish a European “Stay Behind” network of guerrilla fighters who would conduct covert operations after a Soviet invasion — using arms and explosives which had been previously cached.
This network was conceived by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, and organized by the NSC, which set up the Office of Policy Co-ordination to run it, staffed and funded by the CIA. Like Operation Sheepskin, most of the so-called “freedom fighters” it recruited were little more than fascist collaborators from WWII. And like the Nazi organization ODESSA with which it often collaborated, its tentacles extended throughout Europe and Latin America, and even the United States.
ODESSA was an organization of Former SS Members. Along with THE ORG headed by Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s spies created an Octopus of their own and were tasked with preventing European nations from siding with the Soviet Union. This would pose a direct threat to US global hegemony.
The Paris-Strasbourg train bombing in 1961 was specifically designed to prevent then French President Charles de Gaulle from signing the Evian accords that ended the France-Algeria war and paving the way for Algerian independence from France and also NATO.
A few days before the derailment, a threat had been sent to the station master. A police investigation into the tragedy found was that it was a deliberate attack. The information about the case was held to the vest of French law enforcement for 20 years.
Members of this same Secret Army Organization, in league with US intelligence, made several attempts to assassinate de Gaulle. After the most serious attempt in 1962 when the President’s car was raked with machine gun fire by a member of the OSA, officers of France’s external intelligence agency still loyal to de Gaulle traced the assassination attempt through Permindex, the Swiss corporation linked to the assassination of JFK, to NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium which is now the home of The EU headquarters—coincidence?
The covert objectives of Gladio were to spread panic and unrest through the implementation of “terrorist outrages,” and also to directly attack the Left in an attempt to provoke them into an armed response. The purpose of this strategy was to demonize the Left and isolate them from popular support, while providing an excuse to curtail civil liberties.
This has now been accomplished in France with the recent attacks. It has been proposed that Gladio operatives have been trying recruit Syrian rebels for terror operations in Europe.
The operation is believed to have created synthetic terror units that hire Islamic fanatics, and use asymmetrical warfare. The chaos that happens afterward would create uproar for the justification for a NATO military intervention in Middle East.
The trail of these Gladio operations will force us into moving closer to the Russian territories.
ISIS and radical Islam have now accepted their role as a useful bogeyman that can be exploited in order to guarantee war in Syria and even World War III.
President François Hollande has said that France is at war after the brutal attacks on Paris last week, leading many to wonder if that war will include a full response from NATO, the military alliance sworn to protect it.
The issue at hand is whether France would invoke Article 5 of NATO’s founding treaty, which says an armed attack against a member state “shall be considered an attack against them all.” Such an invocation would call on the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and others to assist in the effort to “restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.”
This would be defined as world war.
I want to emphasize the use of the word “world.” The reason is that when something like the attacks in France happen there always seems be this overall ethnocentrism when conspiracy theory and wild ideas are posted in various conspiracy forums.
There is more to developing a story than just pinning it on the Templars, the Illuminati, and the CIA.
We cannot sacrifice history, or raw emotion by screaming false flag at every event. It is the equivalent of crying wolf and soon the sheep will not believe anything accept the false narrative we strive to abort.
It will be different when the World War begins.

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