
Sunday, October 18, 2015

THE MH FLIGHT 370 SAGA CONTINUES; THIS TIME THE ...  ~ hehe my guess is 'some~body' is u's~in "tech" on THIS Planet that may....B  Off Planet ???  ...ya know may~be 'they' ain't from 'round' ?      ...what ?   it's as good as the ...single bullet    bullshit !   Huh

 THE MH FLIGHT 370 SAGA CONTINUES; THIS TIME THE ... You're not going to believe this when you read it, and frankly, neither do I. But the bottom line here is that the saga of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 continues to grow wierder and wierder with each articulation. This article was shared by Mr. G., and when I saw it, I knew I had to blog about it, simply so that people who are regular readers here would at least know about the story. In doing so, however, I must admit that I am hard pressed to make any high octane speculation scenario out of it, that makes any sense. However, I'll try. But first, here's the story from the U.K.'s Daily Mail:
MH370: Plane wreckage with pilot SKELETON and Malaysian Airlines colours 'found'
Now, if you've been following this bizarre (and now even more bizarre) story closely, you have probably already spotted the gimongous (to use Art Bell's wonderful term) problematic squating in the middle of the story here, for if this debris should be discovered to be MH 370 debris, then what the heck is it doing in Mindinao in the Philippines, while other debris from the rest of the plane, according to the most recent previous articulation of the story, was found thousands of miles away on the French island of La Reunion? One now almost wishes for a conventient "computer modeling" of how debris can drift from whatever point of impact the plane went down at (assuming, of course, that my original "it just went poof" hypothesis is not longer in play), to end up both in the Philippines and at La Reunion. Of course, perhaps this is wreckage from some other Malaysian Airlines flight that crashed in the region, and during that time period. Unfortunately, we have no indications of such a crash in the region other than Indonesia Air which crashed in 2014. And a quick search for that flight(No 8501) will show airline colors quite different from those of Malaysia Airlines, and therefore almost impossible to confuse with any Malaysia airline aircraft.
So assuming this recent story is a piece of wreckage from MH 370, this raises all sorts of difficulties once again, for the presumption of the most recent versions of the story has a crash of MH flight 370 somewhere in the Indian ocean, where at least one can construct convenient computer models of ocean currents explaining how debris could reach La Reunion. But if one assumes that crash site, then by what fantasical and labyrinthin ocean current does it get from the Indian ocean to Mindinao!?  And the same problem holds true of the crash was in the South China Sea, as, you'll recall, it was originally suspected to have been, until the story quickly changed. Recall that when the flight first was reported missing, there were numerous stories about Chinese and Vietnamese search efforts in the South China sea, and the Chinese government then breifly released a photograph of suspected wreckage, and then quickly retracted it. The story then changed to reports of eyewitnesses seeing a commercial airliner flying low over the Malaysian peninsula headed west or southwest into the Indian Ocean. At that point, the theories of kidnappings and hijackings surfaced, with the favored theory being a flight to Diego Garcia. Then Faux news interviewed an American general, who promptly invoked his "insider sources" who "told him" that the flight had sneakily been flown over India by flying close behind another commercial airliner so as to "confuse Indian radar" and air traffic control. Needless to say, this nonsense was quickly dispatched by the Indian government, which let the world know that if there was an aircraft in their air space without authorization, they'd know about it.
There is, however, something unique about this debris discovery, and that is it contains human remains, and, according to the article, a fastened seat beat in the pilot's cabin. Thus, the possibility arises that with a competent forensic pathological investigation of these remains, we might finally obtain some idea of what really happened to flight MH 370.
My best guess? I suspect - if they disclose the findings at all (and assuming of course that the debris is from flight 370 clearly and unequivocally, and not just "salted" in a field) - that the remains will show "anomalies" indicative of a deliberate technological interdiction of the flight.
Why is all this suspicious? Well, there is a second version of the story:
Suspected MH370 wreckage found in Mindanao
Note this significant line:

It was also said that Police in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) were puzzled over claims of the discovery since there had been no reports of any plane crash within the area.

For the moment, the mystery of MH 370 just deepened considerably, again.

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