
Monday, September 7, 2015




There have been throughout contemporary history scores of skeptics and debunkers who have tried to silence the conspiracy theorists. Many of the so-called skeptics claim to have open minds about some of conspiracy theories but somehow manage to have on the surface a disdain for what they feel is absurdity and irrationality on the part of those who believe in such things.
Now, it has to be said that there have been many conspiracy theories which remain mysteries with all kinds of dots connecting and lines intersecting that make for compelling discussions.
However, there are at times many observers that will absolutely not allow any talk of conspiracies where the government of the United States plotted and carried out clandestine operations and experiments on its own people.
Well, for those that doubt conspiracy theories, I want to reacquaint you with one theory that has now been revealed to be true.
For 20 years from 1953 to 1973, the American Central Intelligence Agency funded and conducted tests on human subjects, both with and without their knowledge, in an effort to control minds and personalities for the purpose of espionage.
In order to trace the roots of this organized conspiracy, we have to take on a Godwin argument that most certainly has legs. The history of these experiments can be traced all the way back to the Nazi’s that used hallucinogenic drugs to conduct repugnant mind control experiments during World War II.
After dosing the inmates at Dachau with Mescaline and other psychedelics, the Nazis could force their subjects to reveal their most intimate secrets. At war’s end, U.S. Military Intelligence uncovered evidence of the Nazi mind control experiments and rather than calling the deplorable and sadistic, decided to apply them for their own intelligence operations.
By 1953, the CIA’s own massive and notorious mind control experiments were in full swing. Hypnosis and drugs produced the “best” results and the CIA was satisfied that the drug of choice was LSD-25 or Lysergic Acid Diethylamide.
The project was called MK Ultra. The letters MK in the project name referred to the Technical Services Division that oversaw the project and ULTRA was a security classification applied to top-secret intelligence.
In the early days of MK Ultra, while using “plausible deniability of the uses, the CIA hid behind the “science” explanation as to why they were giving their own agents the drug.
However, LSD was only part of what they were doing to agents and to citizens of the United States.
In addition to drugs, the program included 149 sub-projects that involved radiological implants, hypnosis and subliminal persuasion, electroshock therapy and isolation techniques. More than 30 universities and institutions participated in CIA-funded research, though not all were aware the spy agency was their benefactor, because funding was sometimes laundered through “front” organizations.
Dr. Frank Olson worked for the US Army’s Chemical Corps Special Operations Division. His job was to do all kinds of suspicious experiments for the CIA. Many of these experiments dealt with the disruption of brain function in order to create a sleeper-zombie assassin or what is now called a Manchurian Candidate.
The scope of the experimentation was outlined in a memorandum dated January 1952 that asked: “Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature such as self preservation?”
Olson worked on methods of spreading anthrax and other toxins by aerosol; which was sprayed on unsuspecting Americans by airplane.
Some of his colleagues were involved in mind control drugs and torture techniques. At the time, the CIA was testing “truth serums” and other torture drugs on people they felt were expendable.
On November 28, 1953, an early morning smash of glass was heard and Armand Pastore, who was the night manager at the Statler Hotel at the time, rushed out the front door.
There sprawled out on the sidewalk of Seventh Avenue was Olson in his undershirt and shorts. His broken body was bent at a terrible angle and his legs were crushed. Olson had fallen from the 10th floor after crashing through a closed window.
He was still alive and in great pain. Olson tried to mumble something and Pastore couldn’t make out what he was saying. By the time an ambulance could arrive, Olson was dead.
Pastore ran up to Olson’s room on the 10th floor.
In the room was a man named Robert Lashbrook. He was in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet with his head in his hands. For many years the death of Olson was to remain classified. His death was determined to be a suicide.
After 22 years of a cover-up, investigations and an exhumation of Olson’s remains showed that he was murdered. Olson suffered a blow to the head and was pushed out of the 10th floor window. In the investigation it has to be noted that two familiar names showed up on memo’s from President Gerald Ford’s offices.
The memos were from none other than Dick Cheney, who was a White House assistant at the time, and to Donald Rumsfeld, the chief of staff. The memo detailed that any lawsuit served by the Olson family for damages might make it necessary to disclose highly-classified national security information.
While many people question the motives of government officials and speculate on their agendas, it needs to be pointed out that both Rumsfeld and Cheney have this uncanny ability to cover up murders carried out by secret intelligence cabals.
These groups are carrying out intelligence programs whose objectives are murdering those deemed collateral damage. We should pay attention to the stories of the past and notice the methods of the experimentation on human guinea pigs.
The experimentation included the use of drugs, and aerosol spraying of biological weapons. These experiments also dealt with the effects of electromagnetic fields on the human brain.
Now how do we know about these cases and who was involved?
The MK Ultra program was first revealed in 1975 during the Church Committee hearings led by Senator Frank Church. The committee is now called the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
The Church hearings investigated previously unknown and illegal activities of the NSA, the CIA and the FBI, all brought forward by whistleblowers. It is unfortunate that now some people see whistleblowers as traitors and pawns for political agendas.
It is now argued that nothing has changed since 1975 and even though the program was shut down in 1973, it is believed that rogue operatives are still conducting mind control operations and creating sleeper assassins in order to carry out mass shootings and bombings in order to keep The United States in a fit of trauma and terror.
In this state of mind, Americans can be open for suggestion, and coercion by the government or any other entity with an agenda of taking away human rights for the idea of “safety.”
MK Ultra may or may not be in operation, however, there are several operations being overseen by several alphabet agencies and DARPA that are looking into the creation of the super soldier or “trained military assets.” These new operations are now absconding from LSD usage and are now conducting experiments in sleep research, neuro-pharmaceutical performance enhancement, and using “brain-computer interfaces.”
There are now new drugs that promote “brain plasticity” rewiring the mind, essentially, by helping to “permanently establishing new neural pathways, and thus new cognitive capabilities. Brain plasticity creates changes in behavior, perceived environment, neural processes, thinking, and emotions – as well as changes resulting from bodily injury.
In a bit of what can be seen as a modern piece of predictive programming and what is being called a “comedy,” a new film called “American Ultra” where an unassuming convenience store clerk, and hipster-stoner realizes that he has become a target for the CIA.

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He is not exactly sure why he has ended up in their crosshairs, until he starts questioning is life -who he really is and why he is being harassed and why agents want to take his life.
Well with a title like American Ultra you can figure out what this movie is trying to reveal.
That perhaps there is a new “mind control” program that’s latest subproject involves the recruiting of convicts, psychotics and felons into a rehabilitation method where their memories are erased, new “programming” installed and new identities created. They are then uprooted and placed in new towns unaware they can be reactivated by handlers trained by the CIA or some other alphabet agency.
It is also seemingly a blatant message that Hollywood is sending, especially after speculations about programmed assassins responsible for Columbine, Sandy Hook, The Virginia Tech Massacre, and the James Holmes Aurora Dark Knight Theater shooting.
It is important to note that the main character in the movie American Ultra, does not really remember his past and that most of the agents in film call him a 400 million dollar “puppy” – which is a euphemism for a super soldier assassin.
James Holmes, the suspected killer in the Aurora ‘Dark Knight’ shootings, was found to be part of a U.S. government research project headed by the Salk Institute that included neurologically enhancing soldiers’ abilities on the battlefield.
The project was also over seen by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the central research and development organization for the United States Department of Defense.
As Wayne Madsen wrote back in the summer of 2012:
“Holmes was one of six recipients of a National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver. Holmes is a graduate of the University of California at Riverside with a Bachelor of Science degree in neuroscience. Although Holmes dropped out of the PhD neuroscience program at Anschutz in June, police evacuated two buildings at the Anschutz center after the massacre at the Aurora movie theater. Holmes reportedly gave a presentation at the Anschutz campus in May on Micro DNA Biomarkers in a class titled “Biological Basis of Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders.”
In 2006, at the age of 18, Holmes served as a research intern at the Salk Institute at the University of California at San Diego in La Jolla. It is noteworthy that for the previous two years before Holmes worked at the Salk Institute, the research center was partnered with the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Columbia University, University of California at San Francisco, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wake Forest University, and the Mars Company (the manufacturers of Milky Way and Snickers bars) to prevent fatigue in combat troops through the enhanced use of epicatechina, a blood flow-increasing and blood vessel-dilating anti-oxidant flavanol found in cocoa and, particularly, in dark chocolate.
The research was part of a larger DARPA program known as the “Peak Soldier Performance Program,” which involved creating brain-machine interfaces for battlefield use, including human-robotic bionics for legs, arms, and eyes. DARPA works closely with the Defense Science Office on projects that include the medical research community. Fitzsimons Army Medical Center was at the forefront of DARPA research on the use of brain-connected “neuroprosthetic” limbs for soldiers whose limbs were amputated or paralyzed in combat.”
It is also interesting to note that Vester Lee Flannigan the shooter who killed a news reporter and her camera man on live television said that he admired the shooters who massacred students at Columbine High School and at Virginia Tech, However, according to a manifesto allegedly written by Flannigan, it was the murders in Charleston, South Carolina that triggered his anger and that is when he purchased a firearm.
Some believe that the Virginia tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho, who shot his victims some 25 miles away from Roanoke, was also a victim of a mind control super soldier program.
Cho’s sister worked for a State Department contractor with toes to the Department of Defense called McNeil Technologies. They are linked to military training, classified military operations defense intelligence, and Human Intel Ops. They also provide front line security at sensitive classified facilities.
Virginia Tech hosts “The Farm,” where mind control experimentation is conducted under the aegis of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. When the massacre occurred in April of 2007, Virginia Tech was involved in an earlier stage of Operation Noble Resolve.
Cho killed 32 people and then turned the gun on himself. When his body was removed from the scene he had on his arm the words ISMAIL AX.
Some believe that Cho was triggered by reading Daniel Quinn’s book, Ishmael. The book paints a grim commentary about planet earth and how humans are destroying it. In the book, a gorilla seeks out and recruits humans to save the planet. It depicts humans as the enemy to the world and that the world does not belong to them.
When Cho sent a manifesto to NBC news before his rampage, he signed it, “A. Ishmael.”
All of these incidents all ignited the “gun control” debate and also fueled accusation of “false flag” or “hoax stories” when there could be an element of the newest breed of misfit hipster sleeper assassins that are merely collateral damage in the quest for a super soldier with brain plasticity.
National intelligence agencies are now the authority in this country and it seems that they are the ones who approve what is truth. What falls through the cracks is the ooze and paranoid conspiracy theory that we are told to avoid because it is just not American to be a paranoid collector of the muck that is left behind from the deceit that we have been given.
Now it is being shown on the big screen that perhaps your stoner hipster or EMO misunderstood artist is now a soldier that has been brainwashed and ready to do battle in battlefield America.

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