
Wednesday, September 16, 2015


When I read this one, shared by Mr. A.B., it went immediately into my "wow" box; do not pass go, do not collect 200 euros. The reason: well, the cracks in the Atlantic alliance appear to be growing. We know, as I suggested in yesterday's blog and have suggested previously on this website, that the signals coming out of the United Kingdom lately clearly seem to be aimed at America. The British ruling class is unhappy with the Washington's increasingly looney "leadership" and the policies it wants everyone else to follow (like sanctioning Russia for objecting to America's sponsorship of a coup d'etat in the Ukraine).Mr. Cameron might mouth the right things for Washington's ears and the cameras, but quietly, in the informal meetings of the Tory party itself, I suspect there's a lot of grumbling behind the scenes. The French, you'll recall, are none too happy at having to eat the cost of two amphibious helicopter carriers it had built for Russia. And don't forget, M. Hollande did that little radio interview suggesting that maybe the sanctions weren't such a good idea, alienating Russia was an even worse idea and can't we all just get along and sing Kumbya(in French, of course). Within a very short time, he was hit with the Charlie Hebdo incident.
Then there's Mama Merkel.
So far, her efforts to resolve the situation independently haven't shown much independence, and all that in spite of her best efforts to be a good and compliant lap poodle for Washington. But she did, to her credit, get France and Russia and even the Ukraine to agree to ceasefire terms under the Minsk II talks, terms which the Ukraine seems determined not to observe(doubtless with some strategic prodding from Victoria F*-the-EU fame).
But Frau Merkel, it seems, has not been able to accomplish all this without some growing opposition within her own Christian Democratic Union party, and from one of her own cabinet ministers to boot:
HISTORIC NEWS: Finally, EU Breaks Away from U.S.
Here's the crux:
On Saturday, September 12th, United Kingdom’s Labour Party elected as its leader and their candidate to lead the UK, Jeremy Corbyn, who has been the most vocal British critic of the UK’s serving as the lap-dog of an aggressive imperialistic United States of America.
Simultaneously, the leader of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s own Christian Social Union Party, Horst Seehofer, a man who, prior to his being appointed to be the Party-chief had been Chancellor Merkel’s Agriculture Minister, has now turned against Chancellor Merkel (who until now was the most powerful leader in all of Europe) and denounced her policy on the refugee crisis, and has now stated publicly that Germany should instead ally with Russia and against NATO on the entire Syrian war.
This public statement, which is really a sea-change in history, was reported Friday night, 11 September, in Germany’s leading magazine, The Mirror, Der Spiegel, and it represents the breaking-point in Germany’s foreign policy, finally yielding now to the rapidly rising anti-Americanism within Germany that results from America’s prioritizing America’s war against Russia as being a more important goal than the global war against Islamic jihad, which is clearly the most pressing threat to national security not only within Germany, and not only within all Western countries, but even within Pakistan and many other countries that have majority-Islamic populations, as well as in India, China, and other nations around the world.
The article of course ignores one possible reason for America's sudden turn from the "war on terrorism" to the renewal of the "covert war on Russia," and that is simply the very heavy, and documented, American intelligence community role in the creation or aiding and abetting of many of the terrorist groups themselves. Continued concentration on that only progressively airs American dirty laundry in that respect, and there's a lot of it.
But now, as the article notes, there is a huge sea-change in Merkel's own  party, and it was inevitable: Germany has little to gain, economically, militarily, or culturally, from continued cooperation with Washington's insane anti-Russia policy, and quite a bit to lose.
The real question for Germany, and for that matter, France and the United Kingdom, will be to see if the growing opposition to American policy can be formalized across national boundaries, or, to put it country simple, if it can be forged into a "European Union" issue.  And this brings us to my high octane speculation: I not only suspect that it can be, but that this growing opposition - to American policy, to the growing "refugee" crisis in Europe - is in fact the "issue" being created to forge an "EU identity", and to create the requisite conditions for an integrated EU army. (On that score, recall only a few fews ago the merger of two of Europe's, and the world's, largest armaments firms into a gigantic conglomerate, creating one of the prerequisites for an integrated military). Notably, the way this is being generated is creating backlash against the progressive policies that have prevailed in Europe thus far. If it gells on a European-wide basis, then watch for that integrated European military. Then- in the context of growing opposition to American policy ,which will come inevitably, barring some unforeseen "about face" on Washington's part- after that, we can look for the demands to remove America's bases from those countries.
The game, at least in Britian's Labour Party, and Germany's CDU, would seem to be afoot. France, and Italy are the ones to watch now.

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