
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Was Vester Lee Flanagan Framed? 

Major news media are furiously pushing the narrative that Vester Lee Flanagan, a seemingly frustrated and alienated young man, shot and killed two broadcast journalists on August 26, and then took his own life. This is by now a williams_tweetscommon scenario in today’s 24 hour corporate news cycle.
Yet let us keep in mind that today’s widespread use of social media makes it especially easy to implicate an individual in a crime she or he may have never committed.
A recent theme at MHB is involves “targeted individuals” and consideration of the electronic weaponry and/or “gangstalking” harassment they often experience.
The following video depicts a confrontation between an unknown white male and Flanagan.

Bryce Williams Road Confrontation

As MHB commenter “Peace Frog,” an attorney and targeted individual, observed on August 27 concerning the above clip,
Looks like Bryce is wearing the blue plaid shirt. His encounter seems authentic and I think this fits the modus operandi of his confronting a gang stalker that targeted him.
Actually, Vester Flanagan AKA Bryce Williams is wearing a football jersey in the video, while the caucasian male he is confronting following an apparent traffic incident between the two is in fact wearing a blue plaid shirt uncannily similar to the one worn by the would-be assailant of Alison Parker and Adam Ward.
In light of the above, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that Vester Flanagan was framed for the apparent murders of Parker and Ward–which included the makeshift video of the slaying itself and various hostile Facebook posts and Tweets sent out by parties that have hijacked Flanagan’s accounts.
While this may sound far-fetched, consider what happened on March 3, 2014 in “The Strange Case of Michael Cravey,” painstakingly examined by video producer and MHB contributor Peter Klein (e.g. here, here, here and here).

Michael Cravey: I'm being set up. I need to figure this out.

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