
Saturday, August 29, 2015


Posted by George Freund on August 27, 2015

I would have to vote FAKE in this purported shooting. Many things don't add up. First for me was the muzzle flash which you really don't see in the daylight. The 'victims' don't react to the first shots. There was no blood. The camera was aiming his camera 90 degrees away from the TV reporter. No one notices his approach with the pistol at the ready. It is all too convenient. I feel we are dealing with another high intensity staged operation to give us something to talk about other than the economic collapse and to focus on disarming the WE THE PEOPLE for the corporate take over of the United States and other nations after the economic RESET scheduled soon. You can't trust WE THE PEOPLE with the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS while forming a totalitarian world government. So don't get carried away with emotion. It was another staged drama. Remember what William said the world's a stage and every actor plays his part. If there is any legacy to the Obama regime, it will be faked crises to establish power and cover treason. Hillary has her battle cry. Gun control for all. Hard drive what hard drive. See you fall for bait and switch too easily.  

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