
Saturday, August 15, 2015




It wasn’t long ago that a team of scientists succeeded in putting an object large enough to be visible to the naked eye into a mixed quantum state of moving and not moving.
Andrew Cleland at the University of California, Santa Barbara and his team cooled a tiny metal paddle until it reached its quantum mechanical ‘ground state’ — the lowest-energy state permitted by quantum mechanics.
Q_Group (1)
They then used the weird rules of quantum mechanics to simultaneously set the paddle moving while leaving it standing still. The experiment shows that the principles of quantum mechanics can apply to everyday objects as well as atomic-scale particles.
Is it hard to imagine how something can be mobbing in one quantum state or dimension, and yet in this dimension of time it doesn’t?
A device that exists in two different states at the same time coincidentally proves that Albert Einstein was right when he thought he was wrong.
This proves that perhaps you can be in two places at one time and that dimensions and time lines can bleed over into the other, constantly confusing us and giving us a reason to pause and move in a quantum leap.
Normal, everyday objects obey the laws of conventional Newtonian physics, named after Sir Isaac Newton, but these rules break down on the sub-atomic scale and a whole new branch of theoretical physics had to be invented to explain what happens on this sub-microscopic level.
Einstein was the first to embrace quantum physics but later rejected it on the grounds that it made everything unpredictable – “God does not play dice with the universe,” he famously stated.
Now perhaps the quantum dice are loaded and when they are thrown, the numbers may look like they are winners, and simultaneously look you straight into those snake eyes.
What if it was possible that the elite or even the Illuminati have a way to see time as a simultaneous entity and that while we play in a linear timeline – they are able to change and manipulate what we see or what we have accumulated in our normalcy bias?
At the moment there is a controversy on the internet first listed ad concerning well known characters from our childhood.
Many of us grew up reading about the Berenstein bears. Except they were not the Beresnstein bears at all they were the Berenstain bears. The other problem is that the name has never changed and that it has been Berenstain all along.
If this is the case then why are so many people convinced that it was Berenstein instead of Berenstain?
This presents a quantum dilemma.
Which by the way the word dilemma also is part of the problem as well because there are a group of people that believe that in another time line the word dilemma was spelled with an “n”—“dilemna.”
Truth is it never was, however millions of people will swear that at one time that it was spelled with an “n.”
There is even a website called for people who have all of a sudden realized that their spelling of the word is wrong.
One of the interesting things about this spelling ‘error’ is that on first discovery many report feeling a bit physically shaken by it – as if a fundamental building block in their upbringing has suddenly crumbled away and left them feeling disorientated.
Philologists have suggested that the dilemna misspelling is an error that stretches back hundreds of years for the simple reason that our brains gloss over the error. Then again there is the quantum explanation.
Dilemna at one time was spelled that way and then there was some bleed over from another timeline and that the word dilemma corrected the problem in the Universal mind. And that’s why they feel physically staggered to discover that not only are they wrong but there’s also no trace of an “N” spelling anywhere in any dictionary in the history of this time line.
Some are calling this the Mandela effect which stems from the absurd number of people who seem to “remember” that Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980s and not at his home in Johannesburg in 2013.
Other examples of this “effect” include a portrait missing from this universe of Henry VIII, in which he’s holding a turkey leg, New Zealand being in a different location, and perhaps strangest of all, the color Chartreuse being “something other than yellow-green.”
It is been said that he who controls the past, controls the future. He who controls the future controls the present. All cause and effect has been neutralized in a time where we are no longer able to control the time that we have – and the changes that are to come will leave us wondering where all of the time went. There are people who are skeptical of the fact that anyone can alter history, anyone can assume that a timeline has been linear and that the past, present and future may be simultaneously happening.
While we think that there is a precise measuring of time, we cannot fathom that it can be theoretically reshaped and many histories can be forgotten and rewritten to fit a version that everyone can agree on.
Now, not only are there physical time measurements being drawn or manipulated, but our mental acuity and remembrance of time and history are being manipulated as well. The news stories of alleged deaths and other strange occurrences make one stop and wonder if our mental clocks are being tampered with and in an Orwellian fashion being changed to fit the needs of the elite.
There is also the idea that there has been some strange paradigm shift and that the world you think you were living in and the information that you hold as fact was not really fact but a glitch in the Matrix.
The idea is mind boggling but now it seems that the universal time glitch or erasure seems to be happening, or people claim they are experiencing a time tweak.
In the film ‘The Long Kiss Goodnight’ a private detective and a CIA assassin are caught in a many-layered web of a particular false flag operation, or “Black Op” In a key scene toward the end of the film, the Deputy Director of the CIA reveals his plan to explode a chemical bomb during a holiday parade near Niagara Falls, a plot that is coded as “Operation Honeymoon.” The plan calls for the blame to be laid at the feet of Arab terrorists, which is to be accomplished by sticking a dead, frozen Arab national behind the wheel of a Chevy sedan, which is to be parked in a gully, half buried in snow, with lots of incriminating evidence.
At one point, the Deputy Director states that the motive behind the plan is a form of revenge on the US Congress for cutting the CIA’s budget, and that it is necessary to scare the hell out of the nation to restore that funding.

Long Kiss Goodnight - 911 Predictive Programming - We'll Blame It On The Muslim's

He then speaks of the original bombing attack on the World trade center and then having it pave the way for another attack that would Kill 4000 people.
He again says they can blame the Muslims of course.
The private detective asks, “So you’re gonna fake killing 4000 people just to scare some money out of Congress?”
The reply is chilling: “Unfortunately…I have no idea how to fake killing 4000 people; so I guess we’re just going to have to do it for real.”
This film was released in 1996, 5 years before the 9/11 disaster.
We have been told that Osama bin Laden was the mastermind of those attacks.
However if you go through the history of what led to the Afghanistan war Dick Cheney and George W.Bush say that he was not the mastermind.
Twisting the timelines and rewriting history.
In December of 2001 it was reported that Osama bin Laden died and was buried in the Mountains Southeast of Afghanistan by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. The New York Times reported that Osama bin Laden was dead in July of 2002. The report was filed by Amir Taheri. CNN reported October 7th, 2002 that Afghan President Hamid Karzai admitted to the press that Osama bin Laden had died and that Mullah Omar was leading the war on terror.
The BBC reported in July of 2002 that bin Laden was dead citing the report of a thorough investigation by The US Federal Bureau investigation counter terrorism task force. Dale Watson bureau chief stated that it appeared that Osama Bin laden had died. Even Israeli intelligence reported that Bin laden died in December of 2001. Just before Benazir Bhutto was assassinated she told David Frost in a broadcast interview in 2007 that Bin laden was assassinated by Omar Sheik. Furthermore it is interesting to see how the leaders of the United States started to change the way we saw bin laden in the time line after his alleged death in 2001 for example.
Fox news first discussed the death of bin Laden December 26th 2001. It was soon after that we see the timeline begin to demonstrate some very significant changes.
On December 28, 2001 when asked about the whereabouts of Bin laden President Bush says, “Our objective is more than bin Laden”
In 2002 when asked about bin Laden Vice President Dick Cheney says that Osama bin Laden “isn’t that big of a threat. Bin Laden’s connections to this worldwide organization of terror are a threat.” Soon after White House Chief of Staff Andy Card tells CNN, “”I do not know for a fact that he’s alive. I happen to believe he’s probably alive… Our overall objective is to defeat terrorism, wherever it is around the world. And so, our objective is not to get Osama bin Laden.”
It was after these revelations that President Bush delivered his state of the Union address, his first since the attacks of September 11th, 2001. In the speech he calls out to the axis of evil. He names Iraq, Iran, and North Korea in that group but he left out a significant name and that is the name of Osama bin Laden.
bin laden
In March of 2001 once again reporters demand that Bush talk about bin Laden and he tells the press “Deep in my heart I know the man is on the run, if he’s alive at all… He’s a person who’s now been marginalized.… I just don’t spend that much time on him. I truly am not that concerned about him.”
Then by April of 2002, bin laden was no longer the objective Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Richard Myers said to the press that , “The goal has never been to get bin Laden.”
Finally on October 16th, 2002 the Middle East News line reported that Israeli Intelligence officials confirmed that Israel and the United States believe Osama bin Laden was killed in mid-December 2001 during the Tora Bora bombing campaign.
All of that reported timeline now has never happened because Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan May 2011.
Now how is it that there are a group of people distinctly remembering that In December of 2001 Fox and friends and CBS News announced that bin Laden was near death in September of 2001, and later died in December? There are at least 9 different time annotations as to when Osama bin Laden died.
Prince Phillip reportedly has been dead since 2011. A week before his so called death report, WBTV in Charlotte North Carolina reported that Billy Graham had died at the Mission Hospital in Ashville.
During a BBC broadcast of “Family Guy” on August 11th, 2014 news of Robin Williams suicide made the news crawl.
Viewers were shocked over the uncanny timing after watching the episode called Fatman and Robin, where Peter Griffin is cursed with the ability to turn everything he touches into Robin Williams.
During the episode Peter tries to commit suicide in a desperate attempt to stop the Robin Williams clones from appearing, before eventually chopping both his hands off to end the spell.
Time is a bizarre thing especially on the quantum level.
Out of all of the belief systems that I have read about and have studied there seems to be a constant; it is what science has attempted to call quantum relationships. It is simply the law of attraction and manifestation through thought or power.
If you visualize events or outcomes that you believe will happen they will most likely happen in ways you couldn’t imagine! If you believe or have a consensus belief in something it may be a jolt to your normalcy bias to find yourself in a quantum entanglement.
Einstein had a word for all of this; he called it spooky actions at a distance. Science is calling it quantum entanglement. This term was used most often with early theories of gravity and electromagnetism to describe how an object could “know” the mass or charge of another distant object. Is it a sympathetic and intuitive response to what might happen or has it happened in another dimension? This is the deep and philosophical question and seems to be more and more apparent and appearing on the radar of most meaningful events in our lives.
So I guess maybe we should ask it is Eienstain instead of Einstein.

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