
Thursday, August 27, 2015




It is always surprising that whenever a conspiracy theory about America being aggressive towards any country is spun in the rumor mill, there are plenty of arm chair strategists that believe that either the United States would “go big” in all of what they do, or that we only defend ourselves and that we never initiate attacks on any one.
The idea is that in war, the United States always plays fair.
History has shown us that when economies tend to get flimsy, the only reply that is provided by big government is the bomb-kill-degrade and destroy reply. War is a business that is either served hot or cold and during a huge bout of the chill, the heart that beats the war drum is the war of covert action.
Most Americans are unaware that small wars are always going on behind the scenes top send messages to other countries to either play ball in the global family or suffer the consequences.
When you are a country that holds the superpower brass ring, you have the ability to destabilize , infiltrate, and exploit with your power and the United States has always had the wonderful talent of finding itself in the middle of civil wars, cross border wars, insurgencies and uprising that tear apart many areas of the world and since the mainstream media evades the issue the American people do not realize that we have our band of mercenaries that cleverly move in to areas in order to perform covert operations.
There has always been the mentality, that we must “kill them over there, before they kill us over here” and so whether it is in the name of toppling dictators, installing puppet governments that suit our needs, killing terrorist militants and so on, the United States certainly has the capability to do the dirty deed of killing with the military might and mindset that we expect as citizens of this country.
Sometimes, these covert wars are called “dirty wars.”
It still surprises me that most Americans do not realize that undeclared wars have been launched in countries across the globe and that the extent of the US military’s covert operations and the amount of “collateral damage” are shocking.
Our government tends to speak of radicalization of extremists as some sort of switch that turns on overnight. We hear of lone wolfs that are somehow mesmerized by websites provided by ISIS or some other radical leader and that it is some sort of “I hear and obey” scenario, when the true heart of the battle is covert operations or dirty wars that allow for bombs to be dropped, mass killings, to be made and other indiscriminate killings that would most certainly radicalize whole populations.
It is never ending and as we can see with the body count, it is unwinnable.
A few weeks ago, a cosmic cat was let out of the bag with regard to the Popular Science and Scientific American announcement that Russia, China and the United States were secretly preparing to go to war. The war however was not supposed to be conventional. The war they revealed was going to be fought using advanced space weaponry and that it would be only a matter of time where the first shot across the bow would take place.
To report something this big was a personal victory because many times in the past we have presented shows that would try and expose a secret or covert space program only to have hardliners say that the possibility lacks credibility.
Sometimes it all seems like the Greek myth of Sisyphus who was condemned to forever push a boulder up a hill in Hades, only to see it roll back down each time, and to have to start over from the bottom.
We work hard to get the information out and it is like pushing a rock up hill, and while many people say they do not trust the mainstream media, the often have the tendency to see if the conspiracy theorists are “dead wrong” and they use the mainstream as the litmus test for such outrageous reports.
For the record, we can acknowledge that guest like Captain “K” are outrageous, however beyond the fascinating stories he tells “crazy or not” we know that there is some sort of dirty war or covert operations going on above us.
It was an interesting coincidence that just days after we reported the confirmation of space weaponry from a mainstream source from Reuters to Huffington Post that a number of synchronistic events took place in China.
On August 11, China’s central bank devalued its tightly controlled currency, causing its biggest one-day loss in two decades. The Chinese claimed that the change would help drive the currency toward more market-driven movements. The move also signaled the government’s growing worry about slow growth.
The devaluation of the currency continued and the economic forecast looked grim as the plunge would hurt the United States economy as well.
What happened today with the stock market should be academic for Ground Zero listeners.
U.S. stocks nearly slid off the rails with the Dow Jones industrial average briefly plunging more than 1,000 points in a sell-off that sent a shock wave of fear from Wall Street to Main Street.
Before the market plunged the Drudge Report took a moment to frighten the stock exchange by revealing a holding point that coincidentally was a minus 666.
Stocks regained some of that ground as the day wore on, but the Dow finished with a loss of 588 points, the eighth-worst single-day point decline and the second straight fall of more than 500.
As we reported on the show “Kinetic Retaliation” China was rigging the system to watch it burn.
China’s actions were blamed for the slump because of a global wave of selling touched off by signs of the slowdown just days before. China has the world’s second-largest economy and the devaluation of the money triggered worries among Wall Street professionals and ordinary Americans who are saving for their retirement or a down payment on a house.
After China announced its devaluation process, two massive explosions in the port of Tianjin, northern China, killed more than a hundred people and left hundreds more injured and devastated large areas of the city. The explosions took place at a warehouse at the port which contained hazardous and flammable chemicals, including calcium carbide, sodium cyanide, potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate and sodium nitrate.
Immediately, a conspiracy yarn was spun out of China that the explosion that took out six city blocks and left a huge crater was a message sent by the United States in the form of a Kinetic weapon dropped from space.
The conspiracy theory began to get some steam as I and several news outlets online reported that the Tianjin explosion was waged as an act of “kinetic retaliation” by the Pentagon in response to China’s currency war Yuan devaluation.
Eland Freeland appeared on Ground Zero to report that one of China’s supercomputers was the target and not the Chemical plan.
It was reported that said the Tianhe-1A supercomputer was forced to shut down for safety reasons. The location where it was housed was within miles of the chemical factory.
The dust had allegedly settled and any information about the investigation was gagged or blacked out.
On Saturday August 22nd 2015 another explosion at another Chemical factory rocked China.
China’s Xinhua state news agency reported that another blast at a chemical factory in the Shandong province. The agency reported that nine people were injured in the explosion. The newspaper “People’s Daily” reported that the explosion’s tremors could be felt within a 5-kilometer (3-mile) radius of the Runxing Chemical Technology Company. The blast shattered windows in the village where the factory is located.
Meanwhile, it was also reported that locals in Tianjin were shocked after thousands of dead fish washed up on shores within 6 kilometers of the Ruihai International Logistics Company warehouse, where the explosion occurred earlier this month.
Obviously, these were very powerful and deadly explosions.
Less than one day after the Shandong, China explosion, another blast ripped through a U.S. Army munitions storage facility near Tokyo, Japan, utterly destroying the facility.
Keep in mind that all three explosions have happened with 10 days of each other, and that the plunge of the economies is being blamed on what is being called “The Great Fall of China.”
You can start a checklist of all of these coincidences lining up. That is if you believe in these devastating coincidences.
It’s becoming increasingly obvious to everyone that these explosions are not mere coincidence. They are, in fact, part of a dirty war between China and the United States.
The idea of it being initiated by the United States from space only adds to the intrigue and may or may not be the case, however it is looking like it isn’t much of stretch any more.
Can we now assume that China is now retaliating with sabotage and currency warfare?
This latest explosion appears to be an act of retaliation waged by the Chinese against two of China’s greatest enemies: Japan and the United States.
It is also interesting that these explosions happened an hour after it was announced that the United States and Japan announced a revised security agreement in New York that would expand Japan’s role in our alliance with them.
The local police are speculating that the attack was carried out by “Japanese leftists” because two steel pipes were found planted in the ground with electric cables just a few kilometers from the site.
We may be witnessing a dangerously escalating example of covert warfare happening between China and the United States on three fronts.
Cyber warfare, where there have been numerous reports that there have been numerous cyber attacks and hacking of U.S. military personnel records, and seizing control over key infrastructure control systems.
Currency warfare which is already in full force and has been the sole reason why our stock market has plummeted and may still plummet. It is being reported that this is not the end as we can expect to see more currency manipulations from China that are designed to cause economic carnage across America.
And finally, the most speculative and intriguing covert actions, including sabotage and kinetic warfare.
The United States has already shown its superiority in the sky as drone strikes and other attacks have been successful in dealing with their enemies. A senior ISIS operative and second in the terror group’s chain of command, Fadhil Ahmad al-Hayali, was killed in a U.S. military air strike by a drone August 18th, 2015 the White House announced over the weekend.
Al-Hayali, also known as Hajji Mutazz, was traveling in a vehicle near Mosul, Iraq, along with another ISIS operative known as Abu Abdullah when they were hit by a missile fired from a U.S. military drone officials say.
Beyond the usage of drone capabilities and strategy, outer space dominance by the United States is the backbone for our 21st century war effort against new threats against the infrastructure.
The United States depends on space dominance for success, and US national security relies today on a limited number of heavily used satellites. These satellites are crucial for strategic deterrence, surveillance, intelligence gathering, and military communications. If strategic deterrence fails, the satellites become an integral part of offensive and defensive ballistic missile defense.
There have been speculative reports that space platforms, off earth garrisons, and even hyper velocity bundles of effective kinetic weapons exist in space. We also utilize satellites in our strategic defense.
Satellites are pivotal not only for American space superiority but also for information superiority—they are at the heart of the multichannel joint war-fighting machinery that has proven to be successful in recent conflicts.
We were told at the beginning of the year that a “black swan” event would take place and to be on your guard for acts that would change the way we think and alter our behavior.
Be ready, because it looks as if there is a covet war going on and we shall see wars fought on all battlefields and all fronts leaving us confused, frightened and broke.

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