
Sunday, August 9, 2015




Last night I was doing some last minute shopping before I came home. It was late and the store I was in was preparing to stock items and so the palettes were being wheeled out with boxes of groceries that needed to be stocked overnight. I asked one of the store employees if they could help me find popsicles.
I was surprised to see that the store clerk was opening boxes of Halloween candy. I said “Halloween candy, in August? You got to be kidding!” He smiled and acknowledged my shock and said “I guess it is better late than never. “ I then said,”Well at least you are not unloading Christmas candy.” He then said, “Give them time and some day we will.”
When I arrived home, I took out a popsicle, got on the internet and remembered that the next day would be the G.O.P debates and realized, do I really have to bring up on my radio show the fact that the political circus is in town and that everyone will be glued to hearing more from the lying elite? When I say more, I mean that like the Halloween Candy put on the shelves two months before – it seems that these campaign whores have been at it long before the campaign has even arrived.
For what seems like an eternity we have been awash in campaigning from those desperate souls that want so badly to have our vote.
Every time election debates or voting comes around we see all of the rich and powerful sharpening their canines, waving and smiling which puts America in a precarious position. It is a position of who do you really want to sell your soul to and is your vote just another blank check for the devil?
Americans seem to be comfortable with the thought that the government has already assumed a greater level of power and control over our lives. The majority believe that government can protect them, provide for them, and pay their way. This is a delusion which will be revealed as fraudulent and there will be anger and confusion that comes with being snared like a rat in a trap.
We are not even close to finding our civic purpose, nor have we found our fellow Americans at a point of rock bottom where that civic purpose has to harden.
All we know is that a lot of Americans are hungry, displaced, disenfranchised and somehow have decided that the only way to survive is to make their various deals with the devil they claim to know.
The devil we all claim to know and the one that we have voted for smiles at a people that he realizes are becoming more and more cynical and whose souls are darkening as the new millennium breaks the character of those who thought they could hold on to the morality that became ancient history after the coercion of media spin and indoctrination.
The vice on most of America now is tightening and there are people; both in government and in religious circles that are capable of using the destructive group dynamic to squeeze out of every American more work, less pay and less time with families. The result will be more broken homes, more unfulfilled dreams and more hope for a lucky break.
Meanwhile you can look into the eyes of the majority of Americans and see anger boiling beneath the surface of a façade of everything is fine, everything will work itself out on its own. However it never works itself out on its own and there is seldom anyone that will bail you out of the self imposed prison we have created.
The system is broken, the reality is that no matter what the debate about, no matter what issue you think is important the men that smile and wear the three piece suits can’t fix it and our 50/50 mediocrity will keep us grounded until it is discovered that no matter who sits in the throne room of the White House, there are so many unfulfilled promises that have been made by the devils we think we know that exacerbates the anger and disappointment in the consensus.
There is little or no common ground. It is all split, divided and proportioned for the benefit of the 1%.
People laugh at a compromise. They identify themselves with a political party like they would with their college football teams. They remain loyal no matter how badly they play and no matter how silly it is to hold out for hope in something that only thrills for a few hours.
When Obama was elected the majority of Americans thought they were voting for a man that would grant their wishes and fulfill their dreams. They were mesmerized by that age old Newspeak and Neuro-linguistic programming that can convince anyone that hope and change were going to happen.
The changes have been made and many people now are on the wrong side of the argument when it comes to social issues. For some reason they thought they were fighting for morality and sanctity in America.
They thought they were all fighting for the “God” part of the “In God We Trust” we see on our money.
Something about America now just doesn’t feel right.
Did you ever feel like when you vote that you did something wrong?
If you voted for President Obama or even Bush before him, or even Bill Clinton before him can you admit that maybe it was a wrong decision, will you ever admit it?
Why do Americans think that if one guy in one party screws up the answer to changing ones luck is to vote in another guy from another party, and do they know that it is an exercise in futility to think that there vote even changes anything?
Everyone used to think that their vote could stick it to rich guy and now we know that they are all rich guys and that the majority of Americans now want the richest guy to win the election no matter how politically incorrect he is.
Now America is sticking it to the uptight liberal white guy.
It doesn’t matter if he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and it doesn’t matter that they are all really devils, we aim for the lesser of two evils—even though we forget that in Sunday school we are taught that evil is evil matter how you slice it.
You can’t change you luck when the house is rigged to win every time.
Now as every day passes, that nagging, gnawing feeling deep in your gut is whispering to you, “I know I did a bad thing, I made a wrong decision but what else can I do?” – Of course it’s also the reality that hits you in the face with “You know that this change wasn’t the kind of change I thought I was voting for.”
You then realize that you still believe in this country, and its founding principles – Why can’t those who I vote for feel the same way.
American’s are finally waking up to the sobering reality that you cannot sell your soul and dictate the terms of its surrender. At some point, all of those who voted for the current president will have to give the devil his due.
For many of those American’s, the “devils due,” isn’t what they had bargained for. Because unfortunately, many American’s simply just didn’t put forth that much of an effort to honestly investigate and look into who they were really voting for.
Most Americans approach the voting booth and when the curtain closes behind them seem to act like some lost 14 year old at a Kiss concert. They come in excited and giddy and make their decisions, as if they are voting for their favorite song on a Rolling Stone opinion poll or dialing up a 1-900 number to cast a vote on American Idol.
It is all about “talent” or the ability to speak and be inspiring—at least that is what I heard back in 2008 when people would say that Bush sounded like complete Moron when he spoke.
Just a few sound bites just to feel all tingly and that clenched it.
What they didn’t realize is, that when it comes to presidential politics voting for someone because they are hip, slick, and cool is selling your soul to the devil.
I don’t know how many times I have been told that Obama is the devil or even the Antichrist. Not since Ronald Reagan have there been so many essays and blogs indicated the old scratch himself is sitting in the oval office.
It all began when On November 5th, 2008 on the day that Barack Obama was elected President the Illinois state winning Pick 3 lottery Numbers were 666. It can be written off as mere coincidence however 666 was also drawn on three other dates 1/16/2007, 3/22/2008 and 10/23/2008.
On 1/16/2007 Barack Obama first announced plans to be president. On 3/22/2008 Bill Richardson put the final nail in Hillary’s Clinton’s candidacy by backing Obama while in Portland, Oregon and on 10/23/2008 the New York Times endorsed Obama for the presidency.
These particular coincidences do not make Obama a candidate for the Antichrist but they are fun little asides that make you stop a minute and think about how the brain registers meaning to numbers.
Then there was controversy with the television series “The Bible” on the History Channel. It most certainly is a compelling series, especially at a time in history where biblical eschatology is a hit and the Christian market needed some sort of recognition as there was too much sexual promiscuity, gay relationships, infidelity and other things that would make Parents Television Council go nuts.
The only drawback it seemed is when Satan was introduced as a character in the series. The hooded figure confronts Jesus Christ in the wilderness and when we gaze upon the face of the actor that portrayed Satan, many people saw a resemblance that reminded them of President Obama.
Then there was the time that the media called Obama “The Lord of the Flies.”
In a June 2009 CNBC interview, Obama killed a fly on camera. Flies were landing on his face, his forehead and his lips. It was a gross sight to see. He has had flies land on his face numerous times, with the president sometimes not even swatting them off his face.
When he was praising same sex marriage back in June once again he attracted flies. Some landed on his shoulder and wanted to make a home there.
During the Easter events at the White House last April, flying insects interrupted the commander in chief as he was reading to children.

As the president was reciting lines from the famous book “Where the Wild Things Are,” bees began buzzing around the kids seated on the South Lawn at the White House.
When he was praising same sex marriage back in June once again he attracted flies. Some landed on his shoulder and wanted to make a home there.
Religious and other websites used the headlines to point out that a biblical reference for Satan, the Semitic deity Beelzebub, literally translates from Hebrew into “Lord of the Flies.”
On September 11th, last year it was reported that during Obama’s speech outlining his strategies against ISIS that an anomalous optical illusion took place where it appeared that Obama had horns growing out of his head.
It was strange that the image of Obama was photographed and broadcast from a lower position; the light made his face hollow and allowed for an image where it appeared that Barack Obama had horns coming out of his head.
Now there is one more accidental if not remarkable anomaly where the president is once again in the middle of some demonic event.
A mysterious, ghostly miasma appears during Barack Obama’s visit to his ancestral homeland of Kenya. The demonic or ghostly cloud appears on a video of Obama’s arrival July 24 in Kenya’s capital city of Nairobi.
Video Player
As the president smiles and shakes hands with those greeting him at the airport and after he descends from Air Force One, a strange image races across the screen from right to left, seemingly directly in front of Obama.
This video now has some people wondering once again about the president and his unfortunate moments where he comes off looking like a devil or demon.
The devil, in the traditional theology of the Christian Church, is a fallen angel: the very personification and embodiment of evil. Perhaps the most frequent of the many descriptions of the devil is that he is the father of lies, or the lord of the flies, the deceiver and murderer.
Most references to the devil in the Bible mention deceit as his hallmark. John 8:44, for instance, describes the devil thus: “He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
One who is “of the devil,” therefore, is one who is by nature and habit deceitful, because there is no truth in him.
On that criteria alone, many politicians apart from Obama are prime candidates for giving the devil his due.
With all of the devil imagery that seems to following Obama, have Americans finally snapped out of the trance they were in and started to realize that perhaps there is a power far darker and far sinister leading this country and that the men who are begging for your vote are also asking you to sell your soul so that they can continue to bring down the United States with your consent?
Have they put on their sunglasses and realized that there is a hidden agenda, being pushed on all of us that will eventually destroy all that we have hoped and fought for?
It seems that are souls were sold for a cheap price.

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