
Saturday, August 29, 2015




There is an old song that is played repeatedly on classic rock radio by the Alan Parsons Project called “Eye in the Sky.”
The song is in part a reference to George Orwell’s classic novel, 1984, regarding a possible future in which individual privacy is virtually non-existent due to the ever-watching eye of Big Brother. In the novel, citizens are constantly monitored by hidden video recording equipment.
The late Forrest J. Ackerman, founder of the magazine, Famous Monsters of Filmland, once told me during a lunch meeting in California that he remembered a young Steven King sent him an idea for a script. It was only two page script called “The Killer,” and at the time he went by Steve King.
Ackerman also said that Stephen King once related a story that when he was a child of the 1950’s he remembered that while he was attending a science fiction B- movie, the screen suddenly went dark. The manager of the theater walked to the front of the auditorium. With an ashen face and tears in his eyes he told the crowd that the Soviet Union had just launched Sputnik.
The dread of this announcement would not even be felt today, however back then it was devastating because there were many people who knew what this meant. It meant that the Russians now had the power to not only put satellites into space, but perhaps nuclear weapons would be next.
It was a sign back then that the world was being undone; unraveling like thread around a spool. The paranoia at the time was fertile ground for horrific tales of aliens, and nuclear annihilation from space. Now the ante has been raised and while the alien stories still haunt us, the thought of an outer space we can’t control and a battle in space that will most likely destroy the earth is something that seems to be inevitable.
The frustrating thing about is the fact that we do not know what is above us. We do not know what weapons are there, or what space stations observe us, and what unnatural things are observing us from platforms that have been there for decades.
The Eye in the Sky is now a reality and yes, we are being watched, but we are also being heard and targeted from space.
Nearly 40 years ago, when it seemed that conspiracy theory and speculation about corruption was in its adolescence in the United States, there was always a paranoid notion that from the times of the Russian satellite Sputnik until now there was always the unproven notion that somebody, in some government was in space watching us and that ransom individuals would be obliterated where they stand with some laser or particle beam weapon.
In the beginning, we had the conspiracy theory.
Looking up in the sky there were UFO’s, strange movements of what was called “swamp gas” and rumors about moon bases observing our every move. We had the frustration of being told that it was all paranoia.
In the end, we had the death toll of previous whistleblowers, names, dates, room numbers and evidence that proved that — not only was the FBI, CIA, and the NSA part of a sophisticated “Big Brother” network of the “all-seeing eye” — there were also part of an even more sinister net of the “all-seeing ear.”
A story broke in November of 1998 out of Australia and it went virtually ignored. It was about a rumored surveillance system called “Echelon.” The system it was rumored was sophisticated system that used a satellite position some 100,000 miles in space.
This began an all-out rumor mill investigation into whether or not Echelon was just a pipe dream thought up by some paranoid genius or a very real system that was in operation in order to track and control every American and every world citizen at all times.
Echelon was reported to be a sophisticated satellite surveillance network that was the result of a proposed CIA spy satellite treaty in 1948. We were told that these systems weren’t anything new. In fact, the Internet was relatively new and stories like Echelon were reported outside of the United States and bulldog reporters and conspiracy theorists were looking for vindication by reading reports from other countries about what our government was up to.
It was reported that these sophisticated surveillance networks apparently had been in place since the 1980’s.
It may be hard to imagine what an impact a story like this had on people who were already worried that there was intelligence overreach already taking place in the United States.
Now we are told that China, Russia and the United States are busy conducting business above us with secret projects and the evidence is circumstantially showing up in social networks and You Tube channels.
Arms control advocates say it is clearly the beginning of a “weaponization of space” – precursor to a precision global strike capability and a full spectrum surveillance apparatus that would allow the US to collect data for months at a time over anywhere it chooses and then unleash firepower without warning anywhere in the world including here at home if necessary.
The story and the conspiracy yarn regarding space weapons and kinetic bombardment have now caught on. The magazines, Popular Mechanics and Scientific American, had recently reported that there will soon be a war waged between China, Russia and the United States and it will not be conventional but cosmic.
Three years ago Barack Obama signed a sweeping aviation bill that, among other things, would open the skies to “unmanned aircraft systems,” more commonly known as drones. In the future it will be common to see unmanned drones patrolling the skies above us as 30,000 armed drones are expected to fill the sky under the control of an electromagnetic grid system.
This grid system known as the “space fence” will record the route and speed of every vehicle on the streets. It will allow the military to observe the movements of individual pedestrians. At night, the space fence will capture the precise moments when the lights in living rooms and bedrooms are turned on and off. The data that the military will acquire, which can be correlated with information from mobile devices and smart meters, will become an important component of the growing digital record of nearly everything we do.
One of the lesser-known assets of the US Space Command’s world-wide space surveillance system is the 217 MHz NAVSPASUR “fence” across the southern US. It is proposed that this fence warns the military of potentially hostile threats both foreign and domestic. However, there are other agencies such as DARPA that have been attempting to construct an electromagnetic, self-aware artificial intelligence grid for full spectrum dominance. This system would be used for surveillance, electronic harassment, mind control, geo-engineering and weather control.
Since the 1980’s the Military Industrial Complex has been busily working on a fool proof space fence system that would be comparable to “Skynet” featured in the Terminator films.
While a malevolent empire that inflicts “Judgment Day” on us all is not so much what scientists fear, there are certain parallels in developing technology to this highly-intelligent and human tracking and possibly hunting, electromagnetic grid system.
From 1983 to 1993 DARPA spent over $1 billion on a program called the Strategic Computing Initiative (SCI). The agency’s goal was to push the boundaries of computers, artificial intelligence, and space dominance.
Star Wars, the popular nickname for Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), was a popular political football in the 1980’s, however it did manage to create ideas that included a electromagnetic grid or dome that could be hyper-connected to a surveillance apparatus, that would also be able to alert and dispatch autonomous war machines to find targets and destroy them.
The missions of SDI and SCI not to mention their originating institutions overlapped too much to be a coincidence, despite everyone’s insistence that it was just that.
Whether or not you believe SCI was going to function as an arm of the Star Wars mission for space-based defense, we are now questioning if there is now above us a functioning “space grid” that will not only defend us from enemy threats, but will also control us and even eliminate us if we are targeted by the all- seeing eye.
Imagine a global wireless network overseeing various sub-networks within the U.S. military. Imagine armies of robot tanks on the ground talking to fleets of drones in the sky and unmanned submarines in the sea, all coordinating their activities faster than any human commander ever could. Now imagine it all being that much more complicated, with nukes waiting to be deployed in space.
The projects of SDI and SCI have allegedly petered out, but it does not mean that the space fence surveillance network idea has not ceased to evolve.
Whistleblower Edward Snowden made us all painfully aware of the government’s sweeping surveillance programs and how we are all targets in the cyber surveillance state. But a new program, currently being developed at the NSA, suggests that surveillance may fuel the government’s cyber defense capabilities, too.
The NSA whistleblower says the agency is developing a cyber defense system that would instantly and autonomously neutralize foreign cyber-attacks against the US, and could be used to launch retaliatory strikes as well. The program, called MonsterMind, raises fresh concerns about privacy and the government’s policies around offensive digital attacks.
This program has been received the unfortunate nickname, Skynet.
Ground Zero reported a few months ago that the Jade Helm 15 exercise that was being said in some conspiracy circles, to be a cover for martial law in this country, was actually a test run for this technology in the domestic battleground.
The Joint Air Defense Training Simulation was reportedly an A.I. based holographic simulation. It appears that it is being utilized during the unusual JADE HELM warfare drills and in urban warfare settings that are happening now. The Joint Air Defense Training Simulation is better known by its acronym that is JADE.
“JADE” appears to be a DARPA-developed A.I. quantum computing technology that produces holographic battlefield simulations and will be in charge of the drill in order to “master the human domain” and predict human response.
There are two distinct programs provided by Raytheon JADE I and JADE II.
We reported last July that Operational Analysis of “War Gaming” and the explanation of the JADE holographic simulations can be found in Raytheon Reference memos which state that The NATO Modeling and Simulation Group Technical Activity 48 (MSG-048) was chartered to evaluate a Command and Control (C2) Language, Coalition Battle Management Language, for Multinational and NATO C2 collaboration supported by modeling and simulation tools. To achieve this, MSG-048 is using an emerging open technical standard, based on the US Joint Battle Management Language (JBML) prototype web services.
Make no mistake -we have always reported that the Jade Helm 15 exercise appears to be an implementation of Artificial General Intelligence on the battle field, literally “mastering the human domain” much like the full spectrum dominance that is proposed with the space fence system.
I find the thought of nicknaming such a complex data mining and surveillance system SKYNET is the biggest form of Hubris. I mean, couldn’t it be something innocuous like SKY WATCH or SKY LORD?
It is so mind boggling to think that they do not even suspect that this space fence “sky net” won’t generate alarm with an already “jaded” American public.
Perhaps we would be better off submitting to our new “intelligent” terminator overlords.

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