
Thursday, August 20, 2015




One of the most talked about conspiracies is the conspiracy to cull the population in order to maintain global sustainability. There are often many villains fingered in this conspiracy.
Villains who wish to use plausible deniability while they are slowly killing you and dealing you poison little by little until you finally realize that you are sick and in need of maintenance medications and supplements to keep you from dying a slow death.
We have known that the United States government has now created laws where citizens have no recourse if they are poisoned by certain medications and certain vaccines.
Many politicians of course receive money from drug companies and some of them even sit on the committees of major drug companies and so the drug lobby is a very powerful group because they know that what they provide are the various cures for what makes us sick.
Until recently medicine attempted to enhance what occurs in nature. It fostered the tendency of healing wounds, the thinning or the clotting of blood, and it eliminated bacteria that could not be eradicated by natural immunity.
We’ve known for a long time that children are being overly medicated, we also know that the entire nation has been overmedicated and that a lot of what we are prescribed becomes an iatrogenic artifact meaning that what is prescribed to cure us may kill us.
There are drugs that are given to people in order to make them feel better, but have side effects. So a doctor will prescribe them another drug to counter act the effects of the first drug. This creates a way for doctors and drug companies to make money off of keeping you sick.
It is simple, put a patient on a drug that continually requires re-examination, testing and prescription renewal. This is where the cure becomes worse than the initial treatment. It is common and in some cases deadly.
While doctors can accidentally prescribe a drug that may harm you, iatrogenic artifacts may also bend to social pressure, coercion and the act of providing drugs and cures to the populace given my their consent and demands.
Social iatrogenesis occurs when the state or the drug companies “sponsor” a sickness or a need for a certain drug. Doctors and big pharmaceutical companies create what is known as a morbid society where the propaganda creates a mass hysteria over new diseases and demands new drugs or new controversial treatments that have serious side effects.
It occurs when medical bureaucracy creates ill health by increasing stress, by multiplying disabling dependence, by generating new painful needs, by lowering the levels of tolerance of discomfort or pain and discourages the right to self-care.
The conspiracy of social iatrogenesis also occurs when medical damage to individual health is produced by a sociopolitical decree.
Social iatrogenesis is at work when health care is turned into a standardized item, a staple; when all suffering is “hospitalized” when certain drugs are required or when certain vaccines are mandatory.
Social iatrogenesis is often confused with the diagnostic authority of doctors, the food and drug administration, the pharmaceutical companies and even political pundits who issue opinions and even make laws concerning medical care.
This often leads to disease mongering where pharmaceutical companies invent diseases, or market cures for benign conditions, in order to sell more drugs.
We are beginning to see that minor problems that are a normal part of life, becoming increasingly “medicalised” and we are being bombarded with drugs that are created to control or otherwise “cure” things that were never heard of in the past.
We are also seeing that opiate drugs are being prescribed to younger patients.
The Food and Drug Administration has approved limited use of the powerful and frequently abused painkiller OxyContin for children as young as 11 years old.
OxyContin is a long-release version of oxycodone, an opioid that acts on the brain like heroin and is intended for only the most severe and chronic pain cases. Because oxycodone and other opioids are extremely powerful and highly addictive, they’re very tightly regulated.
Many people suffering from pain are told when prescribed these medications that they are highly addictive and should be used responsibly. What is worrisome is whether or not the approval of such a powerful drug is opening up the possibility of misuse and creates an iatrogenic artifact for kids. Oxycontin is a schedule II drug.
Just last year the DEA had cracked down hard on opiate drugs that were once schedule III dugs and made them Schedule II dugs. The DEA is puts them on par with powerful illegal narcotics including heroin and methamphetamine, as well as commonly abused medications Adderall and Ritalin.
OxyContin, and methadone account for far more overdose deaths than Hydrocodone.
OxyContin was reformulated five years ago to make it harder for patients to crush the pills for a fast high. But the new use is still likely to be highly controversial, owing to the staggering death and illness figures attributed to opioids, which include Vicodin and Percocet in addition to OxyContin and other versions of Oxycodone.
An average of 44 people dies in the U.S. from opioids every day, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The question is, should this drug be approved for children?
Opioids are responsible for almost 37 percent of all U.S. overdose deaths; however some of the death certificates do not list the drug responsible for a fatal drug overdose.
Usually the drug becomes and iatrogenic artifact when it is combined with other over the counter medicines and alcohol. If combined with acetaminophen, there is also a danger of an overdose of the pain killer and liver failure is the result.
The FDA says that they will be putting strict limits on the use of OxyContin in children. Unlike adults, children have to demonstrate that they can handle the drug by tolerating a minimum dose equal to 20 milligrams of oxycodone for five consecutive days.
Another question in now that the FDA has approved Oxycodone for kids, why is it then so controversial when a child is actually given medical marijuana? Should the restrictions be lifted on the use of Marijuana and should age restrictions be changed as well?
A new multi-institutional study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine and led by researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, examined the rate of deaths caused by opioid overdoses between 1999 and 2010. Results reveal that on average, the 13 states allowing the use of medical marijuana had a 24.8 percent lower annual opioid overdose mortality rate after the laws were enacted than states without the laws, indicating that the alternative treatment may be safer for patients suffering from chronic pain related to cancer and other conditions.
Approximately 60 percent of all deaths resulting from opioid analgesic overdoses occur in patients who have legitimate prescriptions. Additionally, the proportion of patients in the United States who are prescribed opioids for non-cancer pain has almost doubled over the past decade, indicating the need to do a more focused examination on the safety and efficacy of these and other treatment options. In states allowing the use of medical cannabis, the drugs may be prescribed as an alternative to opioids.
Additional results of the study show that the relationship between lower opioid overdose deaths and medical marijuana laws strengthened over time; deaths were nearly 20 percent lower in the first year after a state’s law was implemented, and 33.7 percent lower five years after implementation.
While safer treatment of chronic pain may help to explain lower rates of overdose deaths, medical marijuana laws may also change the way people misuse or abuse opioid painkillers, as marijuana and opioids stimulate similar areas in the brain’s pathways.
What doesn’t make sense is that a year after learning that federal medical marijuana legalization could save almost a dozen American lives daily; the FDA now decides to expand its population of legal OxyContin users to children.
Meanwhile, the federal marijuana laws are strict and some politicians demonize medical marijuana. We also see corrupt law enforcement officials who prefer to ruin people’s lives over marijuana possession.
The argument over whether or not marijuana will destroy little minds is now mute because if their pain dictates it, they will be given a more dangerous drug that has higher risks and worse side effects.
The Obama administration is clearly more distressed by a potential and debatable eight point drop in the IQ in later life among adolescence after long term marijuana-use than guaranteed deaths from prescription opioid drugs.
Now, can we all see that the idea of social iatrogenisis at work here?
Drug studies sponsored by corporations are invariably skewed to favor the study sponsors—the demonizing of self care and the use of medical marijuana has been demonized as a social problem—when it could be used as an answer.
More and more we are seeing evidence to show that you can’t trust the pharmaceutical industry, because whenever they have to choose between profits and quality health care, they always seem to favor profits.

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