
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

FAST RADIO BURSTS: UNKNOWN ASTROPHYSICS? OR MESSAGES?   ~ hehe "what's"   ....really go~in on wit cern/ALL the vast com~pu~ting shit ???  & "what" IS Russia really say~in/let~in ....out ?

This one you may not have heard about, and yet, given the news trends I've been blogging about this week, and following the patterns of what all of you are sending and sharing in terms of articles, this has certainly been a "space and technology" week. In any case, Mr. S.D. shared this article concerning possible transmissions coming from deep space, which scientists are calling Fast Radio Bursts. As one might guess, I have my own high octane speculations about it, but before we get to those, one must first have a glimpse of what's causing all the fuss behind the scenes:
Are aliens trying to contact us? Mathematical radio waves from deep space baffle scientists
The essence of the story is very simple:
The signals have been given a name: fast radio bursts, or FRBs. They last just a few milliseconds but they're incredibly powerful, with the energy equivalent to what the sun releases in a month. Ten of these bursts have been detected since 2001, the most recent of which was captured live in 2014 at the Parkes Observatory in New South Wales, Australia.
The brevity of the bursts is particularly unusual because it means their source has to be extremely small, hundreds of kilometers across at most. And because they exhibit such a high pulse dispersion — a measure of the distance between the arrival of higher frequency waves within the signal compared to lower frequency waves — scientists believe they come from very far away, possibly another galaxy entirely.
All 10 of the bursts detected so far have dispersion measures that are multiples of a single number: 187.5. That's the mathematical regularity that is hard to shake off. The breakdown of the pattern implies five sources for the bursts all at regularly spaced distances from Earth, billions of light-years away. Scientists have calculated this to be a five in 10,000 probability of a coincidence. In other words, not likely.
And, earlier in the article:
So either these radio waves represent some yet undiscovered celestial event, or they are being produced by some kind of technology. In other words, if they do have a technological origin and they aren't being generated by us, that means they could be signals from an extraterrestrial intelligence. Yep, that's right: aliens.
But, there are other possibilities, including, as the article points out, unknown atsrophysical phenomena, of even human sources such as spy satellites. But then we get down to the inevitable ET hypothesis, and to today's orbitally high octane speculation:
If the radio bursts do turn out to be beacons from extraterrestrials, which is a possibility that can't be ruled out, then there are some exciting but scary scenarios to consider. FRBs would not be easy messages to send. The amount of energy required to send such powerful bursts from another galaxy is hard to fathom. Such alien technology would be far more advanced than anything we can imagine, with the ability to harness power equivalent to the sun.
In other words, any face-to-face encounter with such a civilization may not end well for us, if they turn out to be hostile.
Ultimately, scientists will need more evidence before any firmer conclusions can be drawn about the origin of these FRBs. More of the signals will need to be detected, for instance, just to establish that they do all represent a consistent pattern. With only 10 signals to work with currently, the sample size isn't very large. It's difficult not to be electrified by the possibilities, however.
"There is something really interesting we need to understand. This will either be new physics, like a new kind of pulsar, or, in the end, if we can exclude everything else, an ET," said Michael Hippke of the Institute for Data Analysis in Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany. "When you set out to search for something new you might find something unexpected."
Let's assume for the moment that these signals are not coming from outside our galaxy, but inside it. That still would require quite some time for radio signals to get from "there" to "here" depending upon their source's position. After all, the Milky Way galaxy spans a distance of about 400,000 light years. Let's assume, too, that some sort of "ET" is the source of it, and has found a way to manipulate entire stars. How might one communicate back with it, while also demonstrating a similar technological capability? Well, one would attempt to induce resonance effects in our own Sun, causing it to "burp out" massive pulses of energy on a regular basis, and that, of course, brings up back to yesterday's wild and woolly scenario about CERN. But, wait, radio waves are no faster than light ways, and would be a rather pony-express way to communicate with a civilization thousands if not hundreds of thousands of light-years distant. By the time "they" get the message, if they or we haven't blown ourselves up by then, it would take a massive intergenerational program to communicate at all. Some other method of communication would have to be found, and "star burps" might just be the symptom, rather than the cause, of something much deeper: wormholes? longitudinal waves in the (hyper-dimensional) medium?
If that's the case, then it puts yesterday's tidbit story about CERN's search for hyper-dimensionality into a new perspective, given yesterday's story about the apparent "burping" of the Sun when the LHC was fired up again.  These may be just coincidences. Time, and lots of correlated data between different systems, will tell.
Funny thing, though, as I pointed out in The Third Way, one would have to have access to massive amounts of data from different systems, and then access to the computing systems and algorithm :"filters" to search for correlations like that. And the funny thing is, CERN's cosmology cartel is the only one currently in the game.     


CERN has been quietly back in the news this past week. Most readers here are probably aware of all the various conspiracy theories that circulate regarding CERN's Large Hadron Collider, which span the entire spectrum from the "extremely ridiculous" to "grounded absurdity." These theories, as I tried to outline in my latest book, The Third Way, like to point to CERN's supposed 666 logo, to its statue of Shiva, and so on. There are the "portal" theories and theories that the LHC will link to Saturn and that all the "old gods" of Kronos and the Age of the Titans will come tumbling through.  There are, however, other more provoctative theories, including this one shared by Ms. S.H., that appear to show resonance or coupling effects between the LHC and the Sun, an idea which, if you've been following my own wild and crazy high octance speculations about the LHC, torsion-precessional effects, and resonance effects in the earth and local space, make some sense:

But now RT weighs in, and states that CERN is up to something else with its Large Hadron Collider, something having, incidentally, very little to do with particle physics (in a certain sense):
Shields up! CERN testing superconductor for spaceship radiation deflector
Note the meat of the article:
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is helping to create a space vessel shield that could allow explorers to travel to the far reaches of our solar system and beyond, without suffering from exposure to harmful space radiation.
Since 2013, the EU has funded the European Space Radiation Superconducting Shield (SR2S) project, a collaboration between leading scientific institutions, which CERN, based in Switzerland, has now joined.
CERN, famous for being the birthplace of the World Wide Web and hosting the Large Hadron Collider, is providing the material, which may be used in the shield. For its tests, it will be using magnesium diboride (MgB2), a record-breaking superconductor, whose properties were only discovered fourteen years ago.
Space radiation particles, which come from our sun, and other objects beyond the solar system, inflict damage on the human DNA and organs, which accumulates over time, causing conditions ranging from cancer to dementia.
“Because of this, exploration missions to Mars or other distant destinations will only become realistically possible if an effective solution is found,” says CERN.
CERN, which operates on an annual budget of about $1,100 million, says that even if its tests show that a MgB2 magnetic shield is sound, this does not mean that it can be adopted as a practical solution within years.
“There are many more challenges to overcome before a spacecraft shield can be built: various possible magnetic configurations need to be tested and compared and other key enabling technologies need to be developed,” admits CERN.
So there you have it.
Now, what I find interesting here is (1) the admission that a radiation shielding technology will have to be developed for long term human space flight (something that, even now, one can hear the giggle of glea from the Apollo hoaxer crowd; no need to write in guys), and (2) that this will have to be based upon some element of superconducting magnetism.
Now readers here will recall that a few years ago I speculated on the possible torsion effects that the LHC, and the Proton Synchrotron above it, might produce with their large rotating and(in the LHC's case, counter-rotating) fields, effects that might create "precessional" wobbles and perhaps even resonance effects in the local system. The above video seems to suggest this is a possibility, though I doubt that it will be admitted, for to do so would be tantamount to admitting that the big plaything of the Cosmology Cartel that is CERN is really not so much about particle physics as it is about other things. But what I find even more intriguing is that the LHC's superconducting "space shield" experiments are also exaclty more or less what i speculated years ago in SS Brotherhood of the Bell, that the Bell device - which was also crogenically cooled, and which also relied upon large counter-rotating torsional effects - may have been used as a hidden technology in the Apollo program not only to provide that added "ummph" but also as a shielding mechanism.
Now, if you're following all that, then it probably strikes you -as it struck me - a bit peculiar(no... make that very peculiar) that it is RT reporting on these things, for you'll probably have noticed that recently there's been this strange pattern emerging from Russian media sources that are tacitly, and very politely and very low keyedly(is that a word?) questioning the west's scientific and space institutions. Recall a few weeks ago that Russia was raising questions about Apollo, not in the form of questioning that it happened, but rather questioning the record of it, in other words, the how it happened.
And now Russia is pointing out that a significant project of CERN has little to do with probing strangelets and quark-gluon plasmas and Higgs bosons and other deities in the Standard Model pantheon, but rather is a project about shielding space vehicles from particles by superconducting rotating magnets, out of material that has some unique properties:
“But the MgB2 superconductor seems to be very well-placed to take part in this challenging adventure as, among its many advantages, there is also its ability to operate at higher temperatures (up to about 25 K) thus allowing the spacecraft to have a simplified cryogenic system. Watch this space!”
Now, what that means is that Russia has - again in a very nice, user-friendly, polite, and scientific way - pointed out that part of CERN's LHC project has nothing whatsoever to do with theoretical particle physics, and has everything to do with other, more hidden, and more pratical, aims.
And that's saying a mouthful.

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