
Monday, August 24, 2015

ELECTRIC FUNERAL TO AMERICA   ~ & let's NOT fer~geet the 'gate~way tech' "we" "learned" from  setting "off " all thum ...nukes ( & y e.t./ufo's)  was 'mon~tor~ing' US ??? ...hehe kinda like in Star Trek ..when "warp speed" was ....' de~tech~ed~ed ' ???



During the Cold War, the U.S. and the Soviet Union relied on a strategy that used to be termed, “mutual assured destruction.” It was the idea that in order to hold off a nuclear planetary holocaust there would always be threat that one would happen. It was a way to hold the entire Earth hostage with their massive nuclear arsenals. We were told that each superpower had safely stashed away enough nuclear power to absorb a “first strike.”
‘Safely’ was a relative term as we all knew that tens of millions of citizens would be dead, wounded or irradiated to the point of a slow and painful death.
Operation Dominic was a series of 31 nuclear test explosions with a 38.1 Megaton total yield conducted in 1962 by the United States in the Pacific. This test series was scheduled quickly, in order to respond in kind to the Soviet resumption of testing after the agreed upon 1958-1961 test moratorium.
Most of these shots were conducted with free-fall bombs dropped from B-52 bomber aircraft. Twenty of these shots were to test new weapons designs; six to test weapons effects; and several shots to confirm the reliability of existing weapons. The Thor missile was also used to lift warheads into near-space to conduct high altitude nuclear explosion tests; these shots were collectively called Operation Fishbowl.
Operation Dominic occurred during a period of high Cold War tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, since the Cuban Bay of Pigs Invasion had occurred not long before. Nikita Khrushchev announced the end of a three-year moratorium on nuclear testing on August 30, 1961, and Soviet tests recommenced on September 1st, initiating a series of tests that included the detonation of Tsar Bomba.
President John F. Kennedy responded by authorizing Operation Dominic. It was the largest nuclear weapons testing program ever conducted by the United States, and the last atmospheric test series conducted by the U.S., as the Limited Test Ban Treaty was signed in Moscow the following year.
During Operation Dominic, we learned that when a multi-megaton-yield anti-ballistic-missile nuke warhead is detonated at the very high altitudes where incoming Soviet nuke warheads would be intercepted, in addition to destroying the incoming Soviet warhead, our ABM nuke’s enhanced radiation also produces extreme charge separation in the underlying atmosphere.
That is, the atoms in the air are not merely ionized but are separated into positively-charged ions and negatively-charged electrons. An infinite amount of those ionization electrons are driven far away from the ions, creating a mountain of high-frequency dipole radio transmitters.
The result was a multi-frequency electromagnetic pulse or an EMP.
The United States discovered that this pulse from a nuclear warhead far above us can interfere catastrophically with the operation of certain kinds of electrical and electronic systems at considerable distances. That first high-altitude megaton-yield nuke test over Johnson Island resulted in power system failures in Hawaii, more than 700 miles away.
Once the EMP effect was discovered, we did two things. One was to spend a billions of dollars EMP-proofing all military electrical and electronic components and weapons systems.
The second was to see if specially designed nukes of much lower yield could produce EMP as the primary “kill mechanism.”
According to the Commission, China and Russia have done the same. In fact, in May 1999, during the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia, high-ranking members of the Russian Duma, meeting with a U.S. congressional delegation to discuss the Balkans conflict, reportedly raised the specter of a Russian EMP attack that would paralyze the United States.
The Commission concluded that such an attack would be considered non lethal, however in and of, itself an EMP “has the potential to hold our society at risk and might result in defeat of our military forces.”
Nuclear missiles, when detonated anywhere from a quarter of a mile to 300 miles in the sky, can create an electromagnetic pulse capable of wiping out power grids.
When the Soviet Union fell, the nuclear weapons disappeared and yet they went nowhere. It was merely a “feel good” move to realize that the godless communists had fell and that both the United States and Russia would cooperate in providing a safe world for everyone.
But with all of the lying with regard to our nuclear age, perhaps we all had to feel like we could fake it and pretend that a cold war could be warmed with understanding. However it seemed the warmth has been stifled with pure and exhausting ignorance about such matters as safe foreign policy with Russia.
Russia and the United States have had their bit of saber rattling with regard to the situation in Crimean Peninsula and all matters of destabilization of Ukraine. The mainstream has moved on to political rock star reporting and has virtually ignored the dangers and the unfinished business that is the United States and their failed diplomatic relations.
At the moment we are currently aware that Iran’s current missile technology cannot safely handle a real nuclear weapon of the size of which could do damage to its neighbors or the United States. However we are fully aware that they are capable of building and may well already have in their possession a device capable of generating an EMP.
This is why Iran has partnered with North Korea in joint Nuclear Weapons Development and miniaturization and also a joint effort to develop their ballistic missile program. It’s all about Bigger, Better, Faster, and more lifting capacity for them at this point.
On February 3rd, 2010 Iran announced that they were entering into the space race. A little late of course and a great cover for their rocket capabilities. On the Anniversary of the Islamic revolution February 11th, 2010, Iranian Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced to the world that their advances in rocketry would “deliver a telling blow to global powers.”
When Iran fired a missile into space 5 years ago, the event took on a surreal religious tone. The leaders prepared the rocket. Before it was fired into space the words Allah Akbar were being chanted by onlookers.
Afterwards, a scientist kissed the Koran and placed it at the foot of a large rocket motor called the “Simurgh.” The rocket is named after a bird that is similar to the Phoenix or “firebird.” The symbolism is terrifying because of what the Phoenix represents. The DEATH and REBIRTH by FIRE! Iranian legends consider the bird so old that it has seen the destruction of the world three times over.
The event reminded me of a scene from Beneath the Planet of the apes where “The Brotherhood of the Holy Fallout” kneeled and prayed before the Alpha-Omega Doomsday Bomb.
Now, anytime we see news reports of the so called Iranian Nuclear deal we are often treated to chants of “Death to America” by angry Iranians, and of course their leaders do nothing to stop the breeding hatred of both the United States and Israel.
Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon that complies with Islamic law should be grounds enough for Congress to kill the agreement between Iran and the West, since just a “Shariah compliant” bomb could “threaten the existence of the United States.”
We know that Iran is not capable of delivering a major nuclear payload anywhere at the moment, but they have had the ability to develop a low yield device that could be detonated above a U.S. City. The resulting detonation would not only bring some “death to America in some regions, but would also create an “Electric Funeral” that would kill the power grid and render us into a preindustrial state.
The proposed agreement with Iran would not prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear device that it could detonate at high altitudes over the U.S. to create an electromagnetic pulse that would destroy the nation’s critical infrastructure.
James Woolsey, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Peter Vincent Pry, executive director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security, Told the Washington Times that Iran could obtain such a device relatively easily “by cheating in the use of the nuclear infrastructure permitted them under the agreement.”
Because an EMP destroys electronics directly but people indirectly, it is regarded by some Muslim scholars as a “Shariah compliant” use of a nuclear weapon,” Woolsey and Pry reported.
The congressional EMP commission, the House Armed Services Committee and the Central Intelligence Agency have warned officials that U.S. intelligence cannot meet the impossibly high standard of assuring that Iran cannot acquire a single nuclear weapon and, given the regime’s nuclear infrastructure, cannot with absolute certainty guarantee that Iran does not already have one.”
This is all contrary to the assertions of Secretary of State John Kerry.
Secretary of State John Kerry’s assertions on June 16 that the United States has perfect intelligence on Iran’s nuclear program are not credible.
Kerry has stated: “We know what they did. We have no doubt. We have absolute knowledge.”
The CIA and other alphabet agencies have stated that Iran was an incredibly hard intelligence target meaning it was difficult to get any credible information out of the area.
They complain that Kerry’s disregard of the limits of U.S. intelligence is reason enough to reject the nuclear deal proposed by the Obama administration, since just one small nuclear warhead can threaten the existence of the United States.
The official Iranian military textbook advocates a revolutionary new way of warfare that combines coordinated attacks by nuclear and non-nuclear EMP weapons, physical and cyber-attacks against electric grids to black out and collapse entire nations.
Iranian military doctrine makes no distinction between nuclear EMP weapons, non-nuclear radio-frequency weapons and cyber-operations it regards a nuclear EMP attack as the ultimate cyber-weapon.
EMP is most effective at blacking-out critical infrastructures, while it also does not directly damage the environment or harm human life, according to Iran’s “Passive Defense”:
“Passive Defense” and other Iranian military writings are well aware that nuclear EMP attack is the most efficient way of killing people, through secondary effects, over the long run. The rationale appears to be that people starve to death, not because of EMP but because they live in materialistic societies dependent upon modern technology.
For example, an Iranian article on nuclear EMP attack, “Electronics to Determine Fate of Future Wars” published in 1998, concludes hopefully from the Iranian author’s perspective:
“If the world’s industrial countries fail to devise effective ways to defend themselves against dangerous electronic assaults, then they will disintegrate within a few years. American soldiers would not be able to find food to eat nor would they be able to fire a single shot.
The Washington Times reports that the Congressional EMP Commission found that Iran has practiced launching missiles and fusing warheads for high-altitude EMP attack, including off a freighter. Iran has apparently practiced surprise EMP attacks, orbiting satellites on south polar trajectories to evade U.S. radars and missile defenses, at altitudes consistent with generating an EMP field covering all 48 contiguous United States. Iran launched its fourth satellite on such a trajectory as recently as February 2015.
A single nuclear weapon would complete the list of requirements.
Finally, because a nuclear EMP attack can be conducted by surprise and anonymously deterrence may not work against EMP.
Deterrence depends upon knowing who attacked and being able to retaliate. Unlike a nuclear weapon used to blast a city, high-altitude EMP leaves no collectible bomb debris for forensic analysis to identify the aggressor.
EMP attack by missile or balloon launched off a freighter could be from many possible actors. Even Yemen’s Houthis have Scud missiles and know how to use them, having recently killed the chief of Saudi Arabia’s air force with a Scud strike on King Khalid Air Force Base.
Hundreds of satellites are in low earth orbit, unseen when approaching the United States from the south that could help disguise the origins of an EMP attack. And the EMP could damage the means necessary to identify the attacker and U.S. retaliatory capabilities.
Iran’s ally North Korea also has the capability to deliver on its threats to carry out a nuclear electromagnetic pulse attack on the United States. Any rocket from North Korea is likely to travel over the South Pole and approach from the south – something American missile defenses would apparently be powerless to stop.
Tensions between North and South Korea have now been rekindled.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un declared his front-line troops in a “quasi-state of war” and ordered them to prepare for battle a day after the most serious confrontation between the rivals in years.
Kim-Jong-un-517105 (1)
South Korea’s military fired dozens of artillery rounds across the border in response to what Seoul said were North Korean artillery strikes meant to back up a threat to attack loudspeakers broadcasting anti-Pyongyang propaganda.
The spike in tensions prompted the U.S. and South Korea to briefly halt an annual military exercise that began this week.
North Korea had criticized the drills, calling them a preparation for invasion, although the U.S. and South Korea insist they are defensive in nature.
The North’s declaration is similar to its other warlike rhetoric in recent years, including repeated threats to reduce Seoul to a “sea of fire,” and the huge numbers of soldiers and military equipment.
If China is dragged into this mess and the United States decides to play war, it would be a given that non lethal attacks like hypervelocity bundles and even EMP’s could be used to send a message.
When the words non lethal are used, they are merely stating that in the beginning there would be no mass casualties.
However, the EMP Commission, in 2008, estimated that within 12 months of a nationwide blackout, up to 90% of the U.S. population could possibly perish from starvation, disease and societal breakdown.
Americans love their creature comforts, their TV, internet and smart phones.
We take for granted that our food is available whenever we need it and refrigeration and elements to cook on are a necessity. Not to mention power for other things that keeps us alive. When comfort leaves, so does the sanity of the country. No power means “Death to America.” An EMP will seal the inevitability of an electric funeral.

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