
Thursday, July 23, 2015

NO COUNTRY FOR UNARMED MEN   ~ Cyptocracy,,,They do not want to see a citizenry capable of critical thinking and discernment.



When you are in the business of analyzing a conspiracy theory there are a few individuals that observe that it may be a futile attempt to uncover any conspiracy whether real or misunderstood.
We have been told that the truth is found by those who work hard and research. Many of the jurors in the court of public opinion make decisions based on what is flashed at them on a television screen, or what is reported to them in a media that is highly controlled by the state department.
Independent news has always circled around important stories and has pinpointed with great skill the dirty truth that does not sit well with those who want to believe in the consensus reality.
Most of the time conspiracy analysts have to have a willingness to clean up and clarify a story that has been deemed a conspiracy theory because the mainstream leaves unanswered questions and holes in the preferred script that they try to use on the gullible and misinformed public.
It seems that real truth in the 21st century can be found when you map out a story and chase mistakes. Those mistakes either make you cold and paranoid or a militant agnostic where you have to acknowledge that you really don’t know what is going on and neither does anyone else.
So all you can do is point out the mistakes, inaccuracies, negligence, lies, blatant cover-ups, and half truths. All the rest is speculation, and if there are a group of people plotting and carrying out nefarious schemes there lays the conspiracy.
The conspiracy is always there to grind you down.
It is difficult to deliver truth apart from the mainstream to a group of people who are ready to discredit it because it does not fit their preconceived notions of what they believe. Telling someone that what they have been taught their whole lives is fraudulent can cut to the core of their comfort zone.
However, it is important to understand that it is vital to open your mind to all options because it is here that we can at least make an attempt to understand why our government can get away with what it does. Why their illegal activities continue without public reprisal or revolution. Why torturers go without prosecution, and fear mongers continue to hold us hostage with their words of terror and hate.
The Cyptocracy, better known as the real owners of the country, love to abuse the system and play on your good nature. They do not want to see a citizenry capable of critical thinking and discernment.
They want a citizenry that blindly obeys, does their job, pays their taxes and votes for the same policies and agendas.
For some that is enough.
The Cryptocracy sells an illusion that is fortified with anthem singing, flag waving, and god fearing. The illusion that they are selling now is overinflated, underpaid and eventually disarmed.
The reason is simple, the Cryptocracy sees most of us as criminals and would be more than happy to corral the so called troublemakers put them in a hole and throw away the hole.
A new US Department of Defense (DoD) research program admits that the Pentagon has long been concerned about widespread social break down. Even more striking of an admission is the fact that they have been funding universities to create models of the dynamics, risks and tipping points that would all be part of large-scale civil unrest in the United States. The DoD program was funded under the overarching authority of a number of US military agencies.
This program, costing millions of dollars, has been designed for the purposes of immediate and long-term “warfighter-relevant insights” development. The Pentagon explains that the purpose is for senior officials and decision makers in “the defense policy community” to form a contingency plan in the event of wide scale social unrest.
The DoD then decided to partner with universities in order “to improve DoD’s basic understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral, and political forces that shape regions of the world of strategic importance to the US.”
Among the projects awarded for the period 2014-2017 is a Cornell University-led study managed by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research which aims to develop an empirical model “of the dynamics of social movement mobilization and contagions.”
The project will determine “the critical mass (tipping point)” of social contagions that is The spread of ideas, attitudes, or behavior patterns that are not “approved,” by studying their “digital traces” – meaning your smart phone and social media entries will be scrutinized.
Twitter posts and conversations will be examined “to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized.”
To predict with accuracy the actions and reactions of any chosen enemy, you must know their habits, movements, connections, fears, and capabilities.
Who is the enemy?
Those who would stand in the way of the implementation of the police state that is if the cryptocracy decides to allow the fascist take over and the disarmament of the American citizen.
That is why new and improved intelligence gathering will be used in future battles and in law enforcement. Your data is your dossier for profiling and it at the disposal of any alphabet agency or paramilitary unit.
The data of course is verified by a fusion center, which in turn recommends the course of action, namely paying a visit to the person or group causing that social contagion.
Sun Tzu stated in his book the Art of war the following:
“Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.”
It is important to know that on the surface that the Jade Helm 15 exercise is a typical military drill that has already been called a “fascist attempt at implementing a police state.”
While a sudden mission creep could make that all possible, and make the conspiracy theorists correct. Just calling it an attempt at a police state takeover is too easy of a speculation and creates a consensus judgment that puts a clamp on the ability to report the details of this sophisticated operation.
As a matter of fact it appears that the operation all ready is aware of its notoriety and has declared that the media is being gagged on reporting what it happening once again raising suspicion on what the military’s objective is. Journalists will not be permitted to embed in the operation.
Pick a theory, Jade Helm is a dry-run for imposing martial law, preparation for impending alien invasion, or the imminent destruction of humanity, and none of them apply at this moment and nearly all of theories presented do not sound like they have been thoroughly vetted of verified.
Leave it to the military to silence any and all coverage, thus contributing to the hearsay.
However, it is important to report that Jade Helm is in the business of using Geospatial intelligence operating programs and software to carry out unusual warfare.
It looks and feels like a police state, however it is a more intelligent police state that will be using ‘warfighter-relevant insights” development to determine “the critical mass tipping point” of social contagions.
Using what is called the Joint Assistant for Deployment and Execution or (JADE) the troops can mobilize against an enemy that indicates through his metadata that he is a threat.
JADE is a knowledge-based, mixed-initiative system that supports force deployment planning and management.
All this information works nicely in order to push an agenda of imposing a Technocratic Dictatorship, and at the same round up dissidents trying to spoil their plans by using AI armed robots, unmanned drones and the services of personnel just “following orders” by computers like good little robots.
They use the idea of freedom, a myth perpetuated by the powers-that-be in order to avoid any major civil unrest, and to keep us all living under the thumb of the intelligence branch and the Military Industrial Complex.
These operations have deep pockets and use propaganda, to keep us held within the illusions that have been created for us. The truth of the matter is this: what freedom has not been stolen from us, we have surrendered willingly through our silence and ignorance.
As Americans, most of us have no idea how our freedoms are maintained or lost. Many are unaware of how the country operates. They think they do and it is too bad that most of us do not have the time or the energy to understand fully the machinations of fascist unethical corporate knowledge.
We have learned that there is blueprint featuring changes in the future that will affect us economically, politically, sociologically, ecologically, spiritually, culturally and physically.
These changes may affect people negatively and there will be those who will rebel against such drastic changes.
It goes without saying that we are given exceptional resources. We are given exceptional opportunities to improve our way of life but we have forfeited the opportunity by surrendering our rights for the illusion of safety.
Do you feel any safer now than you did at the 15 years ago?

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