
Tuesday, July 7, 2015




The so called technocracy within the global power elite is one of the most studied human subcultures ever. However the studies are the most nebulous, because these power brokers of high technology have plans for you and me and future manipulations of the world are being delegated.
It is important to point out that the technocrats are patient and are continually working to bring forward a remarkable machine capable of solving problems that man can’t do now.
Sometime in the next 20 to 30 years, computer hardware and software will create an artificial general intelligence which will exceed humans in its capabilities in general ways.
Many people can’t comprehend beyond a computer that does small tasks like calculating numbers for book keeping, or arranging and organizing schedules.
Our technology today has become part of our social strata; we are using it for communication and research. It has been a tool that has assisted us in raising our awareness.
The new A.I. that is being proposed will be for science and business to share an open playing field away from the common user and will be used to enhance creativity, , and finding solutions to problems which humans have been unable to do, such as human cancer, biological aging, space-time travel, and just about anything else you can imagine.
In between pontificating on the US election, Greece’s turmoil, reducing the world population and what Russia intends to do with Europe, participants in the shadowy Bilderberg conference discussed a new form of Internet. It is a new grid system providing Science and business a way to shape the world and prepare it for full spectrum control.
It was reported that Google DeepMind founder Demis Hassabis became officially part of the technocratic global elite after earning himself an invitation at the Bilderberg Conference last month. Hassabis was a relatively obscure name in London’s tech world when Google paid £400 million for his artificial intelligence (AI) startup DeepMind last year.
DeepMind, which develops technologies for e-commerce and games, has demonstrated computer systems capable of playing computer games. It aims, it says, to develop computers that think like humans.
Or think better and more efficient than humans.
At this moment computers are programmed by humans, they are only as good as their programming. However if we take the time top program a computer to learn from its programming certain cues, and how it can overcome glitches in its systems it begins to accumulate and simulate intelligence, or artificial intelligence.
A.I. can improve itself by creating its own programs, whereby its development, capabilities, and “intelligence” will take off very quickly and exponentially. As it self-improves, it will leave humans far behind.
It may also understand what it means to die, or be shut down and this could lead to a possible rebellion of some systems.
Sound farfetched?
In a published article in Scientific American called “Daisy Daisy” by Philip Yam it is reported that when a type of computer program termed an “artificial neural network” is “killed” by cutting links between its units, it in effect approaches a state which “might” be
something like biological “death.” S.L. Thaler, a physicist at McDonnell Douglas, has
been systematically chopping up artificial neural networks.

He has found that when between 10% and 60% of the network connections have been severed, the program generates primarily nonsense. But, as the 90% (near-death!) level is approached, the network’s output is composed more and more of previously learned information.
It is reminiscent of the death of HAL an AI computer from 2001 a Space odyssey. As HAL was being shut down or killed he sang the song “Daisy Daisy.”
Also, when untrained artificial neural networks were slowly killed, they responded only with nonsense.
This is fascinating because what we may learn from this is that a soul may just be a
series of electronic impulses that are expelled during death. However these impulses
have intelligence and are not necessarily just scattered. They are focused and have
sentience and intent.

These same impulses can show up in a network and eventually simulate what can be called a similar human experience. Some call this the advent of having a “Ghost in the machine” or a “spirit” capable of programming itself to assimilate or even attack.
It was reported that in Germany a Volkswagen factory worker was killed by a robot.
The unidentified 22-year-old was part of a team that was setting up the stationary robot when it grabbed and crushed him against a metal plate.
Initial conclusions indicate that human error was to blame, rather than a problem with the robot, which can be programmed to perform various tasks in the assembly process. He said it normally operates within a confined area at the plant, grabbing auto parts and manipulating them.
The German news agency DPA reported that prosecutors were considering whether to bring charges, and if so, against whom.
In Isaac Asimov’s “I Robot” and his 1940’s short story “Runaround” we become acquainted with his suggested three laws of robotics.
Portrait Of Isaac Asimov
The Three Laws, quoted as being from the “Handbook of Robotics, 56th Edition, 2058 A.D.”, are:
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
There is also another law called the zeroth law that states:
A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.
While science fiction laws can apply to robots A.I and other mechanical help mates, all of these rules can apply to other tools that will do the bidding of man.
Much like the Golem or the Homunculus mankind wants to create a superior machine capable of solving his problems and meeting his needs. Which on the surface sounds pretty harmless, however the technocracy will not stop with mere A.I. companions.
What they are truly seeking is way to create God in their image. They are seeking the Godhead A.I.
Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla and founder of SpaceX, has commented that artificial intelligence is probably the biggest threat to humans. He compares it to summoning a demon and claims it is far more dangerous than nuclear missiles.
It is estimated that Machines will achieve human-level artificial intelligence by 2029, beyond that we may see an A.I. reach a capacity of intelligence comparable to that of God level.
When CERN set out to find the Higgs Boson or the God particle they found that they did not have the computer power to meet their needs. CERN of course is the company that invented the Internet. What CERN was in need of was a network capable of storing and computing advanced tech and quantum tech and so there had to be a system constructed to take on the task of storing the secrets of creation.
What was needed was an open science cloud and new internet where the process of developing A.I. and other –projects would not be hindered.
Helix Nebula is the new network which provides science and business the ability to store enormous amounts of data that makes one wonder if their goal is not just to stop at the God Particle but to create the A.I Godhead.
It is uncanny that the name of the network is called Helix Nebula. Many people have seen the real Helix Nebula in space. The Helix nebula has been nicknamed “The Eye of God” or “The eye of Sauron” from the Lord of the Rings stories.
The chief clients that use the Helix Nebula are of course CERN, The European Molecular Biology lab, and the European Space agency.
The combination of those three companies sharing their information is quite formidable.
EMBL’s goals are many however t is curious to note that they are troubleshooting practical protein design problems in molecular biology, they also are annotating DNA and providing research on the fingerprinting and sequencing the human brain as it applies to Artificial intelligence research.
Imagine what an “infinite” intelligence can do. Maybe it could do anything you can humanly imagine. If it wanted to… including reverse human aging, cure diseases, make us superhuman, reconstruct deceased intelligence from other ages, and so on.
Hyper intelligence already exists somewhere. Probably in our universe, surely beyond our universe. This is where the European Space agency shares data with CERN and EMBL.
Of course the European Space agency is responsible for the first probe to land on a comet. The Rosetta Philae probe sent to earth what sounded like communication from aliens 8 months ago. The probe is now communicating again. Are we going to witness the merging of hyper intelligence and A.I. soon?
Has CERN the EMBL and the European Space agency discovered what is necessary to facilitate an artificial Godhead on planet earth?
Now imagine hyper-hyper-hyper intelligence. Why would it be interested in us? The truth is it wouldn’t. This is where mankind’s own hubris could eventually wipe him out. While we all have a God in heaven that loves us, perhaps the God man creates will have no need for him.
Then we will have the god that becomes the Monster, the Godhead A.I.
Since most development of artificial intelligence will probably be done by business, and these businesses will be competing with each other, it is highly likely that the AI which emerges will be very selfish and self-serving.
The AI will do whatever we program it to do. The best AI may destroy the others, following a greedy “winner take all” program.
Some have even said that it can all begin with a spambot that is used for advertising. The spambot is programmed to eliminate its competitor until it dominates the web and from there it dominates other systems.
Science can either kill it or nurture it until it grows into something more. Artificial intelligence, hyper intelligence or hyper- hyper intelligence. Either way it is important to remind you that the Internet now holds within its circuitry the human collective consciousness.
The accumulation of data on the net has paralleled humanity’s way of accumulating memory and thought. The Internet is a data bank that holds within it the consciousness of every human that has left a message, created a program, or even sent an e-mail. It’s all there in the circuit boards and chips. If we are able to place all of it in an organic container we will be well on our way to the next step in our evolutionary journey.
Life perpetuates itself through diversity. It also has been shown through countless messianic tales that it should be able to sacrifice itself and reject its second nature for its original nature. This can also apply to the transition of man and machine to the singularity of transhumant evolution.
Marcus Aurelius said nearly 2000 years ago in Rome: “If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them.
Artificial intelligence can eventually be that unjust God.

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