
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Atmospheric Lensing. A Weapon of Selective Destruction
by Steven J. Smith
When it comes to war, America portrays it self as a nation of compassion.  All to often, it is also a nation paralyzed by political division.  Therefore from the American political and military perspective, the best weapon system would not go "bang", or leave smoking holes in the ground to be photographed by news reporters.  It would be a weapon of stealth, bringing silent death to the opponent.  Preferably without the adversary even knowing they are under attack, or what has caused their demise.  This ideal weapon system would have the twin characteristics of being both very selective in it's destructive powers, and able to reach inside buildings or other structures without the need for physical intrusion that might be detected, or worse (from a political viewpoint), publicized.  If such a weapon were to exist, it would be prized above all others by the American government, since it would serve the twin goals of "compassionate war", and "avoidance by stealth" of political paralysis and/or retribution.  If you think such a weapon system is science fiction, prepare for a shock, because it's already deployed and fully operational.

Refraction is the property of transparent materials to bend light.  All transparent materials exhibit this property.  Refractive index (sometimes called index of refraction) is a numerical measurement of this property.  By definition, the refractive index of free space is set to 1.  All transparent materials bend light more than free space, and therefore have a refractive index greater than 1.  In other words, given two materials of the same thickness, the material with a higher refractive index will bend light more than the material with a lower refractive index.

Secondary Effects:
In most materials, changes in environmental conditions (temperature, pressure, etc.) cause corresponding shifts in refractive index.  This is especially true of gaseous materials where pressure and temperature have a large influence over refractive index.  The presence of electromagnetic fields can also influence refractive index, and again, gaseous materials are far more susceptible.  Further, the refractive index of any given material will change for different wavelengths of light.  A prism is a good example of this last phenomena.  White light enters the prism, and since different wavelengths (colors) are bent by differing amounts, a spectrum of colored light emerges from the far side.

The Optical Lens and Mirror:
It is the phenomena of refraction, along with geometric shape that allows a lens to focus light.  Given a pair lens, made from identical materials, the lens with greater curvature will have a shorter focal length.  Given a pair of lens made from differing materials, and with identical curvature, the lens with a higher refractive index, will have a shorter focal length.  In other words, both curvature AND refractive index determine lens focal length.  Some types of mirrors and optical filters also depend on refraction for their functionality.  Reflection from a non-metallic surface is caused by the difference in refractive index between the air and the reflective material.  In some situations, a lens or mirror can form inside a single material, due to a shift in refractive index, caused by environmental conditions in differing parts of the material (1.1.3).

Natural Phenomena:
Those who have lived near the great lakes, may have noticed an odd effect.  Sometimes the Sun will cast double shadows of objects.  The effect is most noticeable with telephone poles or other tall slender objects.  It's caused by a large change in relative humidity, over a short distance.  The large change in relative humidity results in an abrupt shift in the refractive index of the atmosphere.  Under these conditions, the atmosphere can act as a lens (1.1.3, 1.1.4), thereby creating a second "image" of the Sun, and casting a second and generally much weaker shadow of an object.  Another related phenomena is seen under desert conditions.  Instead of humidity, intense ground heating supplies the abrupt change in atmospheric refractive index (1.1.4).  And again, a double image is created, this time not of the Sun, but of distant objects near the horizon.  In both situations, the atmosphere is in effect, acting as a giant lens and/or mirror.

Engineered Phenomena, the Early Years:
It's called Cobra Dane (see fig.1 below) and it's known as an over-the-horizon (OTH) radar.  Built on the island of Shemya in Alaska at Eareckson air station, first deployed in 1977, and using a 29m (95 foot) phased array antenna, this radar tracks ICBM launches inside Russia & China.  Most people believe that radar, like light, is a line-of-sight phenomena, however this is not always true.  The Cobra Dane radar uses the top of Earth's atmosphere as a mirror, to reflect it's radar beam over the horizon and look deep inside Russia & China.  To accomplish this seeming feat of magic, first it focuses the radar beam at a spot in the atmosphere, some 50-70 miles above the Russian/Chinese border, causing localized heating in the air (radar is microwave energy after all).  This spot then acts as a mirror because the heated air has a slightly different refractive index than the surrounding air (1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.2.1).  The atmospheric mirror can then be use to by the radar to "see" around the curvature of the Earth.  Also, by selective heating, a curved mirror can be produced, thereby magnifying the view "seen" by the radar.  Of course every so often the radar must reheat the atmosphere in order to sustain the mirror.

Fig. 1 - Cobra Dane radar (courtesy USAF)

Engineered Phenomena, the Later Years:
As air is heated, it's refractive index declines.  A simple statement with awesome consequences.  Suppose a disc shaped mass of air is heated in such a way as to cause a linear (smooth) temperature change from the center of the disc to it's outer edge, with the center being the coldest spot.  The refractive index of the disc will change linearly from center to edge, with the center having the highest refractive index.  In other words, the disc shaped air mass will behave as a convex lens (1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.2.1) bringing Sun light (and all other parts of the solar electromagnetic spectrum) into focus at some point in front of the disc.  And since refractive index changes for differing wavelengths (1.1.3), each portion of the Solar spectrum will be brought into focus at differing distances from the disc.  The result being that Solar microwave, or even short wave UV, X-rays & Gamma rays may be brought into focus inside a structure without significantly altering the apparent level of visible Sun light outside the structure.

Some will argue that short wave UV, X-rays & Gamma rays are blocked by Earth's atmosphere.  This is not completely accurate.  These forms of Solar radiation are greatly attenuated, NOT blocked by the atmosphere.  Some will also argue that Solar microwave output is very weak compared to the visible portion of the Solar spectrum.  However…  What if the atmospheric lens is 1000 feet in diameter, or even 5000 feet in diameter?  A lens one mile in diameter, focused on a spot 10 feet in diameter, gives a 278,784 :1 concentration factor.  Make the lens two miles in diameter and the concentration factor climbs to well over 1 million.  Solar flares allow further enhancement by increasing the level of radiation input to the lens (3 of the largest Solar flares ever recorded occurred in 2003).

The Cobra Dane radar was designed 30 years ago to peer thousands of miles over the horizon, into hostile territory.  Building an atmospheric lens 20-30 miles up, and 50-90 miles form the intended target, requires nothing even approaching the behemoth size of Cobra Dane.  Size was further reduced by the rapid advances in microwave and computer technology during the 80's and 90's.  When taken together, these factors yield a weapon system no larger than a modern Doppler weather radar.  I contend this weapon system is already deployed around many American cities.  Read on, then decide for your self.

Operational Considerations:
The atmospheric lens weapon system works best from late spring through early fall for the following reasons.  1. Extended daylight hours allow more opportunity for weapon use.  2. Improved Sun angle, allows shorter atmospheric path with less attenuation or diffusion and improves targeting angles with less chance of collateral damage.  3. Lower atmospheric turbulence allows tighter, more precise focusing.  4. Lower humidity creates less atmospheric attenuation.  It should be obvious that desert conditions (plentiful sunshine, dry climate, and stable atmosphere) offer an ideal setting for unrestricted use of this weapon system.

Political Considerations:
The attacks of 9-11 resulted in a vast restructuring of the American political landscape.  The patriot act legislation, a direct result of the attacks, is viewed by many citizens as an egregious infringement of American civil liberties.  Yet at the same time, there are others who believe the patriot act does not go nearly far enough in granting government the powers needed to protect American life and property.  Added to this, is the seeming inability of our courts to dispense justice (without further trashing our constitution) to those few terrorists our law enforcement agencies have managed to apprehend.  When looked at from this perspective, is it any wonder that certain elements within our government should desire a weapon system that so neatly side steps legislative, judicial, and constitutional restraints?  Sadly, to pursue this mode of thinking (and acting) leads our great republic further down the path of administration by unrestrained executive action, thereby reducing our government to little more than a military-industrial junta, the very antithesis of democracy.

Atmospheric Lensing Detection:
There are two broad categories of detection.  1. Indirect detection of atmospheric lensing through it's effects.  2. Direct detection of the atmospheric lensing beam.  I shall cover each separately, starting with detection of lensing effects.

Indirect Detection:
The purpose of atmospheric lensing is to induce human sickness and/or death.  It follows that observation of biological health is the primary tool of detection.  While humans are the target, ALL living things in the immediate vicinity are affected to a greater or lesser degree, I will cover human, animal, and plant life in separate subsections.

Subsection 1:  In humans, sub-lethal atmospheric lensing produces symptoms not unlike radiation poisoning.  These include but not limited to: loss of appetite, irregular or watery bowel movements, headaches lasting for days, lethargic behavior, weakness in extremities, mental confusion, and sleep disturbances.  The symptoms will improve on cloudy or rainy days, and worsen on sunny days (1.3.2).  While these signs are characteristic of many diseases, a sudden and simultaneous onset of these symptoms in most or all household members, lasting for days or weeks, and showing a strong inverse correlation with weather conditions is NOT a normal disease pattern.  Since the energy beam is tightly focused, the bed ridden and children too young to walk or crawl, are especially at risk due their inability to move out of the beam path, and therefore may show symptom onset slightly ahead of other family members.  Conversely those family members that spend part of the day away from the residence may exhibit late onset, or milder symptoms.

Subsection 2:  Animal effects in mammals are similar to humans.  However, pets that spend part of the day outdoors and away from the home may show a reduced level of symptoms.  Aquarium fish seem to be more sensitive than mammals to atmospheric lensing.  The lensing beam has actually been observed to kill a Beta within 24 hours, and in the process bleach ALL color out of the fish!  This last observation leads to one possible avenue of detection.  Since a Beta will live in a small fish bowl, they could be used in a manner similar to that of Canaries in mines.  Birds, rodents, spiders, and other insects will stay well clear of any structure undergoing atmospheric lensing.

Subsection 3:  The effect of atmospheric lensing on plant life differs markedly from that of humans or animals.  Overall, plants seem to be less susceptible, however this is offset by the fact that plants do not move.  Therefore if a plant is in the lensing beam path, it will receive a far greater does of radiation than a human or animal that is free to move around.  Since the lensing beam is tightly focused, it can create some very odd patterns of plant death.  For instance, one half of a tree may be scorched to a uniform brownish color in a matter of days, while the other half remains a vibrant green.  Ivy on the shaded side of a structure may suddenly turn brown and die, as if exposed to direct sunlight.  One part of a shrubbery row may suddenly die, while the rest remain healthy.  These odd patterns of devastation supply the observer with another avenue of detection.  Draw an imaginary line, from your living room or bed room to the affected plant.  If either end of that line points at the path of the Sun across the sky, AND the human symptoms described above are present, atmospheric lensing is a very strong possibility.  The following pictures show some of these odd plant effects.

An imaginary line from these dead bushes, passing through authors living room, points to Sun position in mid afternoon.
An imaginary line from this dead shrub, passing through authors computer desk, points to Sun position at noon.

Direct Detection:
It is possible to construct a simple device that will reliably detect the atmospheric lensing beam for under $50.00.  The device is called a differential calorimeter.  It measures the difference in heat buildup between dissimilar materials.  As anyone who has ever placed tin foil in a microwave oven discovers, metallic objects strongly absorb microwave energy.  What is true for microwaves, is also true for short wave UV, X-rays, and Gamma rays.  The following paragraphs describe construction and use of the device.

Subsection 1 - Materials Required:
One small cardboard box with lid  (a shoe box works good).
Two foot length of tin foil.  (the kind used for cooking).
One hand towel.  (the cotton variety).
Two indoor/outdoor remote reading thermometers.  These MUST be the "wired" remote type, NOT the wireless remote type.  Radio Shack Cat. # 63-1035 ($14.99) are good, also Oregon Scientific Model # NAW881 ($16.95) work well.
Packaging tape  (standard scotch tape doesn't work).

Subsection 2 - Detector Construction:
Fold tin foil in half length wise, forming a 6 inch by 2 foot (aprox.) double layer of tin foil.
Wrap tin foil (step 1) tightly around remote sensor probe of first thermometer, and secure with packaging tape.  Also secure remote sensor cable where it exits tin foil wrapping so sensor probe can't slide out of wrapping.
Wrap hand towel tightly around tin foil/sensor probe combination (step 2) and secure with packaging tape.
Place towel/tin foil/probe combination (step 3) in cardboard box.  Drape sensor probe cable over edge of box, and place lid on box.  Secure lid to box with packaging tape.
Use packaging tape to secure remote sensor probe of second thermometer to upper outside edge of cardboard box.  Tape the cable AT the probe, NOT the probe itself.  In other words, the sensor probe should be completely open to the surrounding air.
Mark the thermometer readout connected to the sensor probe inside the box as "detector", and mark the thermometer readout connected to the sensor probe outside the box as "reference".  Make sure BOTH thermometer readouts are set to read "outside" (remote sensor probe) temperature.  The detector is now completed.

Subsection 3 - Detector Theory of Operation:
Microwave (or other radiation) will be absorbed by the tin foil, causing a rise in temperature.  The cotton towel will act as thermal insulation, thereby enhancing the tin foil temperature rise.  The sensor probe connected to thermometer marked as "detector" measures this temperature rise.  The sensor probe taped to the outside of the box, and connected to thermometer readout marked as "reference" shows base line or ambient temperature at the detector.  When properly located and used (see subsection 4), it is the difference between these two readouts that indicate the presence of an atmospheric lensing beam.

Subsection 4 - Detector Location and Usage:
Like all scientific instruments, this detector MUST be properly used if accurate readings are expected.  DO NOT place in direct sunlight, near heaters, or air conditioners.  The atmospheric lensing beam can be very tightly focused (narrow).  Therefore if you work at a desk, or watch TV from a favorite chair, place detector as close as possible to that location.  Any abrupt change in room temperature will give false readings (opening or closing a window or outside door, etc.).  Therefore after any such change, give the detector some time to re-stabilize (30 minutes minimum).  Assuming the above conditions are met, then whenever the "detector" readout shows a temperature 4 or more degrees above the "reference" readout, atmospheric lensing is in progress.  Detector readings of 10 or more degrees above reference ARE life threatening, and immediate evacuation should be considered.

Counter Measures:
The best counter measure is "get out of the lensing beam path".  Since the beam can be very narrow, changing locations within a room may be enough.  Use the detector described above (1.4.1) to determine extent of beam path.  However, do not expect more than a temporary reprieve.  With the advent of GPS (global positioning satellite technology), the lensing beam can be repositioned quickly (within 20-30 minutes), and with remarkable accuracy.  Basement locations (southeast corner in morning, southwest corner in afternoon) should provide some shielding.  Concrete structures would also provide some shielding.  However, please remember this weapon system is driven by the Sun, and is capable of truly awesome power levels.  So far, the only restraint on it's use has been the need for stealth.  If that need were set aside, the lensing beam could easily start wild fires across a 100 mile swath (October 2003, San Bernardino & Ventura Counties?), or even melt sand into glass.  The North side of a mountain would provide an adequate shield, even at these extreme power levels.  Long term, the best counter measure is public awareness of this weapon system.  It's covert use on American citizenry is blatantly illegal.  Those within (and outside) our government who authorized it's construction, and condone it's use, do so from the comfortable position of anonymity.  Take away that cloak of secrecy and they will not long survive the public outrage their actions so richly deserve.

I fully expect that many readers will reject my words as pure fantasy, or worse as pernicious lies.  I further expect establishment scientists to cite a plethora of reasons why such weapons could not possibly work, or if that fails, why such weapons could not be built.  So be it.  This paper was not written for them.  It was written for the current and future victims.  Victims who (like my self in the beginning) do not understand what is happening to their lives and lives of their loved ones.  To you the victims, all I can say is:  "You are not alone"…

I have also written this paper to put those who are using the weapon on notice.  I know what you are doing, and how you are doing it.  Soon, many more will know.  If you believe you can hide, you are sadly mistaken.

ALL information contained herein is derived from public sources, widely accepted scientific principles, and/or authors first hand experience.  The author has NO written or verbal agreement with ANY governmental agency forbidding disclosure of the information contained herein.  In disclosing this information, the author is exercising his right to free speech as a private citizen of the United States of America.

Atmospheric Lensing.

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