
Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Background Investigation.

In a study of more than 200 serial murder cases Dirk C. Gibson noted that 'most serial murderers communicate about their murders during or after the murders.' In his analysis of the communication of 10 serial killers he concludes that:

  1.  A significant number of serial killers engaged in communication with law enforcement, the media, and/or victims' families'
  2. This communication was deliberate, intentional, and purposive.
  3. In several cases, the purpose of this communication seemed to be to deliberately leave clues.

Source: Criminal Investigations: A Method for Reconstructing the Past, Fifth Edition page 395.

The /222/ Cult.

I’m sending evidence that will help you to investigate this yourselves and see that my word is the truth. First off let me say that Montagraph is NOT the author of ‘Two is Too Young to Die’.  Montagraph is not JB Smeary either; that was the username used to monitor the cult on Masterchan and expose Montagraph’s involvement with the group in the first place. So you guys messed up on some of the details, but let me state for the record that Montagraph IS a member of /222/. Montagraph is referred to as ‘The Potion Seller’ in the book ‘Two is Too Young to Die' and uses this name online a lot when he wants to get into the darker side of his online activities. /222/ has actually been around a long time; this is just its current incarnation- the people involved are the same.

The Colorado Rabbit Hole.

JonBenét Patricia Ramsey was a pedophile's dream come true and some believe there was a pedophile sex ring operating in Boulder that best explains her murder. Some believe remnants of this ring still exist to this day.

Stephen Singular has probably best-articulated the possibilities in a book named “Presumed Guilty.” A summary of his theory can be found if you search for his interview with CourtTV, but we highly recommend you obtain a copy of his book and examine it methodically. You should review the information presented with skepticism and use the information we are providing as a supplement to his theories. The rabbit hole is very deep and the people involved in child pornography and pedophilia are dangerous and illusive. The pedophiles' success as a criminal stems from their ability to hide right in plain sight. Sometimes as a likeable uncle, other times as the quiet neighbor hardly noticed.

To The Investigator.

Read this document in it's entirety. The information provided will give a shrewd investigator enough information to pick up the trail where we leave off. There are hundreds of clues for you to discover hidden in plain sight. Once you know what to look for and where to look the pieces will all fall into place. Use your own judgment and don't take anything we say for granted. Investigations take time, approach this information with an open mind and you will see that our word is the truth.

The JonBenét Ransom Note.

Over the years the JonBenét Ransom Note has been a source of perpetual controversy. Let's start with John Ramsey's company Access Graphics Inc. and explore some interesting connections between Montagraph, Georgia, Colorado, and a company named Area51Services; as well as a few details found in the Ransom Note itself. For those that have been tracking Montagraph for a while, he has stated on many occasions, that he used to live Georgia. In the Atlanta area specifically. Several years ago, rumors of a pedophile ring in Colorado surfaced and Montagraph stopped mentioning his time in Georgia. We believe there is a reason for this that will become apparent as you continue to read this document.

The person that wrote the Ransom Note knew that John Ramsey was from the south.

This is just one tiny piece of a complex puzzle. Alone it could mean absolutely nothing, but as previously stated, our goal is to give you the investigator- enough information to pick up the trail.

The person that wrote the Ransom Note claimed to be part of a small foreign faction.

Montagraph is an immigrant to the United States, this much is certain. While you conduct your investigation, we caution you to avoid the distraction of his well known attempts to leave clues meant to misdirect. Montagraph is known to make claims of connections to the KGB and the Russian Mafia. There is no credible evidence to suggest Montagraph works for the KGB or belongs to any of the known mafias operating throughout the Soviet Union. Furthermore, no sensible KGB agent would announce their position openly on the internet. Like most sociopaths, Montagraph exhibits symptoms of severe narcissism, and is prone to exaggerate his illusion of self importance. In all reality, he is far more likely a predator than a member of the KGB or a Russian based Mafia.

Interestingly enough, his highly inflated sense of self importance (working in tandem with a willingness to boast about his credentials as someone involved in the secretive,) might well explain opening a ransom letter in such a manner. Many seasoned investigators have pointed out that leaving a clue this specific about ones own identity would be reckless and the information appears to serve no purpose in the actual ransom demands.

The Advanced Products Group Merger.

Our research leads us to believe that Montagraph moved from Georgia to Colorado the same year as the Ramsey's merged CAD Sources Inc., CAD Distributors Inc., and Advanced Products Group of Roswell, Ga. There is a strong likelihood that there is a connection between the acquisition of Advanced Products Group in Roswell, Ga and Montagraph relocating to Colorado. Investigators should examine this merger in great detail, it will reveal many names and clues.

Area 51 Of Roswell, Georgia.

 We suspect Montagraph worked as a contractor or vendor for Advanced Products Group or a subsidiary and met an individual who now appears to own and operate a computer services and hosting company called Area51Services. The name of the company is an obvious takeoff on the infamous Area 51 military installation located in Roswell, New Mexico. Only this Area 51 is in Roswell, Georgia.

Montagraph still knows this person and several of his websites are hosted by the company. It is well known that Montagraph operates a website named Evidence of a link that still exists between Area51Services and Montagraph is revealed by a simple examination of DNS records. It is worth pointing out that Area51Services has since relocated to Minnesota.

The person that wrote the Ransom Note knew that John Ramsey received a large bonus.

 There is a strong possibility that Montagraph was retained in the merger and acquisition of these three companies and relocated to Colorado to work with Access Graphics in Boulder. It is very possible that Montagraph had unsupervised access to Access Graphics' computer and phones systems. An individual with access to telephone and computer systems might have had the opportunity to snoop through sensitive payroll and company earnings information. Payroll and bonus earnings information for employees including Access Graphics Owner John Ramsey were undoubtedly stored on company servers and may even have been discussed on the companies voice-mail system.

Dangerous Predators Deliberately Leave Clues.

Our purpose is not to explore the psychology of a predator or their reasoning for leaving clues. Suffice to say there are many publications dealing with the topic at great length if you are interested. The phenomena is nothing new. From Jack the Ripper to the Zodiac Killer, clues are the calling card of the predator.

The JonBenét Swing Set.

JonBenét Ramsey's swing set was symbolic of the murder at the time. You can see there is still a remarkably high interest in this item.

Montagraph maintains a YouTube channels named ImYourGhost. All of the videos produced on that channel open with footage of an empty child’s swing and a message that says “I'm Your Ghost.”

Empty swings are commonly used to represent the ghost of a child that was murdered or died tragically in film and pop-culture. 

JonBenét swing set sits in a play area adjacent to the cement path the killer may have walked to approach the back of the Ramsey home. Contrary to popular belief, there was no snow on the concrete driveway or the path so the killer could have easily walked this direction without leaving footprints.

Entering The Ramsey Home.

The press and investigators focused heavily on a basement window, yet little attention was focused on the butler's door to the kitchen that was found ajar on the morning of the murder. The butler's door was only a short distance away from the spiral staircase where the Ransom Note was found and within plain view of where the pad of paper used for the Ransom Note was located.

The butler's door as well as the staircase leading up to JonBenét room can be seen in the photos below.

Black Duct Tape.

The black duct tape used on JonBenet's mouth has never been linked to the Ramsey's home. Both ends of the duct tape found on her mouth were torn, indicating that it came from a roll of tape that had been used before. No similar duct tape was found in the house, nor is there evidence that the brother or parents ever used or owned such duct tape. We contend that this type of tape is exactly the type of tape an electrician or someone that worked with phone and computer wiring would have on hand.

Michael Helgoth And The Karate Queen.

Six weeks after the murder of JonBenét, Boulder District Attorney Alex Hunter, invited journalists to a press conference. He ended it with this message. “I want to say something to the person or persons who took this baby from us, the list of suspects narrows. Soon there will be no-one on the list but you.”

The words had been written by the FBI. It was part of a strategy to use the media to put the killer and any accomplices under pressure. Soon afterward, car mechanic John Kenady approached the Boulder Police to tell them about someone he thought might have been involved in the Ramsey killing. It was Michael Helgoth, who helped run a car salvage yard in Boulder. Helgoth committed suicide, just hours after Alex Hunter’s press conference. According to Kenady and others, he had been acting violent and bizarre. Questions remain about Helgoth's supposed suicide. Helgoth was right handed and the shot that killed him was fired into his left side. Not only that, but the pistol was fired through a pillow - something which would have meant an even bigger stretch of the arm to achieve. Ramsey family investigators questioned why a person committing suicide would try to muffle the shot. They also raised the point that most suicides shoot themselves through the ear or mouth (quick). There were signs that Helgoth didn't die immediately because he had blood on his hand which he transferred to his forehead. The pistol was lying to Helgoth's right, yet he was shot on the left. Finally, there was no suicide note.

John Kenady stated that Helgoth was into martial arts, he liked those throwing knives, he was into ninja, he was into the dark clothing, he always wore a black t-shirt, black pants, black boots.

In 2009 a video emerged on the internet showing a much younger Montagraph holding an umbrella and wearing nothing more than pink panties and a pair of nunchucks. Montagraph refers to himself as the Karate Queen throughout the video while a second male voice can be herd giggling. It is believed that Michael Helgoth filmed the video.

The Secret Business Of Access Graphics.

Follow the money. Follow the money. Follow the money.
Access Graphics was a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, and was officially a distributor of mid-level computer hardware and software. You could think of Access Graphics as a VAR (Value Added Reseller) acting as an intermediary between manufacturers and "resellers" that sell to end-user businesses. Investigators familiar with classified projects will probably notice the tell tale signs of a company with a black budget. Access Graphics had nearly a half a billion dollars in annual revenue coming in without explanation or balance sheet entries that tied this revenue to it's main line of work.

Keep in mind that Lockheed Martin has it's hands in a lot of things and most of them have direct ties to the Department of Defense. This is no secret, but if you dig deep enough, you'll find that Access Graphics' location in Colorado probably wasn't for the scenery or the fresh mountain air. The University of Colorado Boulder is home to the US National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive, the National data node for access to state and national agency data sets, the USGS DRGs Digital Raster Graphics, rumored Area 51 replacement Aurora etc. Lots and lots of high altitude photography and do keep in mind that in the early 90's the United States was still cleaning up the mess Saddam had made during his retreat in the Gulf War (Operation Desert Shield.) Combinations of high altitude and thermal imagery were being deployed to help locate burning oil wells out in the middle of the Kuwaiti desert.

The rumor is Access Graphics was working with the Department of Defense, Lockheed, Unisys (possibly others) and the University of Colorado Boulder on some highly secretive technology used to process satellite imagery. These days we take technology like a cellular phone that can stitch together a series of pictures and produces one seamless panoramic image for granted. Most of us hardly give thought to the amazing coverage of the Earth we can readily view on Google Earth and Google Maps. Back in the late 80's and early 90's putting together imagery like that was still a time consuming task that required skilled technicians and most of the images were still on photographic paper. The most we can tell you is that we believe Access Graphics was deeply involved in developing software that digitized and stitched together large amounts of satellite imagery; and that this imagery had significant military applications.

This aerial image is stitched together using many separate photos. You could think of it as an early montagraph.

The YouTube Snuff Video

In 2010 Montagraph released a video on YouTube called “The Umbrella Man.” The video was removed almost immediately by the YouTube Community Moderators, but was later reposted. Many have alleged that this video is a genuine snuff film as the woman appearing in the film has never been seen with Montagraph since the initial release of the video. We have no evidence to suggest that this is the case, however there are some interesting details contained in the video worth mentioning. The video opens up with Montagraph smoking a cigarette while wearing a checkered mask in what appears to be an old garden shed.

We soon discover that Montagraph has a young woman tied up and gagged with duct tape. After a few rounds of verbal abuse, he proceeds to make her eat insects and write a letter to a loved one named Joe. He wanders off, mails her letter and eventually returns to strangle the woman to death on the floor. The plot of this 13 minute long video isn't exactly sophisticated. There is no story other than Montagraph showing up and murdering a woman. Why would someone go to the trouble of making a video like this in the first place?

The Handwriting Comparison.

This is a comparison of the Ransom Note found in 1996 at the Ramsey home and the handwriting on the note that appears in Montagraph's "Umbrella Man" video.

The "Umbrella Man" video concludes with a picture of a young girl lying motionless on a checkered floor.

This should be more than enough information to point you in the right direction. The relationship between Montagraph, Helgoth and his time spent in Georgia will all be critical to your initial investigation. Once you are turned on to the clues, you will see more.

Some of the people involved want you to know, others will go to extreme lengths to protect their secrets. For some, going to prison is a death sentence. The rabbit hole is dark and dangerous so be careful where you tread and who you speak with. Things here are seldom as they seem.


1 comment:

  1. wow good to know thanks i just started hearing his name the last few days so im looking into him..too many are still duped by him.
