
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Were Active Police Shooter Drills Taking Place In Charleston During Church Shooting?

false flag
It is now commonly known within the researching community that the presence of a military, law enforcement, or other related “drill” occurring at the same time as a high profile event is often an indicator that the event was of the false flag variety.
After, the Charleston shooting, there have been numerous questionable aspects of the tragic murder of nine people in the Charleston AME church that many researches have pointed out in articles, videos, and radio shows. For instance, the question over whether or not photos of Dylann Roof had been altered, the amazing ability of the Southern Poverty Law Center to have been one of the first organizations to release photos of Roof as well as troves of intel before any other media outlet, the psychological state of Roof after the rampage, the timing of the event, the subsequent agenda that was rolled out all stand as evidence that the event may have been a staged provocation and that Roof may himself be yet another mentally damaged patsy.
While it is difficult to determine the true nature of the event, evidence is continuing to emerge that may help in that determination.
If Andrew Pontbriand’s recent article is accurate, there may indeed be much greater reason to question the official story of the event – i.e. that Dylann Roof was a drug addicted white supremacist who decided to go berserk in Charleston. This is because Pontbriand has reported the presence of Active Shooter drills ongoing from a few days before the shooting and concluding after the murders had taken place.
In his article, “SMOKING GUN: Active Shooter Drills Charleston SC Day Of Shooting,” Pontrbriand indeed claims that he has found a “smoking gun” demonstrating that the shooting was a false flag event.
According to Pontbriand, who provides screenshots of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center’s website and schedule, an Active Shooter Threat Instructor Training Program exercise was scheduled from 6/15/2015 – 6/19/2015 in Charleston, South Carolina.
The Active Shooter Threat Instructor Training Program, according to the FLET website is:
designed to provide a field training agent or officer with high quality training and instill the analytical knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for the highest proficiency in this specialized field. The course takes Active Shooter Threat Tactics Training to the next level by emphasizing leadership, teach backs, and adult learning as well as the traditional technical skills needed by field training officers and special agents. This course is an intensive training program that covers a variety of tactical subject matters to include: individual and team movement and operational formation. In addition, this program focuses on the role of the field trainer and emphasizes evaluation skills and documentation requirements.
The training is more than just classroom work as is evidenced by the fact that participants are required to bring:
  • Camelback or other means of hydration
  • Appropriate wear (BDU, agency t-shirt (long sleeve or short sleeve), boots, etc.)
  • Bug spray
If Pontbriand’s information is accurate, the revelation that drills were ongoing amid the days before, during, and after the shootings is concerning to say the least and may point to another Sandy Hook style staged provocation.

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