
Wednesday, July 1, 2015





This weekend I spent some time way from domestic conspiracy theory as it seems that the American people are becoming easily distracted by racial divides. No matter what you reveal to people about why these things are happening in the world, no matter what you reveal about clandestine operations, the argument is always diverted into gun control and racial prejudice.
The Psy-op is working and the terror and trauma being carried out at home is distracting us from what might be a world event of massive casualties if not induced panic.
Racial arguments are now part of the news cycle and it is becoming gravely apparent that the majority of American are taking in a steady diet of this clearly visible psy-op and are becoming totally Distracted, Diverted And Insulated From The Grim Reality Of The Police State.
We have also isolated ourselves from world affairs as economies in various countries are crumbling and old threats are becoming more threatening as we are still moving forward with the erotic desire to have World War III.
From the beginning it has been noted that the Obama administration has been efficient in generating the propaganda machine, using neuro-linguistic programming in his speeches, to narratives that use news speak, and sleight-of-hand distractions and diversions in order to control the population, either inadvertently or intentionally, advancing an agenda of full spectrum control without much opposition from the citizenry.
In what appears to be another act of provocation President Obama used a racial slur to underscore his point that, while the United States has made great progress on race relations, more work needs to be done. During a podcast taped last week with host Mark Maron, just days after the mass killings at an African-American church in Charleston, S.C., Obama said the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow too often remain in the nation’s DNA.
“Racism — we are not cured of it,” he said at one point. “And it’s not just a matter of it not being polite to say ‘n—–r’ in public.”
He added: “That’s not the measure of whether racism still exists or not,” he said. “It’s not just a matter of overt discrimination. Societies don’t, overnight, completely erase everything that happened 200 to 300 years prior.”
The use of the so-called “n word” generated intense debate on social media.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama does not regret use of the word, and said “the reason that he used the word could not be more apparent from the context of his discussion on the podcast.”
Americans have lost their ability to be outraged over the government’s intentional provocations, that is, they do not believe that a government of any stripe in the United States has the immoral intentions of provoking a response in order to confirm and solidify a working police state and well controlled oligarchy.
It is always a matter of whether or not the public believes in a random series of events that make up our history or a more conspiracy laden form of history where all things are well planned and usually revealed to the public at various intervals, to a public that is numb and confused over what is truth and what is disinformation.
There would be no end to the uproar if all Americans understood the origins of ISIS, the invincible bogeyman in the government’s war on terror, whose funding appears to track back to the CIA, which helped fund its guerilla tactics in Syria.
The truth gets thrown aside for gender bending athletes and personalities with racial confusion.
This would all be a fit of comedy of the world wasn’t such a grave state. The doomsayers have distracted us with warnings of ecological global catastrophes and how we are beginning our sixth extinction. The Pope is now on the bandwagon for the hidden Marxist agendas of global sustainability, and has issued an encyclical that has hidden between its texts the idea of somehow culling a necessary amount of people to keep the perpetual balance with nature.
You would think that American citizens would be incensed about being treated like prisoners in an electronic concentration camp, their every movement monitored, tracked and recorded by a growing government surveillance network that runs the gamut from traffic cameras to facial recognition software, eye in the sky blimps that will pepper the horizon and the armed surveillance drones that will soon blanket American skies.
Unfortunately, while much of this information can be discovered through a focused study of alternative media reports, it does require quite a bit of digging and even more determination on the part of the citizenry to take an active role in their governance which, of course, is the key to maintaining freedom.
As far back as the year 2012 the United States has prepared for a possible war on all fronts both foreign and domestic. The war policy and the encroachment of the military industrial complex, has actually put the United States in crisis mode and executive orders have been renewed stating that the United States is in a perceived position of war at anytime.
The signing of the National Defense Resources Preparedness executive order grants the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Labor, the Department of Defense and other agencies complete control of all US resources, including the ability to seize, confiscate or re-delegate resources, materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense.
Additionally, like the Selective Service established to draft Americans into the military in the event of war, all Americans are automatically registered for the National Defense Executive Reserve, an agency responsible for identifying experts and skilled laborers for jobs that may need to be performed during a major war or national security crisis. That means your entire work history is now stored, aggregated and flagged in a national database and you can be called on at any time and forced into service for national security reasons at a government-run institution or labor camp.
You will not be hearing how the United States is preparing for war or a major attack because of all the interracial distractions being manufactured and presented on the nightly news.
The news has been reporting domestic crises at home, mostly between police and the black communities. Small towns whose economies have tanked have been the targets of alleged police brutality and war between the “haves” and “have nots.”
Now we are seeing that a major psy-op has been undertaken in Charleston, South Carolina where 9 African Americans were shot and killed in a historic church. The Justice department has now said the suspect Dylann Storm Roof is being charged with a hate crime and the case is being investigated as a domestic terrorism case.
To be this aggravated, this distracted and this insulated is in reality a threat to our national security and leaves us vulnerable to not only an organized attack from within but an organized attack from countries that see us as a security threat to world peace.
The biggest threat to our wellbeing in the world is still Russia. Even though the media has forgotten Russia, the world hasn’t, NATO hasn’t and our government certainly hasn’t.
The truth is the Ukrainian neo-Nazis have lost their US government funding.
In a blow to the “let’s arm Ukraine” movement that seemed to be picking up steam in Congress, a resolution introduced by Rep. John Conyers and Rep. Ted Yoho banning aid to Ukraine’s Azov Battalion, and forbidding shipments of MANPAD anti-aircraft missiles to the region, passed the House unanimously.
This is significant because, up until this point, there has been no recognition in Washington that the supposedly “pro-democracy” regime in Kiev contains a dangerously influential neo-Nazi element.
The Conyers-Yoho amendment won’t stop Ukraine’s neo-Nazis from feeding at the US-provided spoils. They’ll just abandon their independent existence and blend into the official military, effectively going underground, just as they did in the last Ukrainian elections, where fascists like Yarosh won a seat in the parliament with the tacit support of the “mainstream” parties, which withdrew their candidates in his district: Adriy Biletsky, commander of the Azov Battalion, enjoyed a similar advantage. Open fascists hold prominent positions in the Ukrainian government, the military, and the police.
This is how the destabilization effort by the United States has left Ukraine.
Amid all the publicity given to ISIS at the borders and Jade Helm’s martial law fears,” the volatile condition of the Balkans has remains in the shadows. The conditions in Ukraine and the Russian attitudes on the matter are breeding a blowback scenario that both sides are preparing for.
The European Union has hypocritically extended sanctions on Russia and the Russian autonomous Republic of Crimea in support of the politically- and economically-failed state of Ukraine. At the same time, the EU has threatened the sovereignty of Greece for failing to adhere to confiscatory and usurious financial policies set by the bankers of Frankfurt and London, the same bankers that are propping up a corrupt government in Kiev.
Nothing spells hypocrisy more than what is taking place in Europe at the direction of the of European Union fascists in Brussels, their military centurions in NATO, and their overall puppet masters in Washington.
When various nations are pressed against a wall by a common enemy they tend to put aside petty differences and unite against their common foe. For this reason, a primarily Christian Orthodox bulwark against Western military and economic imperialism is being built up by Russia, Greece, Macedonia, and Serbia, with encouragement from Cyprus and the Srpska Republic of Bosnia.
Meanwhile with the Greek government locked in negotiations with international creditors – the IMF, the ECB and the European Commission – over its €240 billion debt, fears are mounting that the country could default on its massive loan and exit the Eurozone.
On Friday, Russia and Greece signed a deal to create a joint company for the construction of the Turkish Stream pipeline across Greek territory, which will supply 47 billion cubic meters of gas a year. Russian President Vladimir Putin said the EU should “applaud” the deal since it will help create desperately needed new jobs in Greece.
Now do you think NATO and the EU see that as a good thing?
Once again Russia the unattainable bride is again making moves to prepare itself for a possible attack – as it is courting many outcast nations from NATO.
The Pentagon is quietly working to set up an elaborate network of defenses to protect American cities from a barrage of Russian cruise missiles. The plan calls for buying radars that would enable National Guard F-16 fighter jets to spot and shoot down fast and low-flying missiles. Top generals want to network those radars with sensor-laden aerostat balloons hovering over U.S. cities and with coastal warships equipped with sensors and interceptor missiles of their own.
One of those generals is Adm. William Gortney, who leads U.S. Northern Command, or NORTHCOM, and North American Aerospace Defense Command, or NORAD. Earlier this year, Gortney submitted an “urgent need” request to put AESA radars on the F-16s that patrol the airspace around Washington. Such a request allows a project to circumvent the normal procurement process.
No one will indicate why there is an urgent need for the beefing up of this network.
While no one will talk openly about the Pentagon’s overall cruise missile defense plans, much of which remain classified, senior military officials have provided clues in speeches, congressional hearings and other public forums over the past year. The statements reveal the Pentagon’s concern about advanced cruise missiles being developed by Russia.
In recent years, the Pentagon has invested heavily, with mixed results, in ballistic missile defense: preparations to shoot down long-range rockets that touch the edge of space and then fall toward targets on Earth. Experts say North Korea and Iran are the countries may stir up the new soon and will likely threaten to strike the U.S. or its allies with such missiles, although neither arsenal has missiles of sufficient range so far.
The United States and its NATO allies are preparing militarily for the prospect that their rift with Russia could outlast President Vladimir Putin, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said in a press conference
U.S. Defense Secretary Carter testifies next to U.S. Joint Chiefs Chairman General Dempsey before a House Armed Services Committee hearing in Washington
Carter, speaking at the start of a week-long trip to Europe, said the United States hoped Russia would return to a forward- looking course and noted areas of diplomatic cooperation with Moscow, including talks over Iran’s nuclear program.
But ongoing changes to NATO’s military posture, which are meant in part to deter a Russian intervention, illustrate preparations for longer lasting tensions, he said.
“The adaptations I was talking are specifically in anticipation that Russia might not change under Vladimir Putin, or even thereafter,” Carter said before landing in Berlin.
The United States said on Monday it would contribute special operations forces, intelligence and other high-end military assets to a new NATO rapid response force that aims in part to deter any future actions by Russia.
The cold war has heated up and we are not really paying attention.
Books about how World War I started, and to a lesser degree how World War II started, have tended in recent years to explain that these wars didn’t actually come as a surprise, because top government officials saw them coming for years. But these revised histories admit that the general public was pretty much clueless and shocked.
The fact is that anyone in the know or diligently seeking out the facts could see, in rough outline, the danger of World War I or World War II coming years ahead, just as one can see the threats of environmental, economical, and morale collapse and World War III approaching now. But the general public lacked a decent understanding prior to the first two world wars and lacks it now on the looming dangers created by the aggressive flirtation with World War III.
If we do not awaken to the truth and open our eyes soon, then we may well find ourselves staring at a far different, far less pleasant picture before long, and by then, it will be too late to alter our reality.

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