
Thursday, June 25, 2015


Most readers here are probaby aware that I've long suspected that there were aspects of the human Genome project that were deliberately designed with a covert agenda in mind, namely, to attempt to reconstruct an accurate genetic history of mankind and, if possible, to verify the connection of modern families to ancient "bloodlines" stemming from Mesopotamia and Egypt. Recently I blogged about the Sinclair clan doing precisely such studies, an indicator that at least one of those families is doing something like this. Now there's another bit of confirmation of this speculation, in an article shared by Ms. M.W., an article which contains an intriguing and tantalizing statement:
Data bank launched for global access to ancient DNA
The statements that leapt out at me were these:
The Online Ancient Genome Repository (OAGR) catalogues a significant collection of DNA data from ancient human skeletons and microbes found in their dental plaque. Both raw and analysed data, along with details about the individual humans such as where they were found and how the data was produced, will be freely accessible in a searchable format.
OAGR will enable researchers to investigate key genetic and microbial changes over and the potential relationships to modern health. It may also be of interest as an education tool for who could direct a class in comparing ancient individuals with the genetic makeup of humans today.
"This unique and globally significant resource will be of great value for the medical research community in particular, and others doing research in the field of human evolution," says Dr Jimmy Breen, ACAD Senior Research Associate.
"It will allow users to track the evolution of particular genes that are important in human disease through time and geography─potentially opening the way for the design of new therapeutic treatments against these diseases.
"The microbiome data taken from the bacteria in calcified plaque also provides unique insights into human dietary changes and the pathogens that were in existence when these humans were living." (Italicized emphasis added)
Now I'm sure you see the potentials here: (1) in the first instance, those with access to their or their family's own sequenced genomes could easily determine the relationships of their family to the mitochondrial or y-chromosomal haplogroups within their family tree. For those who've been following my high octane speculations about ancient biometrically activated technologies, this would be a huge, and moreover necessary step in the ability to access any such potentially recovered technology. Now, if one entertains that extreme speculation for the sake of argument here, then this would mean that the story about "directing a class in comparing ancient individuals with the genetic makeup of humans today" would be a convenient cover story for some much different and more covert purpose.
(2) In the second instance, one has almost the mirror opposite of the potentialities of the first, for the ability to reconstruct an exact historical-genomic "tree" would be of inestimable value not only to genetically-based  therapeutic treatments, but even more so, to genetically-based "designer bioweapons."  In the literature of just a few decades ago, when the utility of genetics to the design of bioweapons first began to be discussed, it as in the terms of whole population or racial types, e.g., Orientals, blacks, whites, and so on. With the emerging technologies of genetic editing, coupled with those of specific "clan genetic history" mapping that is beginning to emerge, one can begin to contemplate genetic bioweapons targeting not whole populations or racial types, but smaller haplogroups or even clans, or perhaps something even smaller.
In both cases my high octane speculation here is, of course, horrific. But they are nevertheless what I suspect really lurk behind the bland headlines and reassurances that all of this will be used for "exciting lesson plans" for school teachers and genetic therapies by doctors.
In other words, if I, a hack from South Dakota, can think of it, rest assured "they" already have.

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