
Sunday, June 7, 2015


I cannot help but be suspicious any more on all the bankers and financiers dying, even if they do so due to "natural causes." Case in point here are the deaths, within this last week, of the President of American Express, and a key analyst for Goldman Sachs. Here are the stories:
Markets More: American Express Death American Express president Ed Gilligan has died
John Noyce, ‘Must Read’ Goldman Currency Analyst, Dies at 36
Now, so far, everything seems normal: Mr. Noyce had apparently been battling with cancer for some time, and Mr. Gilligan simply become "suddenly ill" on an airplane flight and expired. But again, these two unfortunate men appear to be part of that "pattern" that seems to be emerging with all the banker deaths. Here's the way Mr. Gilligan's death is being reported by Bloomberg:
He became seriously ill on a flight home to New York this morning, the statement said.
"This is deeply painful and frankly unimaginable for all of us who had the great fortune to work with Ed, and benefit from his insights, leadership and enthusiasm," CEO Ken Chenault said in the letter to employees.
"Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, Lisa, and their four children – Katie, Meaghan, Kevin and Shane. He was a proud husband and father, and his love for his family was evident in all that he did."
And then in American Express's own release:
His contributions have left an indelible imprint on practically every area of our business, from Commercial Card and Travel to International, Consumer, Small Business, Merchant Services, Network Services and, most recently, the group forging our digital partnerships and driving payment innovations. (Emphases added)
So where's the familiar pattern? Well, in Mr. Gilligan's case, it is (1) in his popularity with employees, colleagues, and family, a feature that seems to recur with each such death; and (2) he was involved in aspects of the financial sector having directly to do with computers, electronic payments and clearing, and, in his case, "forging digital partnerships", and driving "payment innovaitons," language that at least to this amateur's instincts sound all too like the formation of financial data cartels and trusts.
Then there is this about the unfortunate Mr. Noyce at Goldman Sachs:
"John Noyce, a technical analyst at Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s London currency trading desk whose weekly report “The Charts That Matter Next Week” was widely followed, has died. He was 36.
He died on June 4 after a long battle with cancer, Goldman Sachs wrote in an internal memo signed by Isabelle Ealet, Pablo Salame and Ashok Varadhan, co-heads of its securities unit.
“He was well respected by market participants for his insightful analysis,” they wrote. “On the trading floor, he was a trusted colleague and friend -- demonstrated clearly by the overwhelming support he received from GS colleagues throughout his illness.”
And toward the end of the article, this tidbit is offered:
Noyce left Citigroup for New York-based Goldman Sachs in 2008, according to his employment history on the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority website. He joined Goldman Sachs as a vice president for European fixed income, currencies and commodities strategies, according to the company memo. (Emphasis added)
Again, one has the familiar pattern of (1) respected and liked by fellow colleagues and professionals, and (2) involvement in the sector of the business having to do with computers and electronic trading, and notably, in this case, with currencies and commodities strategies.
All we are told about the unfortunate Mr. Noyce is that he had been battling cancer "for a long time." We are told nothing about whatever illness Mr. Gilligan apparently died from, nor is there even any indication that an autopsy will be, or has been performed. But it's the consistency of the pattern that has emerged that disturbs, and the connections to those aspects of the financial sector that would put these men into the position of possibly being able to see, or observe, the signatures of untoward financial activity, including indicators of a hidden system interfaced with the public system of finance. At a certain point, financiers taking walks off of skyscraper rooftops, or out of ten story windows in Paris, or walking in front of a train, or drowning in lakes, or being shot as they're getting into their car, or dying in midair of "illnesses", or expiring from cancer, or murdered while taking a jog on a well-known public park... at a certain point, one must acknowledge that the likelihood of all of this just being "coincidence" isn't very high.  And then the real question becomes, which is no one within the mainstream lamestream media, or the alternative media, investigating it?
For my two cents' worth, I have suspected all along, and suspect now, that these individuals are being "suicided" because they have either uncovered something significant about the world financial system, something that few people in the public sector suspect, or they are being "suicided" as "precautionary" measures to protect some secret they themselves may not have understood fully that they knew.

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