
Saturday, May 9, 2015

UFO: AHAB’S WHITE WHALE    ~ & What did Dr. Werner Von Braun say ???

American "Enemy's List" to Sustain War Mode and Pentagon Budgets
            Soviet Union

white whale UFO


In the original Watchmen comic (set in an alternate reality 1985), one of the “heroes” commits what can be considered s a villainous act for the “good of all mankind.” He contrives an “alien invasion” so that the United States, the Soviet Union, and the rest of the world will join together in peace and harmony to protect themselves against the outside “alien threat.”
If the story rings familiar to some of you, it is because it is based on speeches given by Ronald Reagan in the real world, in which he said an “alien threat” would be the solution to uniting a hostile world.
Numerous “conspiracy theorists”, most notably former naval officer William Cooper, the author of the famed underground book Behold a Pale Horse, speculated that Reagan’s speech was an expositional public “debriefing” to prepare the public to accept a global government as a necessary response to an alien invasion scenario.
Cooper suggested that the US government had been working on a fake alien invasion since the 1930s, and that even Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds broadcast was an “experiment” to see how the populace would react to such an event.
Cooper hosted a radio talk show, on which he predicted the gradual and pre-planned worldwide economic collapse. Most of his information has proven to be accurate.
William Cooper was eventually gunned down by police officers in front of his Arizona home. What did Cooper know? What were they trying to silence? Even at his most paranoid, he offered what was probably as close to 100% uncompromised, unadulterated human truth as one could possibly find. All of his associates and friends knew that Cooper was legitimate. The Information from his book Behold a Pale Horse is, to this day, being revealed as true. However he did say that an alien invasion would happen and that it could be just a psy-op provided by your government.
Well, lately the psy-op — if it is a psy-op — is getting better and better.
Skeptics used to always say that with so many cell phones and digital cameras around there would be more UFO “proof” or more documented sightings. Now times have changed and we see more and more so called legitimate sightings recorded on cell phones and digital cameras. There are plenty of people who are now realizing that they can also fake the images with computer software. The unfortunate thing now is that even the skeptics can fake UFO sightings, convince people that they are real and then turn around and reveal how they fooled everyone.
Then they use their fakery as proof that there are no real unidentified flying objects. There are also individuals who are paid to spread disinformation about the subject to cover up secret operations dealing with exotic or secret aircraft. These aircraft are not known to the general public, and they appear to be paranormal.
The UFO is still one big secret and it is being exploited as both real and fake to confuse the public and get them to not be so bold as to reveal what they are seeing or even recording.
Ufology has now become a complicated soap opera of tall tales in short order and short tempers for those who want serious disclosure. There are professional skeptics in bed with the government, some UFO researchers in bed with them as well. The government is also in bed with the Military industrial complex which is allegedly in bed with aliens and it is all there to obfuscate and confuse people into writing it off as some undercover tabloid ruse.
There have been some new cases both in New York and in San Diego where the observer first sees a red orb in the sky. Then there are many red orbs that flash and rotate like a ferris wheel. Then a white strobe appears. It lowers and raises like a probe. Below the red lights there are a string of golden lights.
The UFO is the size of a two story house, or a two story building. The UFO hovers and flashes its lights. It moves slowly and eventually disappears from view.
I have been following reports of his particular UFO since it was reported in Milstadt, Illinois back in the year 2000. A published report of my investigation was found in UFO magazine as a new type of triangular craft was being seen in the Milstadt-Lebanon-St. Louis area and the famous sightings of similar craft in New York, Jerusalem and Utah.
These new cases are showing a pattern since the news broke of a UFO over Jerusalem and Utah dropping off a glowing cargo and then flying off into the darkness. After viewing all of the footage from Utah and now from the newest sightings, I am wondering if all of these sightings need to be categorized as a different sighting because of its unconventional size and reports of a strobing probe that is attached to the so called “mothership.”
This unique UFO has been my Moby dick of sorts, trying to piece together a phenomenon that is beyond a mere UFO glimpse. These huge ships are rare and are the size of a building.
UFO hunters have pounced on reports of mystery lights in the skies of San Diego and with good reason. A local television news crew snapped the unbelievable UFO above a skyline showing that the object was a huge configuration of red lights a, strobe light and other brilliant lights below.
This strange image of a string of colored flashing lights has been posted an a number of alien and UFO websites after several residents of the city in California, US, reported seeing the same thing.
Local resident Larry Fox sent news channel NBC 7 the picture of an “odd light” he spotted in the night sky.
The channel described the picture as “a string of multi-colored lights.”
Mr. Fox said he was in his back garden when he saw the strange light to the southwest of the city.
“I ruled out a drone or a plane because the light was stationary. It was a series of flashing lights,” he said, adding: “If it was a plane, it would have moved.”
Mr Fox was reported to have described the lights as “red, blue and green” and that they “kept flashing and changing colors.”
NBC 7 claimed several other viewers had called in to say they witnessed the same mystery phenomenon, including one of their own photographers, who did not appear to have captured the moment.
Days before a similar UFO was seen over Equimalt in British Columbia, however this time the large mothership UFO was releasing smaller probes into the sky that were seen flying around and doing maneuvers.
While it was reported that a large UFO had released the objects, authorities all but ruled out a UFO story and decided that what the witnesses saw were drones.
Drones however don’t make sonic booms as they travel through the sky and so we see that uncomfortable evidence does not make it into a report that needs to ne revisited to see if there is a pattern.
Any mainstream news expert asked about UFOs should almost certainly be disqualified from having any real opinion on the matter. They only pitch a theory and that is enough to keep things balanced in the view of the news media.
If there is any conspiracy theory or cover-up that can be considered it is that this is a multilevel attempt to construct Intel data about how we react to reports of strange anomalies in the sky. What the public thinks, how disinformation is distributed and how the internet reacts to government agencies and their reports of space threats and then withdrawing their warnings with no accountability.
Allegedly, branches of the military are engaging in psychological warfare involving false flag exercises. These include simulated extraterrestrial attacks. The frightening part is that the military psy-ops groups are conducting these alien-based psychological experiments to test the collective acceptance of a real alien landing. They are allegedly faking occasional UFO reports and YouTube videos to gauge public reaction. They are also allegedly taking real events shown on YouTube and creating a sense of confusion by creating very sophisticated fakes that appear to be eyewitness documentation.
These fakes are used to discredit any and all anomalous events as hoaxes. The mainstream media then takes the story and jokingly ridicules those who believe that the event was out of the ordinary. This has been lost on many armchair skeptics who believe that they know CGI when they see it. Of course there is CGI; your taxes paid for the intelligence blackouts and disinformation. The psy-op begins and soon everything is a hoax and evidence is overlooked in the race to debunk and not to decipher.
We begin to see a public consensus that has a whiff or a whim claim that any UFO activity is always caused by Project Blue Beam or HAARP. We begin to see every UFO video held to scrutiny because it is assumed by skeptics that people who see lights in the sky are prone to delusions of alien contact. It is also assumed that if the skeptics themselves can fake the evidence, it is almost certainly a hoax created by those who claim to have authentic footage or documentation.
We are now witnessing the hijacking of information by maggot-like thought police.
This type of hijacking of information has created a form of neo-skepticism, in which there is a group of true skeptics who have no knowledge of an external world, or of infinite possibilities. Their whole lives are mired in doubt and contempt for anyone with a belief in something that is beyond the norm. They are adamant in suppressing new ideas and dismissing anything that does not fit into the consensus orthodoxy.
Mankind has been seeded with the idea that his culture and his religious philosophies come from enlightened beings from heaven. The fusing together of science and religion will give mankind a new way to look at the world. Man is set to begin the next step in his evolution and this may be linked to a better understanding of what lies outside the confines of his own planet. There is however a great number of people who will attempt to begin the eschaton or the end times by using whatever means necessary to mold the world to their liking.
I know full well that with new technology leaders, scientists of the world can stage or fake a supernatural, messianic event. They are capable of convincing you of a godlike arrival from heaven.
They can create an extraterrestrial landing, a UFO apocalypse and plant a story, to develop new religious movements. Brainwash scores of individuals in believing in worlds and places where these aliens live. They only need smoke and mirrors to make this happen and an entire world will confess and bow before an image the controllers have created. However there is the other side of the story. Perhaps to our own surprise the faking of such events may just trigger the real thing.
That would be an amazing cosmic joke.

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