
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

new force


I know that it is a bit embarrassing to admit it , but lately I have been obsessing over the new Star Wars film that J.J. Abrams is about to release. I have been watching the teaser trailers online obsessively; I am completely blown away by the technology used in the film to create a new droid called BB-8. However, I must admit when I see the new cast I have my misgivings all because of the fear that another Jar Jar Binks awaits us and that we will have to wince through yet another space character that we are told that we will grow to love.
There was a special report the other day that the Star wars cast will appear in Vanity Fair Magazine. The cover photos and other photos of the characters that was shot by Annie Leibovitz.
As I am looking over the cover, and thinking about all I have seen in the pre views of this movie — I have notice that the main characters dress in what appears to be attire best suited for the desert. We know that there is a yet another desert planet that will be visited in this new film and their homes I ravaged by what appears to be the relics of the epic battle with the Dark Empire.
Many Star Wars fans were baffled that the “Empire” was still around and that 30 years after their death star is destroyed. The Death Star wasn’t exactly big enough to house all of the evil doers and so it was only natural to believe that after the rebels strike a huge blow like that — someone will pay attention on “Planet Evildoer.”
With a new film to be had, then we learn that the Dark Empire had to have a homeland. It most certainly did not live on the Death Star. There had to be a country or a country upon a planet that was most certainly the headquarters for his gigantic galaxy wide. Dark Empire.
The Dark Empire has huge black budgets available to build huge fleets of star destroyers and provide hordes of cloned and human well-equipped warriors. But who has the contracts to build these star destroyers? Where is the army of the Empire trained? They seem to have no problem shooting at anyone that opposes their way of life. Who joins the armies that fight these defenseless desert people. In order for the Dark Empire to work you need an entire nation of people to support the empire. There needs to be a group of people that are vocally and mentally in harmony with the killing of these people.
So rest assured Star wars fans that there has to be a Dark Empire homeland. There has to be a war plan that has been forged by the Empire’s technocrats that have or at least own Dark Empire missile corporations that are supported by Empire banks. There has to be an Empire military industrial complex that thrives on these drawn out space wars. Now it looks as if there will be education provided by the empire to kids, and statues erected to great and powerful warriors in the Empire’s parks.
Radios will report the success of the Empire, and television and entertainment will sanitize the mess they made on Planet Hoth, the destruction of Alderan and the justification of killing billions of unarmed people.
The most interesting irony about a Dark Empire is that it never looks dark from the inside. It can’t, or its own people would begin to disavow it. So the gentle control words are used: “defense against terrorism,” “support our troops,” “spreading democracy.”
And since it’s actually done none of those things in recent years, from the outside our Dark Empire just seems darker and darker. As it fights not the War on Terror, but the War on Resistance: resistance to a world-girdling oligarchy of power, money, and greed that is based right here in America.
The US government is now so totally under the thumbs of organized interest groups that “our” government can no longer respond to the concerns of the American people who elect the president and the members of the House and Senate.
Voters will vent their frustrations over their impotence on the president, which implies a future of one-term presidents. Soon our presidents will be as ineffective as Roman emperors in the final days of that doomed empire.
It is incredible to think that by some accident, the Star Wars movies that I saw when I was a kid were about the fight against the evil forces that had a galaxy in their grip. The movies, of course, borrowed not only from archetypes that we can identify with, but from the hopes and fears that everyone had in the 1970s and 1980s.
The first Star Wars films were released as the Cold War was nearing its end. While watching them, current events proved that soon the shadow that we considered evil, the threats that we considered very real would all be put to rest with the tearing down of the Berlin Wall and the fall of Soviet Communism.
The movie gave us a promise that the good guys win. Perseverance pays off when you are a young boy trying to find harmony in a chaotic world, or a rogue pirate hoping to find love with someone who is completely out of his league.
The Star Wars movies are rich in mythology and stories that never go away. There is esoteric knowledge that can be found in these films. When I was a kid, a world with a furry Wookee and a chirping droid was all magical and there was no hidden meaning to decipher.
Now that I am older we are about to be shown something shocking that will have the same effect as Luke finding out that Darth Vader was Luke Sky Walker’s family. The United States is the Dark Empire and that we have been led into a trap as Admiral Akbar has told us.
The media constantly reminds us that Star Wars is an integral part of our culture and that it will soon be “relevant” again when we are told that it is time to wait in line for a midnight showing of the first installment of a new trilogy that, by all reports, will turn into an ongoing saga that I will probably still be paying to see when I am an octogenarian.
Many political writers have speculated that when George Lucas wrote the new trilogy he was hiding, in plain sight, a bit of predictive programming about the fall of democracy to a cunning imperialist agenda. Hidden behind all the trappings of a childhood science fiction fantasy is the fall of a republic through stealthy infiltration and manipulation of public opinion.
Lucas has done what artists constantly do: created something that on the surface seems harmless, but that, as we dig deeper into the politics of Star Wars, reveals a story told — and played out — throughout history. From the Roman Empire to Nazi Germany, we have seen these stories, and are once more projecting them onto our reality while ignoring the consequences they have always brought.
I see it as a metaphor to hint that we must look into ourselves and wonder if we are on the right side or the wrong side. When we look into the mirror, are we seeing what we want to see, or the true image of what is happening?
There is more to what is going on than meets the eye.
Many people won’t see it, and needless to say, the media will not point out how the Star Wars movies are a lesson in how fascism rises in times of crisis.
Using the media as a tool to engineer society, the powerful and shadowy elite give us bits and pieces of the vision. They expose us to abstract shadows. We are compelled to wait in long lines to be stimulated by the tricks of the flickering image, being told that it is only a movie when it is so much more.
We all see the same abstract picture, but everyone has a different opinion about what he or she is seeing or experiencing. This breeds speculation and eventually we begin to see popular spiritualism and the “church of the media.”
Star Wars, like other science fiction and fantasy, only gives us a piece of the puzzle. There is always the possibility that there might be some dysfunctional views being served up and swallowed by the viewer.
The philosophy presented is not run by spiritual individuals but by those who wield immense power and unlimited financial resources. The paranoid view is that they can very well be injecting into the popular culture dangerous attitudes and destructive thought forms meant to discourage you or groom you into belief that all is lost.
The original Star Wars movies dealt with that which is good triumphing over that which is evil and destructive. The Star Wars movies today are not the same and many people who love these films have been saying all along that they lack something. I believe that what they lack is hope.
Hope is gone and either side is frightened, because the primitive armies of Yavin and Endor are not going to be able to face a well equipped Empire capable of killing them all by remote control.
They will fight, because they have to, they will die because the empire has the capability of killing and weeding out primitive life, or life that they see as beneath them.
There will be millions of people on the empire planet that will go about their day to day lives not caring about who has died at the hands of the storm troopers. Because they have been taught that the flag they wave is the flag of democracy and fairness.
The Empire has a news media that will keep them in line all that needs to be used are the right words and soon all guilt and fear is neutralized with hate and venom aginst the newly found scapegoat and trouble.
In the state of the Empire address all the emperor has to do is say that he is “defending the Dark Empire’s strategic interests.”
The rhyming of history is evident and even though the arrival of a new Star Wars film is less than a year away, it looks as if the media and the powerful Disney influence in this country wants us to rediscover the revelation of the method in order to understand that we as a nation are trending towards imperialism where we make a policy of surrendering to an emergency plan in the midst of a crisis where democracy dies in a roar of thunderous applause.
Everyone should be aware (by now) of police departments nationwide receiving military equipment such as armored vehicles and assault weapons.
Two years ago Eric Cantor, Congressional Majority Leader, introduced a bill into the House of Representatives that encouraged private sector police companies to replace law enforcement on the State and local level by coercing a new police protection insurance that would tack on a fee to citizens for the use of police protection.
Cantor justified this move as justified for having citizens pay for the police to be called to scenes as a communal service that is contractual just as any other service or good is paid for. As a customer, the citizen would tell 911 dispatch their insurance information for payment purposes to be billed after the police were deployed to the scene, or services were rendered.
Turning local police departments into private security firms that provide services to the public (and Revenue to Corporations) was the scheme behind privatizing law enforcement.
In the wake of the Baltimore riots, Al Sharpton is calling for the federal takeover of local police.
Wow there seems to be a Jar Jar Binks in every allegory and Al Sharpton either knows or is playing stupid about just how bad a Federalized police system would be.
A federal police authority under a national umbrella makes it more prone to political abuse by the party in power. As we’ve seen with the IRS, federal bureaucrats are all too willing to serve the interests of their political masters even when doing so violates the law. Putting most law enforcement in the hands of diverse state and local authorities helps limit the potential for abuse. Putting everything under federal control, on the other hand, magnifies it.
These police agencies aren’t good at policing themselves. But at least there’s the possibility other police agencies might investigate them more thoroughly. At least in Star Wars films we see that there always seems to be a balance in the Force. However that is just a movie and a dream that will never be fulfilled.
Star Wars movies seem to paint a picture of balance through a system of meritocracy, which in this instance is the “good” force. This form of government gives a person a chance to rise to the top on the basis of individual merits. It is a great fantasy, to be sure, because we eventually see that the decay of a republic begins when ultimate power is sought by its leaders who disregard the individual and ignores his merits.
Remember the secret plan by the Emperor where he had the clone army turn on his enemies by an order called 66? The 66 order was the immediate “federalizing” of a militarized police force.
This avoids the overturning of posse comitatus. Obama just has to employ a bit of Star Wars tactics in order to create a mission creep for police and troops that will be gathering soon with the Jade helm exercise.
The republic presented in the Star Wars films is portrayed as an initially suitable form of democracy, yet a fragile one which demonstrates an almost inherent tendency to fall into a state of decay, a process which eventually leads to a dictatorship.
It is not such a subtle political allegory that we may soon see materialize as our country appears to be out of control. The answer will be most certainly restraint.
We see a pattern that has repeated throughout history. Any republic will crumble under the weight of ultimate power, and perpetual war will is stimulated by public fear of that which we cannot see, but that we are told exists and is out to destroy us.
Putting all things into reality we must understand that the message conveyed in the mythos of Star Wars is that perpetual war is an excuse for those in power to extend their executive powers. It takes away balance. The wave of dread cannot sustain itself without reaching a breaking point.
Americans seem not to understand that this is a reality and even in the guise of space creatures and masked villains there seems to be a disconnect between a republic, its constitutional rights and the very government that uses democracy as a cover for their crusade of globalist imperialism.

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