
Sunday, May 31, 2015


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About three months ago Ground Zero felt it was necessary to warn you about the reopening of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. At the time there were many people that were unaware that since 2008 the particle accelerators at this facility in Switzerland are presumed to be contributors to force multiplied natural catastrophes that have plagued planet earth in the last 6 years.
The world’s largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider made headlines when its global collaboration of thousands of scientists in 2012 observed a new fundamental particle, the Higgs boson. After that, the collider was paused for the extensive upgrade. On March 15th during the ides of March the collider fired up again.
Much more powerful than before, as part of Run number two physicists on the Large Hadron Collider’s experiments were analyzing new proton collision data to unravel the structure of the Higgs. However there were other scientists that were hyping the indescribable power that would be used to open up a portal, or a dimensional doorway to unlock the mysteries of a possible multiverse.
With the reopening of CERN’s ‘large Hadron collider’ in March of 2015, two leading and well respected scientists, theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking and Astrophysicist Neil de Grasse Tyson, issued independent warnings that, this type of reckless science could put the earth in peril.
Religious figures all over the world weighed in on the machine stating that when we look at it through the eyes of the supernatural war taking place right now upon our planet Earth between the forces of good and evil, the message is quite clear, Man is capable of opening the gates of hell and will usher in all sorts of entities and demons to analyze and communicate with. “.
In what is being stated a sheer coincidence, when CERN charged up their particle collider to a power that was higher than what was used to find the Higgs Boson energy spikes occurred in Switzerland the earthquake in Nepal took place.
CERN reportedly saw a power spike which alarmed them into doing what is called a priority beam dump on both sides. This happened two hours ahead of the Nepal quake.
The LHC is a particle booster, built to beam up protons in very high speed and opposite directions, until they collide creating a huge amount of energy capable to reproduce similar cosmic conditions that have creating such phenomena as dark matter, antimatter and ultimately the creation of the universe billions of years ago.
That is its job on a practical and logical level.
On May 2nd, 2015 there was a strange statement that was made by Top physicist Albert De Roeck, a staff member at CERN and a professor at the University of Antwerp, Belgium and UC Davis, California.
He said quote:
“It will take only one significant deviation in the data to change everything,” De Roeck said. “The upgraded machine works. Now we have to get to the real operation for physics.” But work remains to be done. One issue the accelerator physicists remain cautiously aware of, he said, is an “Unidentified Lying Object” in the beam pipe of the LHC’s 17-mile underground tunnel, a vacuum tube where proton beams collide and scatter particles that scientists then analyze for keys to unlock the mysteries of the Big Bang and the cosmos.
The unidentified lying object turns out not to be a problem for the operation, it’s just something to keep an eye on,” De Roeck said. “It’s in the vacuum tube and it’s not a problem if it doesn’t move and remains stable.”
Ironic that he says it’s “something to keep an eye on” when in reality that is not only impossible but it would have profound effects on a quantum level. For you see, the mere observation of this object will collapse it into reality, whereas, by removing all observation the scientists are allowing for something known as Supersymentry or Superposition.
In simple terms, if that is possible, what this means is that this “object”, whilst remaining sealed in the vacuum in the pipe, free from prying eyes, is able to be in a state where it’s both here and in another “dimension”.
Cue the dead cat story by Schrödinger.
This is what happens at the quantum level, things don’t exactly work the way you might expect them too.
Hypothetically this may well be one of these conduits, or portals, that we have speculated for some time is the main goal of the experiments at CERN.
If this is hard to swallow then perhaps we can give you the benefits of the particle accelerator—something beyond the idea that something dimensionally living or dead is n a vacuum tube at CERN.
Particle discoveries by physicists resolve mysteries, such as questions surrounding Dark Matter and Dark Energy, and the earliest moments of the Big Bang. But particle discoveries also are ultimately applied to other fields to improve everyday life, such as medical technologies like MRIs and PET scans, which diagnose and treat cancer.
For example, proton therapy is the newest non-invasive, precision scalpel in the fight against cancer, with new centers opening all over the world.
7 TeV of beam up speed apparently caused a collision with energy enough to reproduce to reproduce the conditions of the universe one second after the Big Bang. This was announced in 2012 after it was discovered that while the Higgs Boson was discovered at 7 or 8 TeV –the Collider had been pushed all the way to 12 TeV. This triggered rumors that CERN had generated strangelets and that they have been released into the earth.
A strangelet is a chunk of stable strange matter. The ominous scenario is that any negatively charged strangelet coming into contact with an ordinary nucleus might convert it to strange matter, setting up a chain reaction in which Earth would eventually become a hostile environment.
The result would be various earthquakes, magnetic disturbances, volcanic activity and eventually the entire earth turning into nothing but a burnt out piece of rock.
However this is only theoretical and there really is no real time frame for all of these anomalies take place, it could take milliseconds to many years to see the earth fold under and disintegrate into a lava mass.
Since August for 2014 it was reported that RHIC is producing quasi-stable strangelet, an abbreviation for strange liquid, the most explosive substance of the Universe, made of strange atoms or matter that eats our light matter.
Since while at higher energies there are more chances of creating strange quarks (mass-energy conversion), there are less chances for the strange quarks to stick around and become stable joining up and down quarks.
Would it be easier to form strange atoms at low or higher energy? In any case they are being produced. And the eerie, surrealist fact is that they inform of it as a routine, and mainstream news ignores as always its implications.
Why would anyone want to hear on the nightly news about foretold death as step by step Stangelets and small quarks fall unobserved to the center of the planet, causing the earth’s core to twist and thrust sending waves across the earth that would trigger devastating earthquakes, unbelievable eruptions, and geomagnetic disturbances in the jet stream that would generate low pressure cyclones or massive shelf tornadoes that have the power of F5 or F6? Science succeeds in creating plausible deniability and we become yet another dead statistic in Fermi’s paradox.
What is this paradox?
The Fermi Paradox stated by Enrico Fermi, wondered why we don’t see intelligent life in the Universe.
He saw a contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilization and humanity’s lack of contact with, or evidence for, such civilizations.
Fermi advanced that it could be because Physicists destroy all planets before that phase. Some ‘believers’ replied that it might be that the Earth is a single case, because it is the only planet ‘chosen’ by God.
Now we know this is not the solution to the Fermi Paradox, as there are billions all over the cosmos and biological laws show life to be a systemic phenomena appearing always out of hyper-abundant carbon atoms. Again the Totalitarian principle that precludes the creation of black holes and strangelets precludes life birth.
And yet, we put our ears to heaven and science claims that they don’t hear any communication; not a single life planet passes the threshold of creation of particle accelerators, prior to the threshold of interstellar travel.
Because man’s constant groping of things unknown brings him to a point where he finds power in opening up portals or holes in space time, inviting into his universe unknown demons or gods that dwell in other dimensions.
Man has thus communicated with some sort of being or creature, as he kicks in dimensional doorways instead of communicating with aliens or any other life form that may be in space.
There are actually light beam pictures that are being passed along the internet of what appear to be faces of people or perhaps demons in a particle explosion set off by The Large Hadron collider.
demonic face
The faces are quite impressive and set a ghostly backdrop for what CERN has called dimensional openings in space time.
The Fermi paradox should be the most pressing question about our destiny as a species and ultimately the experimental proof Physicists deny about the dangers of CERN.
It is now official that around 17% of stars have an Earth-like surrounding it and 27% a super-earth, which puts on the order of 4.7 billion the number of possible hosts to life. And yet none hosts robotic life or intelligent life with a degree of civilization able to emit radio-signals?!! Why?
All radio-signals in the galaxy are caused by black holes or strangelet stars (pulsars).
As we are in the timeline of possible interstellar communication, something will happen or has happened to all similar Earths in this period of technological revolution that destroyed the parallel human-like species.
What could possible destroy civilizations before they participate in Interstellar space travel?
Particle Accelerators.
Of course e can always lean on the religious, theological ‘anthropic principle’ that we are the first and only civilization in space because God made the Universe for the homo bacteria to dominate and that no matter what happens cockroaches and even protozoa may survive a extinction level event and that they will somehow be the gatekeepers for nurturing new panspermia that will evolve in millions of years to produce creation all over again.
There should be 794 976 000 000 billon planets emitting radio-signals. We are still trying to find one that sounds intelligent.
Perhaps if we were to keep an ear open. We could pick up on particle physicists blowing up various planets with accelerators.
Always remember that death silences all arguments it also silences extraterrestrial civilizations that have fallen victim to their own mad science.
There are plenty of scientists that do not see the point of putting the planet so close to danger. Nobel physicist Frank Wilczek, the Astronomer Martin Rees, the physicist Adrian Kent of Cambridge, the space engineer Richard Wagner and the chemist and physicist PhD Otto Rossler, claim that the LHC could “turn the planet into a smoking asteroid the size of a baseball park” or “create a micro black hole swallowing the Earth from the core outwards, if not the sun as well through the generation of a huge amount of energy equivalent to a one thermonuclear bomb per second.
It’s a common sense, among 99% of the “out of the box” physicists, that the LHC can indeed produce energy to open wormholes, in what turns it in a huge STARGATE device.
It is also common sense to understand that if anything goes wrong at CERN we can always be grateful that when we are atomically pulverized we will feel no pain and we will all go together in the twinkling of an eye.
Such a quantum way to make everything equal.

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