
Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Last week, you'll recall, I blogged about the article in RT complaining about spy satellites disguised as space junk that - in the unusual phrase of RT - was "space affiliated." It seems to be a meme that is being pushed. And that brings us to today's set of articles, shared by various readers, which, when considered together, and with my previous blogs on space junk, add up to a very strange and puzzling picture. Consider, first, this article shared by Mr. N.T:
What NASA Accidentally Caught On Film Outside Of The Space Station Is Chilling
Now, the important little bit of information, as the article itself implies, is that one explanation for the somewhat strange "thing" seen on the video is that it is "space junk":
"The logical explanation here is that the UFO in question is just a piece of space junk. It could also be one of two resupply vehicles that were servicing the ISS at the time. However, according to NASA, both of the resupply ships were docked at the space station when this video was taken. So maybe it really is a UFO, after all"
But calling something "space junk" in the aftermath of the RT article about spy satellites disguised as space junk is no longer quite the dismissive phrase that it used to be, especially since RT made it "clear" that the spy satellites-cum-space-junk were "state affiliated." Now, put that one on the shelf for a moment, and then consider this article, from 2013, shared by Ms. K.M.:
Researchers Want to Blast Space Junk Out of Orbit With a Laser From ISS
The headline says it all: some people want to put a laser weapon on the International Space station to blast such "space junk" from the skies. Now, as if that's not enough, Mr. M.D. shared these articles from 2011, articles reminiscent of the recent deal between the German space agency and an American company to go out and "grab and snab" that "space junk":
DARPA Wants to Recycle Space Junk Into New Satellites
How to Clean Up Space Junk: DARPA's Orbital Catcher's Mitt
As Mr. M.D. put it in his email, and as many of you have probably already guessed, if one suspected that some of this "space junk" was spy satellites with, as RT put it, a "state affiliation," then a perfect way to camouflage a "retrieval" operation of "grab and snab" would be to disguise it as a recovery and "environmentally friendly" recycling effort.
When one puts all this together with what we blogged about last week, an interesting scenario, one in line with our trademark high octane speculation, begins to emerge, having the following components:
  1. There are spy satellites disguised as space junk in orbit around the Earth;
  2. As was seen last week, these satellites have become a concern to Russia, the US, and Japan;
  3. The origin of these satellites appears to be in question, since the Russians referred to them as "state affiliated," raising the following possibilities as to what the meaning of 'affiliation" might be:
    1. they might be corporate satellites with a corporation doing heavy business with a particular nation-state;
    2. they might be satellites of an organization heavily associated by ties of history, culture, or economy, with a nation-state;
    3. they might be satellites of some extraterrestrial origin having an "affiliation" with a particular nation-state (Black Knight satellite?);
  4. The Japanese earlier suggested putting laser weapons on the space station to destroy "space junk";
  5. recent EVAs on the space station (extra-vehicular activities) jave captured the presence of "something," either a UFO, or "space junk"(which suggests a spy satellite) monitoring those activities;
  6. both DARPA and the German Space agency have proposed grab and snab technologies to "recover" and "recycle" space debris, which could be a convenient cover story for the recovery of technology, in order to determine the level of technology and possibly its real origin.
These considerations, plus the possibility that vast amounts of money in the form of "electronic liquidity" are going off planet, suggest that something huge is taking place right about our heads, one affecting the policy decisions of major powers regarding space, and one perhaps having huge financial implications.

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