
Monday, March 9, 2015




As we look out the window of what can be the eternal ice storm that has been called winters last blast I found it quite interesting that the national weather service has named the latest winter storm Thor.
As you may know it was just a few weeks ago that we had reported the ascension of Jupiter in the night sky and warned of the temporal window opening as Jupiter the god that is often compared to Odin is the signal to watch and understand the movements of political and parapolitical entities as a highly charged temporal gate may reveal wrath from on high.
While there are always clusters of intertwined events that influence or otherwise catch our attention the metaphor of the hammer of the gods will be thrown to the earth with such force causing the earth to shake and rock. There is at the moment a curious increase of volcanism on display as many sleeping volcanoes are opening up showing the wrath of Mother Nature.
Back in the days when the world’s attention wasn’t entirely transfixed by the color of a dress, there was another mystery afoot, of a grander and, some would say, more frightening scale. It was July of 2014, and a 250-foot crater had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, in Siberia’s Yamal peninsula.
Scientists were immediately dispatched to investigate, and soon arrived at a likely explanation: the hole, they reported, is most likely a natural geological phenomenon.
Russian scientists secretly were baffled and many of them were frightened. Ironically, the site in Yamal where the hole was detected was a place that when translated means “The gate to the end of the world.”
There was first, the possibility that pockets of methane have built up under the earth and that it finds way to blast open a hole leaving a very deep chasm.
Experts say that the darkening around the inner rim of the crater indicates "severe burning" which scorched its edges. There have been theories that a Large UFO may have caused the crater or something hurled from space at hyper-speed has impacted the earth.
On June 30, 1908 a bolide streaked across the sky in the region near the Tunguska River in Russia. When it exploded, the airburst leveled more than 2,000 square kilometers of trees.
It is now known as the Tunguska event. This particular region of Russia is extremely remote so the damage was limited to trees and other local flora and fauna. But the impact is estimated to have been on the order of 10 -15 megatons. If it had occurred over a major city, the bolide would have destroyed it as surely as dropping a modern nuclear weapon. A similar sized event occurred in Arizona 40,000 years ago, and produced a crater a kilometer wide.
Meteor impacts are known to occur from time to time on Earth, such as the Chelyabinsk meteor 0f 2013, but impacts the size of Tunguska are fortunately quite rare. It’s estimated that events of that scale only occur about once every 300 years. So imagine if such an event occurred every 5 years or so.
Every few years, and some part of the planet gets a crater, or an airburst. Most would be in remote areas, but some wouldn’t. Of course we know that meteors follow a power law distribution in size distribution. So for every Tunguska event, there would be thousands of events like what happened in Chelyabinsk.
We could be witnessing a phenomenon where we could have 200 fireball events a year and one could be damaging to a major city.
Now we can skim down the odds by saying we could see the flash and the explosion. We would not have to experience impact to see devastation and what we really don’t want are the larger rocks that form the type of craters that are now forming in Siberia.
The gate at the end of the world was just the beginning. As the spring equinox approached we may witness the shaking and grandiose lightshow provided by what was called anciently “pieces of Thor’s hammer.”
In Siberia alone there have seven craters that have been identified, five of which are located on the Yamal peninsula and one which is surrounded by as many as 20 mini-craters. Two have since become lakes.
The question is we seeing the Thor’s hammer phenomenon as pieces of rock are impacting the planet? Is it methane blowing out holes in the planet? Or is it a result of the melting permafrost suggested by global warming scientists.
Just after World War II there was a great deal of fear about old Norse prophecy and the theory about how Ragnarok (the Norse Version of the end of the world) would happen. Believe it or not it was Japan that pushed the idea that the United States not only had the power to scorch the earth with the atomic bomb, they also believed that we had the capability of freezing an entire land mass with a bomb.
In Nazi Germany, it was Welteislehre, a cosmic ice theory developed by an refrigeration engineer named Hanns Hoerbiger that threw out past scientific ideas for what is now called junk science and an almost cult like interest ice age theories and prophecies.
His theories about the delicate balance between fire and ice in the universe were similar to the Thule mythologies that talk about new orders or new ages are brought forth from destruction. The cosmic ice theory postulates that from the ice came the giants. These Giants would rise from the earth out of gates or holes that had the power to bring forth the gods from other dimensions.
It is unclear whether these gods were aliens or similar to what Hitler thought were the Aryan supermen.
Hoerbigers theories were very similar to Immanuel Velikovsky’s, and were also the basis for many of the “blood and soil laws” that Nazi Germany enacted to preserve the ecosystem. These of course were very similar to several "global warming" theories you may have heard of already.
In fact there were several of the high ranking Nazis, including Hitler that were curious if smoke trails left behind by planes and rocket tests might not interfere with the delicate balance between fire and ice theories proposed by Hoerbiger and cause a global catastrophe.
Hoerbiger also proposed that the earth could return to its glacial state if the gravity of the Earth captured an extra terrestrial object such as a moon ,comet or large asteroid, which then orbits until it spirals in on the Earth and causes a global disaster.
It was Hoerbiger that proclaimed that our ancestors lived in the ice and were supermen. He claimed that other planets are the same and that eventually the planet would eventually become a glacial paradise again.
Even though science laughed at Hoerbiger some of his speculations turned out to be correct.
We know that Saturn's rings are made of ice and that the outer planets of our solar system have significant amounts of ice on their surface. Comets are bodies made of ice, whose collision over the years with the Earth are responsible for the modern abundance of water on this planet.
We also know that Near earth objects may be responsible for many of the catastrophes we have heard about in ancient history. Comets and huge asteroids brushing by the earth have always been thought of as harbingers of cataclysms.
The Epic of Gilgamesh describes that before the great flood, fire came down from heaven and changed the flow of the waters. In fact many scientists say that a lot of these events probably took place around 2350 B.C.
At this time some of the greatest civilizations collapsed.
Rabbi Moses Ben Nachman, wrote about the flood as well. He explained that God took two stars from Khima and threw them at the earth in order to begin the great flood. Mongolian legends spoke of near-earth objects and called them "the daughters of the devil," and warned of destruction, storm and frost, whenever one approached the earth.
In 1828 David Milne, a young British astronomer won Edinburgh University's astronomy-prize with his "Essay on Comets." The astronomer wrote about astronomical research and discoveries that lead to the sound theory of NEO appearances and their catastrophic effects on our planet:
But if a comet, moving with the prodigious velocity which it acquires near its perihelion, should chance to strike a planet, as for instance the Earth, then coming in an opposite direction, the consequences would be truly disastrous.
The waters of the ocean, now attracted by the close approach and next driven from their ancient beds by the contact of the comet, would sweep over the face of the globe, covering even the highest mountains in their impetuous course, and involving all things in undistinguishable ruin.
Whole species of plants and animals, existing in different quarters of the Earth, would, by this cataclysm, be at once overwhelmed and annihilated.
This week, reported that a Department of Defense satellite exploded on February 3rd, creating a debris field of 43 objects.
By some mystical stroke of bad luck the 13th in a 1990s-era project called the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, designed to give the Department of Defense weather data and atmospheric conditions in combat zones broke up into pieces.
The DMSP-13 relayed flight conditions for Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
According to the Air Force, the satellite died of natural causes: "a catastrophic event associated with a power system failure." After all, it was 20 years old (though considering that the oldest satellite still orbiting and intact is 57, it was still a premature death).
The military, however, cannot explain that just before that satellite died, it actually spiked in temperature.
What caused the spike in heat? Perhaps magnetically-charged energy from a weapon or from the sun? Was it a victim of a magnetic reconnection due to disruptions in the magnetosphere?
Disturbances in the Earth’s ionosphere and magnetosphere can be caused by NEOs passing close to earth. Comets, meteors asteroids can all affect space weather and harm satellites.
There is also another possible answer as to why we are seeing all of this strange activity in heaven and on earth and that is Scientists have now been testing the Large Hadron Super Collider at CERN.
The “God Particle,” also known as the “Higgs Boson,” was a missing piece in the jigsaw for physicists in trying to understand how the universe works.
Scientists believe that a fraction of a second after the Big Bang that gave birth to the universe, an invisible energy field, called the “Higgs Field,” formed.
This has been described as a kind of “cosmic treacle” across the universe.
As particles passed through it, they picked up mass, giving them size and shape and allowing them to form the atoms that make up you, everything around you and everything in the universe.
This was the theory proposed in 1964 by former grammar school boy Professor Higgs that has now been confirmed.
Without the Higgs field particles would simply whiz around space in the same way as light does.
A boson is a type of sub-atomic particle. Every energy field has a specific particle that governs its interaction with what's around it.
To try to pin it down, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva smashed together beams of protons -- the “hearts of atoms” -- at close to the speed of light, recreating conditions that existed a fraction of a second after the Big Bang.
Although they would rapidly decay, many scientists have warned us that there can be risks of mini quarks and other side effects. Scientists have hypothesized that CERN’s impact on the earth is creating seismic perturbations, spikes in the magnetosphere, and may be responsible for the various sink holes including the ones seen in Siberia.
Once again it has to be indicated that CERN is located in Geneva. Geneva and “Saint Geniis” are similar to the word “Genesis.” The purpose of CERN is to find the Origins of Man and the Universe. They have stated that they want to open a doorway to another dimension and find a God. Is it just a coincidence that CERN is short for the horned God Cernunnos? Is it also a coincidence that CERN has to go deep underground to do their “god” harnessing experiments? Cernunnos was the god of the underworld.
CERN is linked to several secret projects being carried out by the European Union and the European Trilateral Commission. CERN also is responsible for the internet and have been doing ongoing research for governments with regard to global sustainability.
It was also reported that in 1999 CERN proposed and carried out quantum Vortex experiments searching for Solar Axions. Axions are hypothetical particles that are components of dark matter. In order to find these Axions CERN proposed the use of a decommissioned magnet called “SATAN.”
It was an acronym for Solar Axion Telescopic Antenna.
One of the attempts at creating a portal anchor happened in an area where there is rumored to be an ancient stargate in the real ancient Babylon, Iraq.
On September 8th, 2008 something happened in the Iraqi city of Al Hilla. This is rumored to be a city where a stargate exists. It was reported that there was a cover up where nearly 20 American troops died as they attempted to cross through a gate conduit between the Collider at CERN and one of the anchor gates at Al Hilla. According the mainstream news reports the soldiers committed mass suicide.
However one of the peculiarities reported in Fars News agency was that Iraqi security sources reported that 21 US troops had committed suicide inside a former Iraqi air force base, the 21 troops were treated in a hospital but only five soldiers survived and wound up missing. Narcotics were allegedly used in the suicides.
The servicemen belonged to a unit of the US Airborne Division. The question is how did so many soldiers have access to potent narcotics and what happened to the five survivors?
A witness reported that the bodies of the US troops were hideously deformed and misshapen in such a way that they looked like 5000-year old mummies.
On September 11th, 2008 it was reported that the collider officially went online on September 10th with a test firing.
The press reported that nothing significant happened and there was no danger and no end of the world. However, a strong earthquake measuring 6.1 in magnitude struck southern Iran.
Then it was reported that Northern Chile was struck with a 6.0 tremor. Then a magnitude 6.9 earthquake rattled Japan and then within minutes of a magnitude 6.6 earthquakes hit Indonesia.
The collider wasn’t even at full power.
Now in 2015 CERN will be firing up before the spring equinox at double the power.
According to a blog post titled, “‘Big Bang’ Begins March 2015 – Will Gates Of Hell Soon Open To The Destruction Of All Creation” from All News Pipeline an alarm was raised of impending doom with the report that two prominent and respected scientists, Stephen Hawking and Neil de Grasse Tyson, “have recently issued independent warnings” that the experiments could lead to doomsday.
Once again it is important and chilling to see that we could have the wrath of fire to go along with that ice. Something as simple as calling a major snowstorm Thor can trigger doomsday thoughts of Ragnarok.

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