
Sunday, March 15, 2015


One of the scenarios that I have suggested here, and that the subscribing members of this website and I have often discussed in our members' vidchats, is the possibility that supercomputers, plus the requisite forecasting and predictive programs, might be able to run scenarios that "game" the world situation, financial markets, or whatever its programmers decided. I have even wondered if perhaps the irrationality and insanity of western leaders, and the apparent (and in my opinion), irrational character of some of their actions might be because they are being "advised", not by human advisors, but rather, by the results of such computer-driven predictive programs. "Yes, Mr. President, WHOPPER (World Holistic Operational Polyvariable Processing Equipment and Reactor) thinks you should show restraint, and nuke Mr. Putin. Not Russia, just Mr. Putin personally."
Well, something like that.
And sometimes I'm rather taken aback that these types of bizarre and high octane speculations that we specialize in here at this website seem either to find quick corroboration (of a loose sort), or at least a suggestive indicator that something like this might actually be going on. I still remain suspicious, for example, that the 2010 "flash crash" might have been an event that gave us a glimpse at such possibilities. Well, Mr. V.T., a regular reader here, caught this story, and shared it, and I think you will see the importance and implications:
Psychic Supercomputers? US Intelligence Seeks Tech to Predict Cyber Attacks
Now I hope what grabbed me in this article grabbed you:
"Now imagine using the same idea to foresee the next cyberattack.
"The US government is hoping to develop a computer which would do just that. The intelligence community is opening a contest to software engineers to see who can develop the technology.
Known as the Cyber-attack Automated Unconventional Sensor Environment, or CAUSE, the project was conceived by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA)  as a four-year race to develop the software. Whoever does so first will receive an as-yet undetermined financial prize.
And then, a little later on, these revealing words:
"The idea is to analyze data that floats in the social media sphere, as well as other sources in the deep web, to detect a broader pattern.
“If you were able to look at every single Facebook post and you processed everything and ran it through some filter, through the conversations and the little day-to-day things people do, you could actually 'start to see larger patterns and you could imagine that is a ton of data,' David Burke, research lead for machine learning at computer science research firm Galois, told Nextgov. 'You would need some sort of big data technology that you’d have to bring to bear to be able to digest all that.'"(Emphasis added)
Now, note first that this is a brainchild of DARPA's counterpart in the intelligence agency/spook community, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, or IARPA. (Here, we call it the Infernally Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency). But the thesis behind the project itself is what interests me, namely, the idea that by vacuuming data of a very minute sort - human posts on social media, emails, telephone calls, purchasing habits, and so on - would first yield a pattern and, over time, yield patterns of patterns that would allow a super computer to predict certain specific types of behavior by a certain narrow selection of the human population, in this case, hackers.  The capability and data processing architecture implied by such a project could conceivably be applied to any number of other problems, such as the problem that daunted the 1980s advocated of Reagan's "Strategic Defense Initiative": how to track thousands of independently moving warheads, determine which ones were the bogeys, and target the rest.
One can imagine expanding the scope of this architecture, not simply to look for data indications of immanent cyber attack, but of other specific types of behavior: will people want to buy more houses this year than cars? And if so, what kind of houses or cars? Imagine incorporating into this a detailed study of planetary positions and human bevahior: one might recover the actual scientific basis to astrology, and not only that, but flesh it out much more specifically. After all, old Egyptian and Babylonian astrological texts inform us that they were compiled and based upon observations over thousands of years. In other words, someone way back when may have had they own supercomputers running similar "world predictive" programs.
And what might be the key to such an architecture?
In Bablyon's Banksters I pointed out that one of the key events in the development of modern market analysis and activity was the entry of physicists into finance, and the whole development of "econophysics,"  as physicists familiar with quantum mechanics began to apply their mathematical models to economics: one particle's behavior may be completely random and unpredictable, but a whole aggregate of a certain type of particle is something different again, and is predictable. In this respect, it is interesting to me that ancient astrology was far more concerned with making predictions about "the King" than about the individual, that is, in making predictions about the civilization over which he ruled, rather than making predictions about his individual subjects. This is still the basis of astrological practice, but imagine a computer database such as we are talking about. This could confirm, or deny, or perhaps modify, the tenets of astrology.
Would they tell us? Probably, yes. But would they reveal the details? Not a chance. Remember, the court astrologer was often one of the most highly placed advisors in such courts, and his predictions and methods were not merely "arcane." They were arcane because they were secret.
And something tells me, that if they're talking about this publicly now, they've been doing it secretly for a long time. After all, PROMIS held out that promise.

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