
Thursday, March 5, 2015


During all the previous days' high octane speculations, one may think that in turning from disappearing airplanes, quantum physicists involved with the CERN project admitting that they don't know what the heck they're doing, and so on, to the world of banking and the rather odd and high suicide rate among middle-to-high echelon banking managers, that we're going from the exotic to the mundane and prosaic. We're not, but we'll get to more of that high octane speculation in a moment. Presently, however, there's been another banker suicide-murder, reported on Feb 17th, and shared by many of you:
String of suicides among bankers continues
The problem here, you'll note, is in the manner of the suicide murder:
"Another JPMorgan employee committed suicide, making him the fifth current or former employee of the firm to do so in the past year.
"Michael Tabacchi, 27, of New Jersey killed himself and his wife Iran Pars Tabacchi, 41, in a murder-suicide last Friday, according to The New York Post.
"Iran was found to be stabbed once and strangled while Michael died of a self-inflicted knife wound, according to Bergen County prosecutor John Molinelli."
Note the intriguing lack of details here: we do not know where either person was stabbed or lacerated, nor how long that they had been dead before their discovery. The details, in other words, are suspiciously lacking.
Then we have this story:
Something Huge Is Happening! Over 40 Bankers Dead Since 2014: Latest Banker Death Connected To JP Morgan VP
With respect to this story, Ms. M.W., a regular here, submitted this additional bit of information from the U.K.'s Daily Mail:
NYC financial analyst, married to JP Morgan exec, dies of exposure during solo hike in New Hampshire mountains
There's a lot that pops out in this third article that, even with my complete lack of experience in mountaineering, seems highly suspicious.
The body of Kate Matrosova was located Monday afternoon — 24 hours after she activated an emergency beacon — between Mount Madison and Mount Adams, the state’s Fish and Game Department said.
Facing blistering winds exceeding 100 mph and temperatures about 30 degrees below zero, Matrosova died of exposure in the extreme temperatures, authorities said.
“Unfortunately, a lot of the coordinates that we received over the night were all over the place within a mile circumference,” Fish and Game Lt. Jim Goss told WMUR.
Later in the article, this:
"She was alone and planned to hike to the top of Mount Madison, WMUR said, before heading through Mount Adams, Mount Jefferson and Mount Washington, which at about 6,300 feet is the highest peak in the Northeast.
“'I guess if you are gonna hike in this type of weather you need to be in a more sheltered area, not up on an open exposed ridgeline,' Goss said. 'There’s just no room for error in a place like that.'"(Emphases added)
Note that the article creates the impression that Ms. Matrosova was hiking toward the tops of the mountains, which, as an experienced mountaineer, she would have known to try to descend to gain temperature, not hike along a ridgeline more or less more exposed to the elements and wind. And though she would also have known to keep moving, it appears she kept moving more or less within an area of a mile circumference along that ridge line. Again, not implausible to anyone who has seen or been in a snow storm in the mountains with strong winds(Being from South Dakota, I know what white out conditions are like, and how dangerous and confusing they can be). White out conditions can become very dangerous very quickly, blotting out one's own footprints rather quickly. But nonetheless, one can feel if not see that one is going down, or up. Which makes the movement around a mile in circumference along a ridgeline somewhat suspicious, though with more topographical knowledge this suspicion too might be dispelled. But the real underlying problem is why someone apparently as experienced as Ms. Matrosova would even hazzard a brush with the elements in the first place: no mountaineer would risk increasing their risk by deliberately choosing a time when the weather had a chance to become bad, unless perhaps they were planning to meet someone in the most out-of-the-way place imagineable.
All of this, is, of course, speculation.
But there's more, and it's here that Ms. Matrosova's "death by freezing on a mountain" becomes a little more suspicious:
"Matrosova, a 32-year-old from Omsk, Russia, worked as a credit trader at BNP Paribas, according to LinkedIn."(Emphasis added)
With that revelation about a Russian credit trader working at France's largest bank, we have a definite connection to this story about ten months ago:
BNP Banker, His Wife And Nephew Murdered In Belgium
Like many of the other suicided bankers (assuming, for the sake of argument, that Ms. Matrosova was suicided), then the pattern of connections to those involved at some level with (1) electronic trading leading to (2) potential knowledge of the size and potential fraud involved in credit default swaps and derivatives grows. Add to this the "suicide" of Mr. Richard Talley by "nailgun", who was involved in the mortgage title business, and a potential picture just barely begins to be arguable that any of these people could have come across - perhaps even unbeknownst to them - evidence of the extent of fraud in the financial system, and hence, of the possibility of its penetration by "something else."
That "something else" may be indicated by this article, shared by Mr. V.T.:
Central Banks Have Lost Control Of The World
Ponder the implications of that storyline for a moment, for they give lie to the oft-explicated idea that "everything is in and under the control of the bankers" and is being inexorably coordinated by them, from Beijing to Wall Street, in the inevitable march to a banker-led New World Order. It's a common view and, one might add, one propounded by the "master bankster conspirator" himself, David Rockefeller. But what the article itself is indicating is something else, for there is a rally in the US dollar, during a period everyone else is experiencing difficulties, and when Russia and China are trying to de-couple from the dollar. In other words, the Fed policy appears to be designed not only to prevent that, or at least make it more difficult, but also to drive up demand for dollars. A dangerous game, in other words, is being played out.
Couple this with those stories we are now hearing from Russia over concerns that the entire internet is so riddled with American surveillance capabilities - or, the "ultimate insider trading mechanism" as former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts likes to put it - and you get the picture: the covert economy, and all its mechanisms of power, might be finally gradually coming out of the closet, and taking over the public overt economy. If so, the last thing one would want are too many nosy bankers with their hands on too much raw data to expose the point.
And of course, there's the even more high octane and wild and crazy speculation: what if the evidence is leading them to conclude that even that covert mechanism has lost control over its own algorithms and programs? Or maybe, as we'll see tomorrow, it might have to deal with other possibilities, that may have been going on for a long time?

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