
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Coming of Transhuman Society

"Real Politik" with Dr. James Tracy - Interview 41: Sofia Smallstorm 03-15-2015

On this edition of Real Politik James speaks with Southern California-based independent researcher Sofia Smallstorm. She has written extensively on hidden agendas and complex events since her controversial work on 9/11.

thIn the process of researching that topic, she discovered the phenomenon of artificial clouds, geoengineering, or “chemtrails.” From this Smallstorm came to acknowledge the presence of a synthetic biology agenda in the activities that constitute everyday life.

Smallstorm’s “From Chemtrails to Pseudolife” lectures explain the relationships between synthetic biology and radiation biology. In 2013 she began researching the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. The project resulted in her DVD, “Unraveling Sandy Hook in 2, 3, 4, and 5 Dimensions.” The presentation offers a different take on the use of staged events to shape society as we are moved to a posthuman world. Smallstorm is a graduate of Brown University, writes a monthly newsletter, Avatar Update, and hosts a biweekly series of podcasts. Her websites are and

Interview Highlights

In this discussion Sofia discusses transhumanism, and how the state will use biotechnology and artificial intelligence to develop a transgender and eventually genderless citizenry and workforce to serve the transnational corporate state.

Smallstorm encountered the topic of transhumanism while she was researching geoengineering.

I was aware, as many people were, of the things that Clifford Carnicom was finding in his petrie dishes–the cultures that he was creating from tissue samples from people with Morgellons Syndrome, and also people without Morgellens. These were very resilient, very hearty forms of what is not exactly eukariotic cellular material. It’s got properties of the archaea in it. He was able to put Bunsen flames on these cultures and they would not perish. He was able to through bleach and other harsh chemicals on them and they would not perish. He concluded that something was fragmenting in us, and replicating by fragmentation, which is another property of archaea prokaryotes–not our life form. We are eukariotes. And this suggested to me that we were being prepared in some way, on a sub-tissue level.

Then, I just had this dawning when I watched The Age of Transitions by Aaron Franz, which was about transhumanism, Ray Kurzweil, artificial intelligence, and how we were going to be merged with machines. This was back in 2009, and I said, “Wow, this is what they’re doing. They are cultivating us in to something that’s passed what we are now–homo sapiens.” So, I tried to talk about it but I didn’t have much to go on.

As the years unfolded I got to know more about transhumanism. I was able to do the first talk, “From Chemtrails to Pseudolife: The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology.” And then I learned about piezoelectricity, and I realized that this was the real wireless electricity and it’s already in the body. The body already uses it. It has to do with crystals. It has to do with voltage created by putting frequencies on crystals, and vice versa. That sealed it for me. I knew that that’s what “they” were doing. And so I gave that second talk on radiation biology.

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Sofia asserts that such technology has been introduced throughout the environment to force humanity’s eventual transition to a transhumanist world. The technology “is being used to collapse us, thereby convert us, and force us biologically to go into adaptation mode,” she notes. “If biology cannot conquer something and get rid of it, it needs to and must adapt it, because the biological imperative is to survive and reproduce. So, there’s a giant observation process underway. We are walking laboratories, as a very wise person pointed out to me. We are free, of course. They don’t have to pay for us. In fact, they bill us for their medical care and the solutions they’re offering as we capsize. The conversion process is going to result in masses of casualties, and the enfeeblement of the human race. They are going to observe who capsizes in what way, what conditions are developed by what people at what age, and so forth. Ultimately, not everybody is going to keel over. Not everybody is going to lose all of their capabilities to survive. We’re going to adapt. Some of us are going to do it very well, and these are the prototypes for the next phase of humanity, which will be machine responsive, in terms of frequencies.”

Certain aspects of culture are increasingly emblematic of a developing world where “sustainability” will be paramount, and humans will be encouraged to harvest their own energy to drive personal electronic technology. For example, a new jewelry is now being designed called “energy addicts jewelry.””We’re being called energy addicts,” Smallstorm observes.  “We’ve been trained, very successfully, to never be without out little devices that require energy–our phones and our tablets, and everything in our houses. There is a woman in Israel, Naomi Kizhner, and she has designed jewelry that actually is invasive. It has spikes on either end. These spikes are inserted through your skin into your veins, and then they draw on the flow of your blood to turn these little dials in them, which will eventually create enough kinetic energy to produce electricity. This is what I call ‘human energy harvesting.’ She asks, ‘Will we be willing to sacrifice our bodies in order to produce the energy to run our gadgets and devices?’ Human resources is getting a whole new meaning now.”

Smallsorm also argues that the present controversy over vaccination indicates an increasingly aggressive statist orientation toward families and children. “The doctrine of parens patriae is all the way from English common law. It gave the king the obligation to look out for his subjects and protect them. And it’s being used in America, I learned several months ago, as the basis on which Child Protective Services can storm into a house and seize a child and confiscate that child, move it from its parents care, and ultimately the state owns your children. This is actual fact, the way they see it. I am now expanding the understanding of what parens patriae is, and how it will be uncloaked over the years to come. Because it’s now kind of hidden, and when I got that term it was another light bulb going off … And they’re going to eventually lay claim to our energy product, our work product, through the doctrine of parens patriae. They want to get at the stuff in our bodies.”

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