
Thursday, March 26, 2015


Posted by George Freund on March 25, 2015

The world experienenced another bizarre crash of an airliner. Ironically it came at the end of the Quinquaria most likely something you haven't placed on your holiday calendar. However, in some cirles the ancient Roman religions are still all the rage. Your ignorance of same does not mitigate their festivals. The goddess Minerva had a 5 day ritual celebration. The first day the 19th of March did not involve sacrifice. However, the next four did. So though we do not celebrate these 'holidays,' it doesn't mean others don't in their dark cloisters.

Germanwings Flight 4U 9525 crashed under mysterious circumstances yesterday. For some bizarre reason it lost altitude after taking off from Barcelona en route to Dusseldorf. It crashed into a mountain. All were killed. There were reports the plane was escorted by fighter jets. That implies some degree of knowledge to time a response. There were reports of a MAYDAY call originally. It was then denied. The cover story said there was no communication from the plane. It descended over eight minutes and crashed with no word from the pilots. Reports are now surfacing that the aircraft was grounded and had safety issues. A sister had issues four months ago. We cannot verfify these claims as accurate. We can explore the past Roman practices and observe similarities.

In 59 Emporer Nero invited his mother Agrippina the Younger to his villa in an assassination attempt at the Quinquatria. His tutor Anicetus rose to become the captain of the fleet at  Misenum. He constructed a vessel that was designed to sink without raising suspicion. It did, but Agrippina made it to shore. He succeeded in his task at a later date. The future is observed frequantly through looking at the past. Some celebrate old rituals and study long forgotten conspiracies. It seems odd at the end of the Quinquatria a vessel designed to fail by possible neglect took the lives of so many. Was it a blood sacrifice as we alluded to coming on the horizon? Europe's leaders looked 'shocked.' Are they? Europe is the revived Roman Empire. They are the glory of Rome. Were they celebrating?


10:01Flight 4U9525 departs Barcelona for Dusseldorf  
10:27Flight reaches its cruising altitude without incident  38,000 520
10:29Aircraft crosses the French coast just east of Marseille 38,000 532
10:30Aircraft continues at its cruising altitude  38,000 547
10:31The aircraft appears to have dropped more than 2,000 feet  37,975 549
10:32The pilot fails to inform Air Traffic control of the drop in altitude 35,575 544
10:33The jet continues along its course but has lost almost 8,000 feet 32,625 544
10:34Radar returns show the jet starts to increase its speed 28,875 552
10:35After five minutes, the aircraft has dropped almost 14,000 feet 24,650 560
10:36The doomed jet passed over Montagnac-Montepezat  20,300 547
10:37 Next the jet passed Puimoisson Airport continuing its rapid descent 17,050 518
10:38 Seven minutes into the emergency the jet had lost 25,000 feet 13,300 496
10:39 Now the jet was passing the 4,000ft high Upper Bleone Forest 10,475 473
10:40 One minute from impact, the jet was 4,000 feet above the ground 8,250 442
10:41 Air traffic controllers lose contact with the aircraft 6,800 435
10:47 French Air Traffic declares an emergency   
Source: FlightRadar24 

Ironically Air France Flight 178 crashed nearby in 1953. There were no survivors either. Violinist Jacques Thibaud was among the dead. In a bizarre twist of fate the Dalkurd FF team from Borlaenge, Sweden was booked on the flight and cancelled at the last moment. That was part of the news in Australia. I missed it in other media. Perhaps they declined to report the miracle. Dalkurd FF is of course a Kurdish team. The Kurds are actively fighting in Iraq and Syria. There could be significance or even a tip off. Events are usually quite complicated. As the days go by we shall learn more of both the truth and the cover story. Both are intertwined.

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