
Tuesday, February 10, 2015




It has always been the aphorism amongst UFOlogists that there has been a consistent attempt to suppress any and all information about UFOs and alien visitation. With all of the leaks and the cover-ups many cases have been debunked, or at least been retold to the point of banality. It has also been suggested that most cases have evolved into the realm of legend because they have happened so long ago and true witnesses are elderly and arguably not as sharp as they used to be.
Some of witnesses have taken to their graves the secrets surrounding such landings.
This leaves the new investigator frustrated because perhaps he cannot relate to historical accounts. Many would much rather study and understand cases that they don’t have to blow the dust off of in order to prove that they indeed happened.
In the nearly 20 years that I have been doing the program Ground Zero, I have noticed that if we go back in time to some of my original shows, we would be able to demonstrate how speculation and warning were key elements and that in many cases it was heightened awareness that kept us vigilant and not succumbing to paranoia whether warranted or unwarranted.
In the times where information was there to change the political climate, there were also cold war stories that still somehow found their way into the mainstream news only to be filtered and forgotten. The idea of freedom of information at one time was just a pipe dream as the intelligence community was just beginning their solid and or sordid relationship with the news media. The State Department reviewed “intel” for the media and would block or censor certain stories.
It wasn’t known that just after World War II that in the halls of the CIA’s headquarters, in the corridors of the Pentagon, and in the strongholds of the National security agency a war of deception was declared on the American people. It was an information war about the many secrets the government kept from us and about what sinister operations the military was up to and therefore “National Security” in one guise or another was always used as a cover and excuse for legitimate intelligence gathering operations as well as countless instances of cover-up and counterintelligence work.
We have discussed in the past that at War’s end it was discovered that Nazi scientists had been previously developing their final secret weapons which they hoped would turn the tide in the war effort. Of course their wonder weapons on the drawing board included what many perceived to be the “flying discs.”
These weapons were allegedly created under the direction of what only can be called “Secret Chiefs” as the Nazi scientists and others were allegedly under the control of a type of synarchy.
It has always been a matter of the darkest intelligence that Hitler and those who worked under him had made a secret pact with otherworldly entities until later in his chancellery where they abandoned him seeing greater possibilities looming elsewhere.
In 1947 we began hearing about UFOs or saucers that were a product of the news media after a brief conversation with private pilot Kenneth Arnold. Arnold claimed that he saw nine crescent-shaped aircraft traveling at supersonic speeds between Mount Rainier and Mount Adams in Washington State. Arnold also was involved in the investigation of the Maury Island incident where harbor Patrolman Harold Dahl and Fred Crisman were caught up in the first UFO cover up, where men in black and Military investigators attempted to sweep evidence under the rug, but actually were killed in the process.
A team from the U.S. Air Force sent two investigators to talk with Kenneth Arnold and later visited Maury Island and collected samples of UFO debris. They carried the material with them for a return flight to San Francisco in a B-25 aircraft, but never made it.
On August first, 1947, the plane crashed near Kelso, Washington, killing the crew onboard. It’s a story partly gleaned from declassified FBI documents – a conspiracy investigation that the government wanted to hush up. What material was on board that B-25?
Whatever it was, it apparently was linked to what Harold Dahl claimed to have seen in the sky over Maury Island, as the first wave of UFO sightings began in 1947. Meanwhile the Roswell crash was also happening during this time.
Evidence of crashed exotic aircraft, or a disc and even possible evidence of the Secret chiefs piloting the crashed aircraft were being reported.
Such anomalous aerial phenomena had been observed before, even throughout history but only rarely and sporadically. After Roswell it seemed that saucers were suddenly everywhere and in greater numbers.
Project Blue Book was one of a series of systematic studies of unidentified flying objects conducted by the United States Air Force. It started in 1952, and it was the third study of its kind. The first two were projects SIGN (1947) and GRUDGE (1949). A termination order was given for the study in December 1969, and all activity under its auspices ceased in January 1970.
Project Blue Book had two goals:
  1. To determine if UFOs were a threat to national security, and
  2. To scientifically analyze UFO-related data.
Thousands of UFO reports were collected, analyzed and filed. As the result of the Condon Report, which concluded there was nothing anomalous about UFOs, Project Blue Book was ordered shut down in December 1969.
This past month, nearly 130,000 pages of declassified UFO records from BLUE BOOK were released to the public via the internet.
According to a 1985 fact sheet from Wright-Patterson, posted online by the National Archives, the Air Force decided to discontinue UFO investigations after concluding that “no UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force has ever given any indication of threat to our national security (and) there has been no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as ‘unidentified’ are extraterrestrial vehicles.”
Wright-Patterson also said the Air Force has not seen any evidence that suggesting the sightings “represent technological developments or principles beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge.”
Skeptics smelled a whitewash. The private and now-defunct National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena charged throughout the 1960s that the federal government was covering up what it knew about UFOs and pushed for congressional hearings.
The National Archives has made these files available to public on microfilm in its Washington headquarters. Parts of the Project BLUE BOOK files previously have been posted online in various locations.
UFO enthusiast John Greenewald has spent nearly two decades filing Freedom of Information Act requests for the government’s files on UFOs and other phenomena.
On Jan. 12, Greenewald posted the Blue Book files as well as files on BLUE BOOK’s 1940s-era predecessors, Project Sign and Project Grudge on his online database, The Black Vault.
However, the excitement of having all that information has now been dampened because after a month of availability Greenewald has been ordered to take down these UFO documents., a site that posts military files and is a subsidiary to, has claimed they have a digital copyright over the files. These documents have long been labeled as “public domain” by the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA).
It is now unconfirmed the Fold3 now has ownership of these records and has proceeded to offer them to the public free of charge. Most news outlets neglected to report that these files were not new to the internet, but that what was new was that they were in a PDF format, and much more accessible than they had been previously.
The data is very valuable and so it is probably a given that The Black Vault and other history sites would want control over them.
The important thing about these documents is their historical value and the fact that with these documents one can have a well rounded view of what we are up against.
One needs to remember that the safe zone UFO reports are the Roswell incident and anything afterwards because most witnesses are dead or dying and the stories sometimes contradict one another. That is what you get when you are dealing with accounts that have happened more that 65 years ago.
It is unfortunate that the last surviving witness was Jesse Marcel Jr., who died on August 23rd, 2013. Marcel was 10 years old when his father woke him up in the middle of the night and showed him strange debris that he claimed came from a flying disc.
With Marcel dead we must understand that Roswell is now part of history and is a subject that has been disputed over and over. It will continue to be disputed until records like what we have seen released will somehow shed some light on what exactly was happening in the summer of 1947 from the Northwestern to the Southwestern parts of the United States.
In the aftermath of the release of the military intelligence dump Ground Zero sees this as an opportunity to have a more meaningful dialogue about the contemporary UFO history.
A dialogue that goes beyond the Roswell case and moves forward into cases that are seldom spoken of because lack of knowledge or even lack of UFO chronological expertise.
One story in particular that needs to be explored is a story where once again we see military involvement. I am sure the well-seasoned UFO enthusiast has heard of an incident that occurred early in the morning of December 26-27, 1980, in the United Kingdom. The case has been called “the Incident at Bentwaters.”
Back then, Saddam Hussein was not an enemy, Ronald Reagan had just become President-elect and John Lennon was shot dead as he and his wife Yoko Ono were returning to their Manhattan apartment.
Obviously, major stories that deserved the most black ink and front-page status.
But the story that could not be told to the people was happening in the UK.
It was 3 A.M. when two United States Air Force security police saw am aircraft with unusual lights crash just outside the east back gate at RAF Woodbridge. The patrolman radioed in and claimed that a metallic triangular shaped aircraft may have been forced down. A strange glow was emitting from nearby Rendlesham forest. The entire forest it seemed was bathed in an eerie glow of white light.
The object according to the witnesses was about 9-10 feet across and about 6-7 feet high. There seemed to be a pulsing red light on top of the object and banks of icy blue lights underneath. As time passed the farm animals that were near the base were upset as the light was pulsating red and white. According to Sergeant Larry Warren, who was stationed at Bentwaters, It looked like a plane hit and a fire was smoldering in the forest.
The object would maneuver through the tress and then disappear.
At daylight three depressions were found in the area proving that something had landed in the forest near Bentwaters at Woodbridge and the following night the area was tested for radiation.
The readings of Beta/Gamma radiation were recorded with peak readings near the depressions. There were also high readings in the center of the triangle that was left behind by the UFO.
The readings were shown to be at 0.1 milliroentgens and nearby trees were showing readings of .05 and .07.
This UFO was seen again when night fell.
A red light that appeared to be like a large fireball maneuvered through the trees pulsing and throwing off particles sending five different elliptical objects into the sky. They darted about in the northern sky and changed from red to green and then to blue.
These objects then turned into full circles and remained in the sky for an hour or two. The main object remained to the south and sent out a beam of light into the sky.
On December 26, just after midnight, radar installations had picked up and began tracking a UFO that dropped below radar coverage. The “fallen angel” or “bogey” was heading towards the small town of Ipswich. This was near the sensitive NATO bases that were leased by the RAF and the 81st Tactical Fighter wing. These two bases are known as RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters.
Rendlesham forest surrounds the two bases. When the aircraft came down in the forest, U.S. personnel and civilians had thought that a plane had gone down in the area and security had asked permission to search outside the gate to see what had happened.
USAF Sergeant Larry Warren claimed that when he and other personnel arrived in the woods they could see a strange mist that covered the ground that resembled a soupy ground fog. The fog itself had a luminescent glow to it. Looking into the fog they could see the pulsing red light that eventually pulsed more brightly.
After the red light exploded the triangle could be seen. The main body of the craft was pearl white. The sides of the craft had a chromatic rainbow affect as light reflected from its sides.
USAF Sergeant John Burroughs also witnessed the triangular craft when he was called to investigate. He was the one who accompanied the two security patrolmen in the woods. James Archer was one of the security patrolman who confirmed that the object was a triangular shaped object with three landing legs.
Archer also claimed that he could see what appeared to be the pilots of the aircraft but he claimed that the shapes did not look human. He also hypothesized that the occupants may not have been human. However it needs to be stressed that he didn’t go to the extremes of claiming that they were “aliens.” He thought that they might have been robotic in nature. Perhaps the aircraft was piloted by remote control.
Sergeant Adrain Bustinza who was acting security police commander at the time of the incident claimed that when they arrived to investigate the downed aircraft, the light balls would not turn on and that the jeeps were drained of energy.
The deputy base commander of RAF Woodbridge Lt. Col. Charles Halt documented the event as “Unexplained lights in Rendlesham forest.” British and American authorities had apparently audio taped and videotaped the whole event was reported by security personnel that during the time of the investigation there was an electrical field in the woods. This caused the radio contact with the base virtually impossible. There was an ozone smell and the air was becoming electrically charged as if the men were in a thunderstorm. Their hair began to stand on end and they could feel a tingle on their skin.
Others made claims of seeing beings in the cone like aircraft. Some claimed that it was their shadows and that they were making fascinating shapes that were out of synch with their movements. A red light blip would follow the shadows as they moved like a cat and mouse video game.
The shadows continued to move out of phase and each time the men would stop, the shadows would take another step.
British tabloids were the first papers to report this remarkable story. The papers were spinning tales of alien encounters based upon an alleged account by Larry Warren. Larry Warren allegedly claimed that the next thing he remembered was that he awoke in his bunk with a headache with mud caked all the way up to his knees. Warren allegedly claimed that he was tested for exposure to radiation and was forced to sign a security oath.
Warren later supposedly broke his oath and claimed that he and others were shown high quality gun camera films of UFO’s shooting down MIG fighter jets. Warren said that the footage was very clear and showed a classic flying disc. Warren said that there is a point of missing time where during the investigation in the forest they were ordered to form a circle around the perimeter of the object.
Base commander Col. Gordon Williams then approached the object and a beam of light came down from the ship. Three silver suited beings came down out of the light. They were human looking with large heads and almond shaped eyes, the classic grey.
Col. Williams denies that he was there. Others swear to it. They also say that the USAF personnel assisted the beings in making repairs to their craft.
The whole incident was reported in tabloids as only lasting 30 minutes to an hour. When numerous accounts say that the whole event continued for a nightmarishly long 3-day period.
The only thing that remained was the shadows, the flash of red light, and the separating craft. Not to mention the nightmare of meeting strange beings that conveniently didn’t end up on the tape.
All we hear is the sound of men who are confused and frightened. The tape was heavily edited omitting the alleged encounter with the beings.
Whatever happened at the east gate near Rendlesham tends to show some significant coincidences that we here at Ground Zero have covered before in previous articles dealing with the Flying Triangles and their co-existence with magnetic stimulation and biological or radioactive poisoning.
Long before contrails and the associated hysteria there have been other accounts of exotic aircraft with a direct or indirect correlation with the military and subsequent hallucinatory activity, radiation and or biological poisonings to humans and animals.
It was recorded that a civilian was affected by the events near Rendlesham. Gordon Levitt lived near the edge of the forest near the military bases. On December 26th, 1980, he had been out walking with his dog when he suddenly looked up and spotted an object that he described as being like an upturned mushroom with a greenish-white glow. The aircraft was silent and glided towards RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters. The next day Levitt had claimed that his dog remained in its doghouse obviously shocked and looking very ill. It finally died a few days later.
The alleged testimony of Larry Warren also has a correlation with a possible electronic mind control experiment or some sort of toxic encounter with an aircraft of unknown origin, a luminescent cloud that hugged the ground and of course the testimony of what appeared to be an encounter with an alien species, or what appeared to be an alien species.
The account of ozone in the air or perhaps magnetic or electric energy causing hair to stand on end could also be something to pay attention to. There were also reports of Jeeps and several high-powered light-alls abruptly failing, which suggests a highly charged magnetic field in the area.
There have been studies that have been conducted that claim that when the brain is subject to intense electromagnetic stimulation, one can experience something similar to an abduction encounter, or lost time.
A quote from Larry Warren suggests that whatever was happening his brain was being affected:
Some of the group ran away, others stayed put, like myself. I couldn’t move – I don’t know whether it was shock or if it was outside influence. It was dreamlike… I think time was distorted and perceptions were intentionally affected by this intelligence. There was one reality and in front of you was another. I felt slower on that night. Everything was on half speed and something was wrong – something was out of place.”
While the idea of an alien encounter is fun to speculate about, the knowledge of what can be suggested with the use of electronic stimulation begs to be investigated.
The use of EMF and ELF wave frequencies in mind control have been demonstrated and talked about with the revelations of HAARP and experimentation that has been carried out in the Montauk /Camp Hero accounts.
Whatever energy was being discharged from the aircraft it was evident that the levels were borderline dangerous. Enough to cause car batteries to drain and electronic equipment to malfunction.
How can we not conclude that this magnetic energy did not have an effect on the men? Also the lack of audiotape evidence of the encounter points to the proof that the men were exposed to an enormous amount of magnetic energy.
There were other revelations that seemed to unravel demonstrating that something even more significant may have happened to the men. It was later determined that Nuclear weapons were being stored at the facility something that both sides denied.
Halt has appeared on many documentaries dealing with UFOs and exotic craft and often alludes to the military implications of a strange aircraft pointing beams of light at the alleged weapons storage area at the Woodbridge facility.
“We could very clearly see it… I noticed other beams of light coming down from the same object falling on different places on the base. My boss was standing in his front yard in Woodbridge and he could see the beams of light falling down, and the people in the weapons storage area and other places on the base also reported the lights.”
Charles Halt discussed the case again after retiring from the USAF with the rank of full colonel. Twenty years later he still wonders what he was a part of, or what was really happening:
“I was very skeptical. I found what allegedly had taken place hard to believe, and I was really going to debunk it quite frankly; and as events unfolded I became more and more concerned that there maybe is something to this… I kept telling myself that there had to be some type of explanation for it, but I certainly couldn’t find one and even to this day I can’t explain what happened.”
Today, the whole story is somewhat confusing as to what really happened. Even as we develop this investigative report we must confess that the case is still murky and investigators such as Nick Pope, Jenny Randles, and Georgina Bruni are a matter of record.
Nick Pope has once again given us more information in his latest book “Encounter at Rendlesham Forest,” a book he co authored with John Burroughs, USAF and Jim Penniston of USAF.
He even goes beyond the Rendlesham Bentwaters case and informs us of other unexplained stories that are seldom spoken of including the Betty Cash, Vikie Landrum case where a brightly lit diamond shaped UFO appeared over Dayton Texas in December of 1980 and literally burned the skin of Betty and Vickie. They actually sued the US government for 20 million dollars in damages
It was actually the first UFO lawsuit ever filed against the government in history. The case was dismissed and both Vickie and Betty suffered health problems ever since.
Betty Cash died on December 29th, 1998 eighteen years to the day the incident occurred and Vickie passed away on September 12th, 2007.
Coincidentally, December 29th, 1980 the date and time of Cash Landrum Incident was just a few hours after the Bentwaters/Rendlesham incident. Could both UFOs exposing people to radiation be an experiment that went wrong in the United Kingdom and the United States?
It seems that we need to investigate further with the various documents we have received and what crumbs of evidence we have left.

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