
Sunday, February 15, 2015




The Pacific Northwest is home to many great mysteries that have intrigued people over the years. The first UFOs of the 1940s were sighted in Washington State. D.B. Cooper made his mysterious jump into history near the Portland Oregon airport and many Northern Oregon and southern Washington forests have seen the mysterious Bigfoot roaming around remote areas.
However in the winter of 2015 the rainy season has brought forward another mystery, a spooky milky white rain that has been falling all over Washington and Oregon.
There are a whole bunch of theories as to why this is happening over the area. The first well known theory is that volcanic ash from a volcano somewhere in Japan has remained in the atmosphere and was later mixed with the rain that has been falling for the last week and half over the northwestern United States.
Walla Walla County Emergency Management officials in Washington posted a statement saying the "white stuff" is most likely from ash spewed into the atmosphere by Volcano Shiveluch in Kamchatka Krai, Russia, more than 4,000 miles away.
In late January, the Shiveluch volcano, one of the most active volcanoes on Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula, sent plumes of ash up 32,800 feet in the air. At one point, it forced an Alaska Airlines to be diverted away from Nome.
The National Weather Service said it didn't know where Walla Walla County was getting that information. In reality, the cause of the grayish-white rain was still very much a mystery.
Washington State University researcher Nic Loyd says that he thinks he knows the cause of a mysterious “milky rain.” The meteorologists say that the dirty rain was the result of a rare weather phenomenon that began near an ancient saline lake nearly 500 miles away.
Loyd believes a meshing of weather systems that caused a dust storm in southern Oregon ultimately caused dirty-white-colored raindrops to fall in eastern Washington and northeast Oregon.
Hearing about strange debris in the rain and other anomalies in the sky are now becoming less of a rarity and more of a matter of independent reporting and the military industrial complex in the act of geoengineering and simulant testing over remote and rural areas.
Back in December of 2014 there was a story that broke regarding a strange storm of white, heavy, and gooey raindrops that when they hit the earth evaporates into a fibrous substance. Marie Snow and her friend Cori Gunnels knew they stumbled across something sinister, when they saw what appeared to be 50 to 60-foot long “raindrops falling from the sky in clusters, after three military aircraft, including a C-130, flew overhead, minutes prior, at an altitude of an estimated 5,000-8,000 ft.
Snow and Gunnels, decided to collect samples of the fibrous material which was deployed from the three military planes over Chino Valley, Arizona, saving the samples for testing. In fact, the fibers looked so ominous that Snow even opted not to touch them with her “bare hands” and collected them on “white pieces of paper.”
Marie Snow and Cori Gunnels gathered many samples of the fibrous materials and also contacted a local news channel to find out just what has fallen out of the sky. The television station sent the samples to Grand Canyon University’s Forensic Science Lab for testing where a woman by the name of Melissa Beddow tested the samples under “40 times magnification."
Beddow stated that the fibrous samples were likely “biodegradable gauze” from “nearby cattle farms”, made up of “a mixture of wheat, gluten, flour and bacitracin, an antibiotic” in what the network touted as a “straight story.”
However what is being seen on various chain link fences looks more gooey and web like and less dense than the sample hat was allegedly analyzed. Snow and Gunnels then had more samples sent to another lab in order to get a different opinion and analysis and what they got from the other lab was pretty amazing.
Further tests concluded that both samples tested positive for three metal analytes, “Aluminum”, “barium” and “strontium”, three substances commonly known by dedicated researchers to be found in persistent contrails or chemtrails.
As chemtrails -- the postulated release method for these materials -- have been continually observed and documented over the United States and most of the world, more testing in other areas must be done to confirm that this is not simply a localized, temporary phenomena. The health and ecologic effects of these materials entering the groundwater, oceans, agriculture/food supply, and food chains must be considered and studied.
The health, climactic, and planetary effects of the massive quantities that must exist in the upper atmosphere to reach the ground in detectable levels must be studied.
It is difficult to study impurities in rainwater. However, there are so many questions that can be raised about bacterial content, heavy metals and other materials that are used in stimulant geoengineering processes and the possible testing of biological warfare simulants that can trigger different reactions in humans.
Serratia Marcescens is a significant opportunistic human bacterial pathogen. This microorganism has been shown to be the cause of many life-threatening diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis and endocarditis.
It is one of the major causes of hospital-acquired infections. The seriousness of a S. Marcescens infection is compounded by the fact that it is very resistant to most commonly used antibiotics, thus making treatment difficult. In a study one of the factors contributing to the antibiotic resistance of S. Marcescens will be examined. In order for an antibiotic to kill or inhibit growth of bacteria it must penetrate the outer surface or membrane and enter the bacterial cell which is very difficult.
S. Marcescens is said to trigger antibiotic resistant respiratory and urinary tract infections and gastrointestinal system problems in patience. Due to its abundant presence in the environment, and its preference for damp conditions, it is a possibility that the reason why the Northwest has been experiencing a high rate of respiratory illnesses and lower GI infections and meningitis.
A few days ago it was reported that three students that the University of Oregon had come down with meningococcal meningitis.
As a nastier-than-usual flu strain, H3N2 has also been spreading across the country especially badly hot is Oregon. This has triggered other diseases like Pneumonia in some patients
The CDC sent a new alert to doctors in the Northwest, advising prompt use of Tamiflu and other anti-virals for hospitalized flu patients and those at higher risk for complications like pneumonia. In Oregon, Dr. Thomas Hickey, a family medicine physician with Kaiser Permanente, said Thursday that higher-risk patients include people who have diabetes, those who are 65 or older, young children, pregnant or nursing women, people with chronic illnesses, people with lung or heart conditions and people who are immuno-suppressed.
The CDC's most recent flu bulletin, on Jan. 5, said flu-related deaths reached "epidemic threshold" in late December, meaning pneumonia or influenza was listed as the underlying or contributing cause of death in at least 6.8 percent of the death certificates processed in 122 U.S. cities. That percentage dropped during the last week of 2014, but the CDC expects it to rise again before this flu season ends.
There have been many theories about why the flu season is worse and why people are coming down with pneumonia. Many believe it is because of bad batch of vaccines. There are a few people in the northwest that wonder about what might be in the rain.
In 1977 there was a mountain of information that was declassified regarding the U.S. Biological weapons programs that included the unknown testing of bio-chemicals on the people of the United States. Some of these reports showed that citizens were sprayed with various chemicals resulting in dementia, miscarriages, impotence, headaches, neuralgia, Herpes Zoster, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, birth defects respiratory effects and low grade fevers.
The sprays were aerosolized and dropped from planes. For those who consider chemtrails to be hoaxes or fraudulent there is documented proof that aerosolized diseases were released on an unsuspecting public and from there we were seeing strange behaviors in what were once curable diseases.
By the year 2000, there was a great deal of money going into the advertising of drugs that allegedly alleviated these very same problems. From Tamiflu, Prilosec to Viagra, to specially modified over the counter medications for migraines, these new miracle drugs were developed in the early 1980’s tested and prepared for approval. Many of these new drugs were developed allegedly to counter-act the effects of an environmental accident caused by bio-weapon open-air experimentation on the American people from the 1940’s to the early 1970’s.
All the new drugs on the market now are available because of iatrogenic artifacts produced by the government and tested by the military on the United States populace.
In 1979, a declassified review claimed that the United States intensified its development of ethnic weapons designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to genetic differences and variations in DNA. These weapons were classified under Project Code named MK-NAOMI which specifically was a plan to store materials that could either incapacitate or kill a test subject and to develop devices to use for the diffusion of such materials over widely populated areas. Much of the details of the operation and how the materials were dispersed is scarce. However, new programs replacing MK-NAOMI through the US Army’s Special Operations Command gave evidence of at least three covert techniques for attacking and poisoning crops and animal products that have been examined under field conditions.
There is a well-documented biological component to continuously ongoing atmospheric studies in which nations and regions are furtively inoculated via specially designed delivery systems with combinations of viruses, bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma, desiccated blood cells and exotic biological markers so that test masters can assess human, animal and plant response. The chemtrail experiment is quite literally a iatrogenic artifact that was intentionally being used by the bio warlords under the direction of the CIA.
The multi-organizational megalith perpetrating these biochemical projects against humanity includes the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and its research arm DARPA, plus the Department of Energy (DOE) with its huge network of national labs and universities. Private defense contractors and pharmaceutical companies are heavily involved. Cooperating governments of other nations and probably some United Nations agencies are complicit, since the aerosol projects are global in scope.
This has been called “geo-engineering.”
I am sensing that the spraying now is going beyond the mandate of geo-engineering and that we may see contagion and pandemic panic on the horizon. I have never seen anything like this and I am beginning to think that the deadly mix they are spraying will take time to incubate leaving people sickly and many dying.
With millions of lives in the balance this issue is one that you should not be sick of hearing about or talking about. It is unfortunate that the pandemics, the forced inoculations and chemtrail scares have now have been downplayed as minimal threats.

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