
Thursday, February 19, 2015


Now, in case you haven't noticed, we've been on something of a space focus this week, because the news is bizarre from almost anyone's lights. First Medvedev's little "nudge" for "disclosure," a strange NASA space station mission poster featuring Jedi knights, light sabers, Death Stars, and Mars, then a power plant blowing up in Michigan apparently after a beam of light was seen, John Podesta's ruminations that he wished he had been able to make a full UFO-ET disclosure, which was stated shortly before he joined Mrs. Clinton's presidential campaign staff. And let's not forget all the stories about space commercialization we've seen from last year, including this year's attempt by the FAA to regulate commercial traffic on... the Moon. Now, unless you're an American couch potato, conservative talk show host, liberal television anchor (or politician, or product of an American "department of education"), it isn't possible to conclude that something is not going on.
But now here's yet another example of high strangeness regarding the high beyond, from Ms. B.H., and it's a strange stunner, but you have to wade all the way through  the article to find out why:
Yet Another Plan For Outer Space
So one reads through the article, and at the end, comes to this:
"One of our readers discovered that if you go to (there is no actual link to this organization from the meeting website to click on) that this is an invitation-only affair. As such you now have a deliberate effort to limit input - and that almost certainly guarantees that there will be space advocates who will be left out in the cold who will promptly denounce/ignore whatever this group puts out. Where is AIAA? AIA? AAS? AAAS? Planetary Society? Mars Society? Space Foundation?, IEEE?, Challenger Center?, ASGSR?, AsMA?, ASE?, American Astronomical Society?
"After ignoring my previous emails over the past few weeks I just got this response back 'Thank you for your interest in the Pioneering Space National Summit. Registration is by invitation only, and is closed at this time.'"(Emphasis added)
Being curious, I clicked on the link in the article directly to the conference website itself, and this is what popped up:
P i o n e e r i n g S p a c e N a t i o n a l S u m m i t
So we have a private, invitation-only, conference in Washington, with a variety of interesting foundation and corporate sponsors, among whom is AIAA. If this is beginning to sound a bit like a Bilderberger meeting for space affairs, hang on, it gets better. When one clicks on the second link, the conference's website clearly shows a focus on the Earth, the Moon, and Mars (shades of that strange NASA "Jedi" poster we talked about a couple of days ago). More interesting to me personally is that the "look" of the website, its "feel", was oddly reminiscent of the website for the Secret Space Program conference at which I spoke in June of last year. Now, among all the corporate and foundation a,d professional group sponsors here - and all of them intriguing - the one that caught my eye more than all the others was AIAA. Why?
Because AIAA, if you've been following it, has done held some rather remarkable conferences of its own. Years ago, papers were presented at the AIAA about German physicist Burkardht Heim's hyper-dimensional theories, theories that Heim himself, by his own admission,developed as a basis to further human space exploration, recognizing that the Von Braun-Oberth-NASA-Korolev-Roscosmos approach with large chemical rockets was doomed to inadequacy at the outset. (Heim's theory, interestingly enough, comes with all the Star Trek gimicks, including sub-spaces and hyper-spaces). To make matters more murky, as I've pointed out in various books (especially The Philosophers' Stone: Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter), Heim was totally blind, almost completely deaf, and had lost both hands during an explosion during World War Two doing "research" for the Nazis, the nature of which remains shrouded in obscurity (or classification), to this day.
In addition to sponsoring talks about Heim's theories, the AIAA has also sponsored presentations from NASA's Dr. Harold "Sonny" White. He, you'll recall, is the physicist who reworked the metric of Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre, to conclude that space-warps were within the feasibility of human energy sources to create, and he, you'll also recall, heads up a project within NASA to do the proof of concept experiments to determine if "warp drive" is feasible. Apparently (you'll further recall), it's feasible enough for DARPA(the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency - thank you Mr. J.B. for that clever rendering!) to propose the goal of having the USA be "warp capable" in 100 years.
Add into the mix all the space commercialization news of the past year, toss in a pinch of Elon Musk, add some Richard Branson sauce, stir and mix with Bigelow bits, and what do you have?
You have a financial and technocratic oligarchy that knows that big changes are coming, probably sooner rather than later, And that means this conference could be - and in my high octane speculation, probably is - the beginning of a new phenomenon, the "space Bilderbergers." It's a sign, perhaps, that the financial and technocratic elites know that the technologies are just around the corner (or perhaps, already here), and that the biggest problem is how to manage the sweeping social, cultural, and financial changes these will impel. Even if the technologies are, per DARPA's vision, a century away, the planning must begin now, if for no other reason than that the financial system - both overt and covert - will be dramatically affected.

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