
Thursday, February 26, 2015


Normally I don't like to use video stories or articles for my commentary, but this is a significant story because it's a first. The story came to the attention of Mr. C.S., who was kind enough to share it with us:

History in the making? DNA nanobots to target cancer cells in test patients

What is interesting here is not only is the synthetic-DNA-nanobot technology being used for the first time in a human patient suffering from leukemia, but what is actually said toward the end of the article. But first, the human patient.
Obviously, from the description of the technology being used here, this will constitute a great advance in chemotherapies. Up until now, chemotherapy has been more or less a shotgun approach, a kind of bombardment of the body with the caner-fighting drugs whose effects - as anyone who has ever undergone chemotherapy will attest - can be almost as bad as the disease itself, for healthy as well as cancer cells are subjected to the drug. But with the synthetic DNA nanobot, such drugs can be directedly administered to the unhealthy cells themselves, bypassing the surrounding healthy cells. That, at least, is the theory.
But it is what is said at the end of this article that intrigues, for the commentator goes on to mention wider applications of the technology: use of such nanobots to literally conduct check-ups of the body on a cell-by-cell level. Such uses would be a great leap forward in early cancer detection, for example, and presumably also make earlier treatment more feasible, long before the disease would be detectable by current methods of diagnosis. Conceivably, such technologies could detect potential danger areas for aneurisms, heart valve malfunction, and a host of other problems, and perhaps even be able to do "nano-surgery" on the problem areas without the current anaethsatize and cut methods. Imagine going to your physician for "heart surgery," and simply being told to "roll up your sleeve" for your injection of heart-repairing nanobots.
There are, of course, the dangers, and we all see them. The technology that could be used to repair is also a technology that could be used to kill, quietly, cell-by-cell. Then, too, there are the confident predictions of scientists that the nanobots are "entirely neutral" to the surrounding healthy tissue and therefore pose no threats to human health. Well... we've heard variations of this theme before, mostly in reference to the GMO issue, where long term and genuinely independent scientific tests were never really done, prompting the current wave of studies and increasing global skepticism over the technology. Here too, we should exercise due caution before leaping on to the nano-bot bandwagon. And, while pursuing these types of technologies, we should also openly push and advocate for a full disclosure and testing on the non-pharmacological and non-surgical methods of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, or Dr. Alain Priore and others who have investigated the electromagnetic dimensions of health.
Caveats notwithstanding, however, we do wish this leukemia-sufferer well, and commend him or her for the willingness to test an as yet untested medical technology... God speed!

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