
Saturday, February 7, 2015




I have been obsessed with the recent news of the data dumps and intelligence documents with regard to our relationship with the UFO and the ongoing relationship with extra-terrestrial biological entities.
Each and every document that you read seems to have a jumping off point where you leap into defining other activities and soon you find that there are more avenues to travel through and more documents that if the accounts are true illustrate many valid reasons why the government has not granted to the people of the United states full disclosure about the UFO or extra-terrestrial question.
One document that NASA has kept under wraps, seldom has seen the light of day and really doesn’t get much fanfare is the R-277 document that serves as a chronological history of the moon.
The document has recorded changes in the moon’s appearance, anomalous lights, ande even the appearance of shelters or what appear to be settlements on the moon. Most of these anomalies were recorded in 1956 and had many scientists worried that there was a colony of aliens on the moon that were ready to invade.
If you read through the R-277 document you will find all kinds of interesting entries that make you really question just what goes on in outer space and whether or not there is indeed an intelligence apparatus that is constantly making the rounds and appearing in the skies.
It is also interesting to note that some of the data dumps and intel findings go into great detail about what is called the “the true exobiological crisis.”
In the 1960’s there was a plan devised by the U.S. Government to have in place a conspiracy of denial with regards to the possibility that a new space program would discover the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. This plan, provided by the Brookings Institute, was completed in December of 1960 and pointed out the very real fear of social disintegration if humanity discovered in its cosmic sojourn proof of extra-terrestrial life.
The Brookings Report was very clear when it suggested that “anthropological files contain many examples of societies sure of their place in the universe which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different societies in different ways.”
Needless to say the guardians of intelligence suggested that if the U.S. space program found evidence of alien life or technology that it would be advisable to withhold that information.
People who demand disclosure say that they are ready for the truth and that the civilizations of earth already know or have faith that there is life in space and depending on what stories you have heard the relationship between mankind and the exobiological entities should be a beneficial one.
Before we begin discussions of disclosure perhaps we should reconsider some documents and programs that have always been part of UFO studies and have been controversial and event termed hoaxes by some researchers.
Some of the most controversial documents are the MJ-12 or MAJESTIC-12 documents which allegedly shed some light on the real agenda of the extra terrestrial beings that were first recognized and brought forward in relatively contemporary history with result of the Roswell Crash in 1947.
MAJESTIC-12 was a secret committee allegedly formed to develop government policy on alien life. There were many committees that followed afterwards, however MAJESTIC had documented that the aliens were hostile and were most definitely a threat to the planet.
The Top Secret Operation MAJESTIC-12 was established by order of President Harry S. Truman in 1947. Operation MAJESTIC-12, was created to take charge of the technical, sociological and other aspects of the crashed UFOs and the small alien occupants, dead or alive, that were recovered. In later years this operation evolved into and became known as MAJI (the Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence).
MAJI is the most secret of all intelligence groups and out-ranks all other intelligence agencies including the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). MAJI is responsible directly and “only” to the President of the United States.
Within the report to Truman was an awful secret about the aliens they were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood and in horrible genetic experiments. There was also speculation that the aliens used human blood for nutritive value.
The other secret is that both Truman and late President Dwight D. Eisenhower had made deals or pacts with these beings that they could secretly experiment and abduct humans in exchange for highly advanced technologies that were later used in the military-industrial complex.
When a person reads over the accounts of some “intelligent or advanced” encounters throughout history, you begin to see patterns emerge. The patterns do not paint these intelligent or advanced beings in a good light. The reason is that these entities impart knowledge to mankind in most cases and for some reason that knowledge is used for a “militant” advantage.
It has been recorded throughout history that any paranormal reports of “contact” with gods or advanced beings have somehow coincided with the advent of war, genocide and conflict. Arguably, we can say that this has been the human condition for the last 6,000 years.
In the spring of 2010 while appearing in a Discovery Channel documentary, British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said that communicating with aliens could be a threat to Earth. Hawking said it is likely that alien life exists, but a visit from extraterrestrials might be similar to Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas.
If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans,” he said. “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. —Stephen Hawking.
We need to remember that when Columbus arrived he brought with him new diseases that the native inhabitants had no immunity to. This resulted in many deaths of those he and his crew came in contact with.
When most spokespeople talk about alien contact and the resulting human abductions that we heard about from Benny and Barney hill in the 1960’s until now, there really is no real talk about how the aliens are not sanitary or clean. In fact according to secret documentation we find that most aliens are toxic to human forms.
In 1952 it was alleged that President elect Eisenhower received an eight page document which introduced him to an organization known as Majestic-12. Harry S. Truman allegedly created this shadowy organization in 1947 to investigate reports that strange aircraft had fallen out of the skies in New Mexico.
It was MJ-12’s charge to isolate, contain and utilize possible extra terrestrial technologies. They were also entrusted to investigate and record the purpose and mission of extra terrestrial biological entities.
There is a piece within these documents known as field order 862 which orders personnel to go to New Mexico to investigate the reports of numerous crashes in early July of 1947.
This order was issued by Truman’s office of the Assistant chief of Staff and directs a group called the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit or IPU. They returned a seven page report to the President called “Extraordinary recovery of fallen objects in New Mexico.”
There is a portion in particular that caught my eye when I first read the blurry type of the alleged documents. It was the account of the contamination and subsequent deaths of several personnel after coming in contact with the debris and the extra-terrestrial biological entities that were supposedly inside the wreckage.
One of the technicians was overcome and collapsed when he attempted to remove the bodies from the twisted wreckage. Another medical technician allegedly went into a coma four hours after placing the awfully damaged body of an alien into a rubber body bag for autopsy.
All four of the technicians eventually died of seizures and profuse bleeding. The technicians were all wearing protective suits when they came in contact with the fluids of the occupants.
Directly after these events biological warfare programs were stepped up and new ways to kill humans were readied with new viruses and bacteria agents that were synthesized.
The question is, did the government take samples of the fluids they found on these alleged aliens and create new strains of retroviruses that are not fully understood by science in order to wipe out an enemy?
Did the shadow groups deliver information about alien technologies and did they exploit them?
Are these new strains of viruses that appear out of nowhere the result of extra-terrestrial contact?
Combining all of the alleged stories of contact, reverse engineering, new technology, and bio warfare we begin to see a deadly pattern in all of the chaotic “truth” that exists in the alternative media.
The truth may be more frightening than we realize.
Many talk shows about aliens focus in the back engineering or reverse engineering of alien technology, but wouldn’t it be obvious that the warlords would find it beneficial to back engineer alien bacteria or even diseases to be used in biological warfare?
Could we be seeing the results of this back engineering and forced multiplying of possible alien pathogens today?
Maybe so, and maybe not however if we can go back in time some forty of fifty years one of the most horrifying phenomena that has been tied to alien visitation is “cattle or animal mutilations.”
If a cow can be butchered with no leads as to who is responsible imagine what could happen if a herd that is destined for slaughter is somehow infected with a contaminant or disease. What if that disease thinks and incubates and goes undetected.
The unavoidable truth is that Cattle are hosts to all kinds of microbes and sickness. They are hosts to all kinds of contaminants. These contaminants can remain in digestive systems in these animals for long periods of time without making the animals sick. We are seeing diseases spring up everywhere and the threat of bio attack looms over us with the fear that terrorists will use anthrax and other diseases to wipe out the American population.
In 1979, a declassified review claimed that the United States intensified its development of ethnic weapons designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to genetic differences and variations in DNA. These weapons were classified under Project Code named MK-NAOMI which specifically was a plan to store materials that could either incapacitate or kill a test subject and to develop devices to use for the diffusion of such materials over widely populated areas. Much of the details of the operation and how the materials were dispersed is scarce. However, new programs replacing MK-NAOMI through the U.S. Army’s Special Operations Command gave evidence of at least three covert techniques for attacking and poisoning crops and animal products that have been examined under field conditions.
After the experimental spraying, evidence suggests that under MK-NAOMI, CIA funded scientists were called in to use special surgical devices, standard blood coagulants, cryogenic technology, and microwave equipment, to use on “infected” farm animals. Reports surfaced about so called “Cattle Mutilations” where bovine test subjects are found with surgically removed ears, lips, tongues, mammary glands, genitalia, anuses, and blood. The carcasses were air-dropped into fields out of black helicopters.
However the Mysterious circumstances surrounding the mutilations were then misconstrued by the media. The government-spread rumors that the mutilations were of “extra-terrestrial” origin or attributed to “satanic cults” or “coyotes and other natural predators.”
If predatory animals can uniformly select body parts, mainly the ones used in reproduction and excretion, and then remove all the blood from the carcass leaving the remaining good meat to rot what we are seeing is a meticulous animal doing the killings.
The extra-terrestrial element would also be compelling because of various species of alien needing to know if they have contaminated the planet with their arrival. Literally checking up on the progression of diseases and radioactive effects on cows. Cows are like the canaries in the biological Coalmine.
They are capable of incubating and even keeping in their tissues evidences of bacterial infections, radioactive isotopes, hormones, and other diseases that we think we have eradicated.
The alien human or military alien collusion on such matters along with chemical and Pharmaceutical companies providing vaccines that use Bovine byproducts should have us ponder the mysteries and using circumstantial evidence to create solid hypothesis.
It is known that “second creation” creatures like Bovine tend to hold virulent strains of influenza and contaminants of all kinds in their bodies. These contaminants can remain in the digestive systems of these animals for long periods of time without making the animals sick. Bovine have been known to carry Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia pestis along with brucella. Cows now carry new and deadly prions called Bovine spongiform encephalopathy. This is commonly known as mad cow disease. The blood of cattle can be used to force multiply a biological component creating a more lethal biological force multiplier and then use humans or small animals as carriers. Bovine blood has been used in the past as a force multiplier for the advanced bio-weapon Brucellosis.
Using refined methods of Zoonosis and genetic modifying, diseases were synthesized and force modified into strains that were available but still illegal to be used on humans. Modifications on strains of Brucellosis using cattle were made in order to spread it to enemy troops but would not pass into other populations. These are known as “smart virulents” the newly modified Brucellosis would cause undulant fever in humans. It was a quiet weapon that possessed interesting traits.
The modifying of the disease created a disabling bacterium that disappeared after the infection. Troops could be infected yet exhibited no signs of the bacteria when examined by a doctor. Bio- engineers created a stealthy weapon. They extracted the active agent of Brucellosis from the Brucellosis bacteria. Although the active agent, the mycoplasma is still there, the bacteria have been discarded, and your blood tests will be negative even though you are infected with the brucellosis mycoplasma.
This newly modified Brucellosis was tested in several locations. In the summer of 1984, it was tested at Tahoe-Truckee High School in California. The teachers’ lounge was the target area. Seven of the eight teachers assigned to the room became very ill within months. There were other undisclosed locations where the pathogen was tested using an airborne aerosolized delivery system and contaminated mosquitoes.
Many people began suffering from general debilitation and tiredness. When it became known that the contagion was spreading into the general population, top officials with the National Institute of Health and Center for Disease Control, as well as the Defense Department and the Department of Health and Human Resources, began a program of misrepresentation of the disease to mask their role in its origin. The illness was claimed to be connected to the Epstein-Barr virus and was labeled “Chronic Mononucleosis.”
This has now become known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In the beginning this disorder was classified as a psychological disorder.
Could we be seeing some emerging diseases as possible back engineered bio weapons that have been accidentally released to the public to see what effect it has on the populace?
What do we know about diseases like Morgellons, or Fibromyalgia? How do we explain an increase in Autism or even various mental instabilities that have no explanation? What if alien organisms may have reached Earth among debris from falling comets and was consumed by cattle which resulted in diseases such as mad cow disease and other new and emerging diseases we hear about?
Back in 2008 an experiment was conducted on STS-123. The experiment was to test the reaction f terrestrial bacteria to zero gravity. When compared with test bacteria bred here on Earth, previous studies suggest that germs bred in space are far more potent and are more likely to cause illness to people in space.
It seems that diseases in space M=mutate quicker than here on earth. Mutation is the difference between a bacteria being harmless to becoming deadly. Mutations help bacteria to survive and as an example, they can become antibiotic resistant.
Always remember that most of this “scientific” fact about diseases from space are already horrifically detailed in documents provided in the 1950s that some researchers claim were considered hoaxes.

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