
Tuesday, February 3, 2015


The similarities are all over the place to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. Both planes lost contact with air traffic control and both planes were flying over the Java sea.

Flight QZ8501 went missing on 12-28 which gives you the number 13. You’ll find either the number 11 or 13 associated with events like this.

This we do know, the GLOBALISTS are once again behind this. What we need to figure out is why.

Other burgeoning suggestions include “economic terrorism” by world superpowers.

By bringing down planes in Asia, the economy in the region is sure to suffer as flights in-and-out of Asia slow by scared workers and tourists.

What could be the provocation of such economic tourism?

China is on the forefront of becoming the next world superpower, and many established nations are not happy about its potential. By shaking things up in the Asia Pacific, China is sure to suffer.

From a statistics point of view, it is an impossibility that two planes from the same general region would just “disappear.” First flight MH370, then MH17 and now flight QZ8501. Flight MH370 vanished over the Indian Ocean, Flight MH17 vanished over the Ukraine and now flight QZ8501 on it’s way to Singapore.

This plane, too, had Malaysian connections: The Airbus A320-200 which was reported missing Sunday was operated by the Indonesian affiliate of AirAsia, a regional budget carrier based in Malaysia.

And while it seemed premature to make such comparisons, the Indonesian authorities could not explain why the AirAsia jet disappeared from radar screens about 40 minutes after leaving the Indonesian city of Surabaya around 5:30 a.m.

By nightfall Sunday, more than 12 hours later, searchers facing bad weather had found no sign of the wreckage and the search was called off for the night, Indonesian officials said.

In Beijing, a relative of passengers of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 watched a broadcast about AirAsia Flight 8501 on Sunday. 2014 Proves a Grim Year in Malaysian AviationDEC. 28, 2014..There is a connection here to flight 370

AirAsia Airbus A320 passenger jets on the tarmac in Sepang, Malaysia, in November. Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501, an Airbus A320, disappeared from radar screens early Sunday. The same thing that happened to flight 370. NOT a coincidence!

The Facts on AirAsia Flight 8501..DEC. 28, 2014…More Illuminati numerology.

Relatives of the passengers of AirAsia Flight QZ8501 comforted each other at Juanda International Airport in Surabaya, Indonesia, on Sunday. AirAsia Flight Said to Be Lost in Indonesia DEC. 27, 2014

The weather along the path of Flight 8501 to Singapore on Sunday was cloudy, and a weather monitoring service based in the United States reported a number of lightning strikes along the way. But the monsoon conditions did not seem insurmountable for a modern airliner.

Loved ones awaited word on Sunday about Air Asia Flight 8501, which had 162 people on board. Credit Fully Handoko/European Pressphoto Agency

The route was a well-traveled part of the Indonesian archipelago; six other aircraft were in the vicinity of Flight 8501 when it disappeared according to data by, an organization that tracks aircraft.

Boats and planes from at least three countries had joined the search along a 100-mile stretch of the Java Sea near the island of Belitung, between the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, the plane’s last known location.

Shortly before contact was lost on Sunday, the cockpit crew informed air traffic controllers in Jakarta that they were planning to rise to 38,000 (3+8=11), from 32,000 feet to avoid a cloud, Djoko Murjatmodjo, the acting director general of Air Transport at Indonesia’s Ministry of Transportation, told reporters at a news conference in Jakarta, Indonesia.

“At the moment, we don’t know where the exact location is, except that this morning at 6:17, we lost contact,” Mr. Djoko said. The Singapore authorities said contact was lost at 6:24 a.m. (6+2+4=11), Jakarta time; the discrepancy has not been explained.

Mr. Djoko said the authorities had not detected any emergency distress beacons that were normally triggered by an accident.

“Therefore we cannot assume anything yet,” he said.

The newspaper Kompas in Indonesia quoted Mr. Djoko as saying that the plane’s request to divert from its flight path was approved but that air traffic controllers denied the request to ascend to 38,000 (3+8=11), feet “because of traffic.” He did not elaborate.

The paper also quoted Syamsul Huda, (Syamsul Huda=11 letters) director for aviation and meteorology at the Indonesian state weather agency, as saying that there were “many clouds along the route,” including large cumulonimbus clouds.

Earth Networks, a company that tracks weather conditions across the globe, said it had recorded a number of lightning strikes “near the path” of Flight 8501 on Sunday morning between 6:09 and 6:20.


AirAsia Group Ceo Tan Sri Dr. Tony Fernandes (L) and Ambassador Alfredo Yao ZestAirways Inc. President and CEO embrace after the signing of Zest Airways (zest airways..11 letters) and Philippines’ AirAsia’s alliance agreement in Manila on March 11, 2013. (two illuminati nubers 11 and 13), The Philippine unit of regional budget airline leader AirAsia announced on March 11 (There’s that dreaded number 11 again) it had acquired 49 (9+4=13) percent of local carrier Zest Airways, allowing it to fly out of the nation’s capital.

There were 155 (1+5+5=11) passengers on board and the plane vanished 115 (11 again), miles from Belitung.

Missing AirAsia Flight QZ 8501 Radar Flight Path PK-AXC

(ABOVE) Let’s look at the radar and watch flight QZ8501 just vanish from radar:

Tan Sri Tony Fernandes is the chief executive officer for AirAsia and this past week his investment vehicle Tune Group Sdn Bhd sold a total of 944,800 shares in Tune Insurance Holdings Bhd.

According to The Malaysia Insider:

According to a filing with Bursa Malaysia, some 850,000 shares were sold on December 22 (More multiples of 11) and an additional 94,800 shares the day after. All shares were sold at RM1.60 each.

Did Fernandes know his company stock was about to take a hit? The timing is suspicious. The same this happened during the 9/11 attacks. The number of short trades, indicating someone knew the shares would drop on American Airlines and United Airlines were trading at 10 times more than normal.

If so, it indicates knowledge of an impending attack on AirAsia.

Another possibility is that the illuminati are stockpiling planes to use in another false flag “terror” attack like in 9/11. We will do more research into this and keep you updated in the following hours.

It looks like this disappearance was predicted 13 (illuminati number) days ago.

Crazy! Missing AirAsia Flight Was Predicted, Warned About Two Weeks Ago!

Another thing that is so interesting is that a relative of a missing passenger has reportedly received a text message from an unknown sender, stating that the plane made an emergency landing and all passengers are alive. The Indonesian Transportation Ministry is examining these claims.


Relative of Missing AirAsia Flight Reportedly Received Text Message Saying People Are Alive!


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