
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Are You Prepared To Accept An Alien Intervention?

Are You Prepared To Accept An Alien Intervention?

How is it that people who have never had anything to do with aliens suddenly start asking questions?

Questions such as "Are we prepared to accept them as our friends or maybe even as our saviors?"

For many, the situation with regard to aliens is extremely confusing. It is anyway too hard to imagine that intelligent life forms may exist on countless other planets.

Nowadays, if you notice a UFO, the big question is whether you're seeing a man-made object or a vehicle piloted by aliens.

Then you come back to the warning issued by Wernher von Braun, shortly before his death, that the man-made ultimate threat to humanity would come from space and that this threat will ultimately unite the world in the New World Order.

About three years before his death he came into contact with Dr. Carol Rosin and he told her that to justify the huge cost for the space weapons, the secret space fleet and to promote the agenda of the New World Order an artificial enemy would be created.

At first the terrorists, than it would be Russia and now again the terrorists and ISIS and finally, the last card: A threat from space. This is nothing new, but people who have never had anything to do with aliens are now suddenly become aware of it.

As Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse Blog and The End of the American Dream who writes about all sorts of things, primarily economic, but certainly not about aliens, until now.

In a recent article Michael says, "anywhere in the world you see articles appear that British scientists have suggested that life on earth could ever come from other planets and in the past, our planet has been in contact with extraterrestrials and that this is about to happen again." Furthermore, he asks whether we are prepared to accept that life here on earth originally came from other planets and if Jesus was extraterrestrial.

For Michael Snyder, this is still all a bit of a shock and it is clear when you read his article, actually he not really believe it and prefer to stick to the things that are told in school and church.

He writes the following on his website:

With each passing year, more people than ever are looking to the stars for the answers to the most important questions that we face.

Thanks to a relentless bombardment from books, video games, movies and television shows, there are now hundreds of millions of people all around the globe that are anticipating that alien lifeforms could make contact with us at any moment. 

So are we being prepared to believe that extraterrestrials seeded life on this planet? 

Are we being prepared to accept them as our friends or even potentially as our “saviors”.

Reasonable people, like attorney Michael Snyder who normally move in the financial world, are already so conditioned by all the news that they would find it not quite strange as tomorrow the government announces that aliens are real, they are our saviors and will help us to unify the world.

When something like that happens, the big question remains whether we are dealing with a real alien intervention or a fake alien invasion as Carol Rosin describes in the video below.

As the world is more unstable by the day and one crisis is not yet solved or the next presents itself again, the timing couldn't be better. (Translated)

A False Flag Alien Invasion [The Final Card]

Are We Being Prepared To Believe That Extraterrestrials Seeded Life On Earth And That Jesus Was An Alien?

Alien UFO Extraterrestrial - Public DomainThere are those who believe that life was first brought to Earth from far across the universe.  In fact, this week there were headlines in news sources all over the world about how British scientists had discovered “evidence” that extraterrestrials may have seeded life on this planet.  And as you will see later on in this article, some of the “most brilliant minds in science” have been promoting this theory for a long time.  But now the support for an extraterrestrial origin for life on Earth seems to be reaching a crescendo.  In addition to unprecedented scientific support, we are being constantly bombarded by messages in popular culture that our planet has been in contact with aliens in the past and that they are about to make contact again.  This is a theme which we see in dozens of novels, television shows, movies and video games.  So could it be possible that we are being “prepared” to believe that extraterrestrials seeded life on our planet?  And as you will see below, there are even many that actually believe that Jesus was an alien.  Yes, that probably sounds very strange, but there are some very important people that are actually convinced that this is true.
But first let’s talk about the origin of life on Earth.  The theory that life originated elsewhere in the universe and was eventually brought here by extraterrestrials has been around for decades.  It is known as “directed panspermia” and this is what Wikipedia has to say about it…
Directed panspermia concerns the deliberate transport of microorganisms in space, sent to Earth to start life here, or sent from Earth to seed new solar systems with life by introduced species of microorganisms on lifeless planets. The Nobel prize winner Francis Crick, along with Leslie Orgel proposed that life may have been purposely spread by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, but considering an early “RNA world” Crick noted later that life may have originated on Earth. It has been suggested that ‘directed’ panspermia was proposed in order to counteract various objections, including the argument that microbes would be inactivated by the space environment and cosmic radiation before they could make a chance encounter with Earth.
But even though this theory has been around for a very long time, it is only in recent years when it has seen a surge in popularity.
And as I mentioned above, this week we learned that UK scientists say that they have found some “evidence” for this theory
UK scientists have just found some evidence supporting a theory so out of this world it makes others look unimaginative by comparison. A strange, tiny object may suggest that Earth was actually seeded by extra-terrestrials to create life.
It sounds nuts, but first let’s at least look at the findings. Astrobiologist Milton Wainwright and a team of researchers at the University of Buckingham recently discovered a microscopic metal sphere in the dust from the team’s atmospheric balloon. Specifically, the hair-length ball is made of titanium and vanadium with a viscous liquid, and most intriguingly, a biological core.
What on Earth would a ball filled with alien goo be doing, well, on Earth? According to the theory of “directed panspermia,” coined by Nobel Prize winner Francis Crick, such objects may have been used by life forms from outside our Solar System to bring creation to our planet. “One theory is it was sent to Earth by some unknown civilization in order to continue seeding the planet with life,” said Wainwright in an interview while referencing Crick’s work.
Very interesting.
And it is important to note how eagerly those scientists and mainstream publications are interpreting the biological material that was found as “alien goo”.
In this world, most people end up believing exactly what they want to believe, and there are many in the scientific world that now want to believe that aliens brought life to this planet.
At this point, even some of the biggest stars in the entire scientific world are admitting that they are open to this theory.
For example, consider what evolutionist Richard Dawkins told Ben Stein during an interview for the movie “Expelled“…
BEN STEIN: What do you think is the possibility that Intelligent Design might turn out to be the answer to some issues in genetics or in evolution?
RICHARD DAWKINS: Well, it could come about in the following way. It could be that at some earlier time, somewhere in the universe, a civilization evolved, probably by some kind of Darwinian means, probably to a very high level of technology, and designed a form of life that they seeded onto perhaps this planet. Now that is a possibility, and an intriguing possibility. And I suppose it’s possible that you might find evidence for that if you look at the details of biochemistry, molecular biology, you might find a signature of some sort of designer.
A YouTube video containing this exchange is posted below…
Crazy stuff.
But wait, there’s more.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are even some that believe that Jesus Christ was an extraterrestrial.  In fact, this was a topic on a BBC broadcast recently
A program aired on the British Broadcasting Corporation recently held a discussion as to whether or not major religious figures like Jesus Christ and the Buddha were from other planets.
In a religion-focused series titled “The Big Questions”, host Nicky Campbell oversaw a discussion asking the query, “Have beings from other planets guided our religions?”
“Last month NASA’s Kepler space telescope identified another planet that might have the right conditions for life,” said Campbell.
“It will be no surprise to the followers of those religions who’ve long believed that life – possibly not as we know it – exists elsewhere in the galaxy. Life which has possibly exerted its influence here on planet Earth. Have beings from other planets guided our religions?”
But it isn’t just some fringe crazies that believe this stuff.
Investigative reporter Tom Horn has discovered that some top Vatican scholars are also into this kind of thing…
Do Vatican scholars actually believe Jesus might have been the Star-Child of an alien race? Does Consolmagno and/or other Jesuits secretly hold that the “Virgin Birth” was in reality an abduction scenario in which Mary was impregnated by ET, giving birth to the hybrid Jesus? As incredible as that sounds, you should prepare for the unexpected answer as this series unfolds.
All this would seem impossible theology if not for the fact that other high ranking Vatican spokespersons—those who routinely study from the “Star Base” (as local Indians call it) on Mt. Graham—have been saying the same in recent years. This includes Dr. Christopher Corbally, Vice Director for the Vatican Observatory Research Group on Mt. Graham until 2012, who believes our image of God will have to change if disclosure of alien life is soon revealed by scientists (including the need to evolve from the concept of an “anthropocentric” God into a “broader entity”), [iv] and the current Vatican Observatory director, Father Josè Funes who has gone equally far, suggesting that alien life not only exists in the universe and is “our brother” but will, when manifested, confirm the “true” faith of Christianity and the dominion of Rome.
With each passing year, more people than ever are looking to the stars for the answers to the most important questions that we face.
Thanks to a relentless bombardment from books, video games, movies and television shows, there are now hundreds of millions of people all around the globe that are anticipating that alien lifeforms could make contact with us at any moment.
So are we being prepared to believe that extraterrestrials seeded life on this planet?
Are we being prepared to accept them as our friends or even potentially as our saviors?

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