
Saturday, January 17, 2015


Obama meyer


If you take a look at social models and history you can always see that extreme nationalism and Socialism is always used as a tool to motivate people in times of economic crisis, and the greater the hardships on a people the more we see nationalist , socialist and state socialist movements become violent and cancerous. Leaders in history have used Hegelian methods to insure that the people move themselves into accepting philosophies and Ideas that they first thought were deplorable.
Now, in the 21st century, Hegelian-Marxist thinking affects our entire social and political structure. The Hegelian dialectic is the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution. If we do not understand how the Hegelian dialectic shapes our perceptions of the world, then we do not know how we are helping to implement the vision. When we remain locked into dialectical thinking, we cannot see out of the box.
Although Marxism may have killed 100 million people during the 20th century and failed in every single society in which it has ever been tried out, it seems that a new form of this agenda is being implemented and the New Global Order will be part of the substantive process of global sustainability.
The illuminated initiates now are making the decisions for where the world is going and every point in history is pointing to a retro-causality where all is forgotten and a New Dawn awaits.
But why is it that we are accepting it? Why is the phrase “New World order” uttered by globalists and no one bats and eye or rebels? Why is it that the revolution is nothing more than intellectual ping pong by left wing and right wing? Everyone knows that the New World Order is here and yet we are happy with what we are heading towards. The simple truth is that we have been programmed for 40 – 50 years to accept soft Marxism and state socialism. The counterculture of the 60’s having become ideological mercenaries for the globalist agenda. But why?
In his Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley described a society in which “the first aim of the rulers is at all costs to keep their subjects from making trouble.” He described a likely future: “The completely organized society… the abolition of free will by methodical conditioning, the servitude made acceptable by regular doses of chemically induced happiness.”
He predicted democracies would change their nature: elections, parliaments, and courts will remain but the underlying substance will be non-violent totalitarianism, quite frankly a socialist state and quasi fascism where the populace would demand their chemical and physical enslavement.
He also said that democracy and freedom would be the theme of every broadcast and editorial — but democracy and freedom in a strictly non-literal sense. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit. The people once again would not question it. The majority would demand their police state Welfare society out of fear, long term brainwashing from media, and from the drugs and preparations they would be given on a daily basis.
What we are experiencing today is the progressive weakening and demise of many key processes associated with globalization — mostly of a haphazard, horizontal, cross-border, even chaotic nature — and their rebirth in new formats, suitably retooled to support world government goals, processes and institutions that strengthen, grow and consolidate. No doubt, Big Brother is definitely here, and he means to stay…
The most dramatic effect of this transition we are undergoing is the planned end-run eroding of all sovereign nation-states.
In its place, we will have world governmental institutions. This is taking place through a complex, creeping, gradual, crisis-filled and violent process that is erecting legally binding, mandatory, multi- and supra-national bureaucratic entities.
HG Wells was the author of a book called The Open Conspiracy. This book was an expose on what the elite were planning for the future and how a “Fabian” socialism would gradually take over the world. Creating a New World Order that would replace world religion and world government. He stated that it all would be replaced by collectivism. He stated that collectivism would kill religion by replacing it as the new religion and philosophy.
Collectivism is a term used to describe any moral, political, or social outlook, which stresses human interdependence and the importance of a collective, rather than the importance of separate individualism: in other words, defining one’s self or one’s work by a group or collective, rather than by one’s own individuality.
As humans, we have tendencies towards defining ourselves in collective groups, mostly by our religious and political views. There are some who define themselves by their country of origin. There are some who predict that the future will bring us to a time where the entire world will function with a “hive mentality.”
All this is brought about by the hidden hand behind the scenes that implements gradual cultural change and political change through obfuscation. Political change, in turn, is tied to the “democratic system” that puts politicians in power for several years at a time and when something goes really wrong, drastic actions must be taken. Many of us know of the past brutal assassination plans of the hidden hand. In the 1960’s when New world institutions fought for their place in the hidden government, drastic measures were taken and various traumas were allowed to happen in order to change cultural behaviors. From the assassinations of the Kennedy’s to Dr. Martin Luther King, the American people were being told that change was on the way and that the soft civil war made everything darker before the new dawn or the new deal.
The puppet masters have been quite successful since the 9/11 attacks to keep Americans transfixed so that they can continue to erode civil rights and open vital dialogue for statist, authoritarian propaganda and eventually a newly planned state socialism.
Of course, cultural change where some of the power elite’s key victories lie — takes entire generations to implement. Here is where PsyOps have reached new heights.
They risk manage the entire process, knowing that many pitfalls and surprises are in store for them every day. So for each plan, each stage, and in each geography, carefully structured “Plan B’s” are always in place in some cases, even, plans C, D and E, just in case, which can be triggered if and when needed.
Today’s telecommunications technologies even make geographical centers mostly redundant and unnecessary. One can thus envision that the coming world government will be multi-centered along the lines of what is now known as the New Dawn experiment supranational management called the European Union.
In many ways, the EU is a leading case in proto-world government applied to one specific and highly developed region of the world. No wonder then that it was matured and readied “just-in-time” for the demise of the Soviet Bloc, thus giving it more than a dozen “unexpected” new members coming from the former Soviet Bloc.
The European Union is, amongst many other things, an exercise in merging whole countries with vastly different cultures, economies, financial systems, legal systems, administrative norms, languages and religions into one formless, faceless, inhuman entity.
The European Union is a great example of this New World Order we wish to embrace and many people believe we will go to war with Russia and other countries in order to protect its ability to grow throughout Europe.
Now remember what I said about nationalist causes where we as a people are being brainwashed into thinking that there is some cause or political philosophy that is bigger than us that would eradicate all of our pain and fear?
Imagine a place in time where global warming, pandemics, international terrorism, financial collapse, economic and trade depression, even alien contacts are looming and become a threat to the managing of the nation state.
They all serve to show that such crises are beyond the capacity of any one nation-state to cope with, all part of the darkness before the new dawn and thus “justify” the need for world government from different angles and for different reasons. It would seem that in today’s world, all geopolitical roads and PsyWar highways irrevocably lead to a world government centered on Rome, London, New York, Washington and Jerusalem.
Many world government policies are part of the charter of the Tri-Lateral Commission. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Barack Obama’s foreign policy adviser, was the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission along with David Rockefeller.
The original stated purpose of the Trilateral Commission was to create a “new international economic order.” Its current statement has morphed into fostering a “closer cooperation among these core democratic industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system. The global plan is for all countries to live on the level of third world nations.
Economic sustainability can be achieved through a process known as “end game” strategies. Which include controls on ecological systems such as food, water and air. The agenda would severely limit water, electricity, and transportation – even deny human access to our most treasured wilderness areas, it would monitor all lands and people through tracking and scientific measures such as biometrics and eugenics.
As the world moves further into economic chaos, eugenics, an old idea cloaked under modern terminology, is making a comeback. During these times it is easy to see how a resurgence and re-packaging of eugenics could come about. In the case of Global Warming and economic sustainability, we hear these questions asked by proponents: Do you have more than two children? Is your carbon footprint putting a strain on the environment? Your Carbon footprint is your mark on the earth. It will be analyzed and measured, taxed and all things you buy and sell will be monitored for your carbon footprint.
If we reduce all living things to carbon we reduce them to 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons or 666. The number of man is 6. This number is even shown to be that of man in Taoism. The number of man’s society is also 6. The number of the world and the Demiurge is 6. So we break down the blood in the genome to its purest form and we determine that it is 666: your carbon footprint, and your indelible mark in the Beast system of controls that limit your resource consumption. Accepting the Mark is accepting that you are a burden on the new world system and that you are to monitor and or curb you resource consumption. No one is able to buy sell or trade unless that mark is reviewed and a record is somehow stored on a sub dermal chip. It is also interesting to note that a chip, while a convenient scapegoat isn’t the only thing that can be used to monitor and store data.
The Obama Affordable Health Care Act will establish a National Medical Device Registry. What does a “National Medical Device Registry” mean? The section from H.R. 3200, pages 1,001-1,008, which discusses the National Medical Device Registry, reads:
(g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of post market safety and outcomes data on each device that:
(A) is or has been used in or on a patient;
(B) and is: (i) a class III device;

or (ii) a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.
A “class II device that is implantable?”
Perhaps with the aid of nano-bots that can be ingested or injected, we can also determine your carbon impact on resource management.
I know this goes against everything the mainstream eschatology has told you. But think about this. If the Mark of the beast was only a micro-chip implanted in you for tracking purposes or for the use of any good or service in the world, why then does the FBI and the CIA need DNA databases? Why are fingerprints still being used in criminal cases, why are bio-metrics far more effective in proving identity?
The chip may be part of one equation but it is not the “all” of the equation.
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a MAN’S GENESIS: His number is 666.
The themes of blood sacrifice have been at the forefront of the entire War on Terror. The religious themes are loaded with blood ritual, genealogy and the final slaying of those that are wicked. These themes have been mixed with the political rhetoric and used as a weapon and trigger for the fanatical arm of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.
Resources are important even above money, in the New Dawn, a new form of slavery will arise.
Through the on-going massive transfer of wealth, “extreme destructive capitalism” will collapse national and regional economies, rebuilding and reformatting them into international slave labor gulag-like entities that Joseph Stalin would envy. Remember: today’s woes are not with the real world of national economies which are for the most part intact, but with the fake virtual world of finance, banks, derivatives, junk bonds, hedge funds and the like.
The darkest financial moments before the New Dawn will trigger more social upheavals and rebellion, which can be broken up and fragmented with false flag terror threats.
This has always been a wildcard to be used if the elite needs to jump start further crises leading to world government. New events of this sort will no doubt be something huge that dwarfs past traumas like 9/11 and serves to justify further global upheaval, wars, invasions and genocide. A nuclear weapon over a major city that could be blamed on the global power elite’s favorite enemy or a combination of “enemies”: “Muslim Fundamentalists,” patriot movements, specific states.… This time it will have to be a weapon mass destruction so that it has the necessary psychological impact.
The time has come for a full investigation to be made into the covert, secretive dark world of clandestine entities that seem to carry out such attacks throughout the world.

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