
Friday, December 19, 2014


Here’s one for your transhumanism scrapbook, uncovered by Ms. P.H; one of our regular article-contributors and readers. And yes, you read the headline correctly, this one is coming to you from the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency (thank you Mr. J.B. for that wonderful alternative name). Take a look at this:
Electrical Prescriptions (ElectRx)
And while you’re at it, look at this one, courtesy of another regular here, Mr. V.T.:
DARPA plans to develop implantable devices to monitor, diagnose and treat the nervous system
Now a few days ago I blogged about the Ebola scare of pre-election politics in the USA, and about the (in my opinion) very real possibility that in addition to an off-the-books physics and technology in the possession of the black projects world, it was probably in the possession of off-the-books medical technologies, and in that connection I mentioned Royal Raymond Rife and French physician Alain Priore, both of whom pioneered electro-magnetic processes of healing, and in both cases, they claimed to have cured very virulent cancers by these means, inducing the eletcromagnetic template or signature of healthy cells on to cancerous ones, and restoring them to health.
These devices would seem to fit the bill perfectly, and also to indicate that after the suppression of Priore and Rife, that the black projects world continued to research their claims and technologies covertly. Rife, of course, made the apparently outrageous claim to have developed a microscope that could optically “see” a living virus, far beyond the limits of capabilities even possible for an optical microscope (though one should consider Thomas Bearden’s quite ingenious explanation of these claims). But a nanotechnology or micro implant able to be implanted in the body to accomplish these things would be far more efficient than Rife’s or Priore’s technolgies.This nano-medicine could also be combined with MIT’s exciting findings for DRACO virus therapy.
But here’s the problem, and the high octane speculation of the day.
Like many of you, I suspect DARPA’s interest in these technologies is not so much that they want to develop them, but rather (following the pattern I mentioned in connection with Nazi secret weapon development) that such technologies already exist, and hence, what is needed, is close study of how to implement them publicly without causing economic shock and dislocation in the medical business, which is as everyone knows a substantial portion of any national economy. So how might one do it? Simply have a media-driven epidemic, however one that plays not to the “get vaccinated” school, but to the “get implanted” school: imagine an implant, utilizing combinational technologies, DRACO, electro-magnetics, and so on, assuring an individual of a virtually virus-disease free life… a kind of perpetual immortality.
If they will but trust the powers that be, and submit to being “chipped”, and followed and monitored – and perhaps having their thoughts remotely “adjusted” – every day of their lives, and when they got “too out of line,” just simply “turned off” by the push of a button.

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