
Saturday, December 13, 2014




When it comes to the creation of mankind there has been a great debate as to who has the ideal story to tell. Science has its stories of evolution and monkeys and whatever else is left religion tends to sew together in a vague way unaware of the occult nature of creation and how there are many myths and ancient texts that explain in a better way the fairy tale observations of some theologians.
The Gospels were given to those who lived in the first centuries of Christianity, and if you believe that today the Gospels can give the whole of Christianity arguably you believe in a half-truth. Which keeps us in a mind set of half error, which leaves us confused and worried that we will lose faith, or lose points with God if we delve elsewhere to find the truth.
This is why a healthy dose of wisdom can be found in reading the holy writings in different languages and finding other interpretations in occult writings by modern day seers who are similar to weathermen that predict an impending storm.
It is with great arrogance that the spiritual sciences and the ability to use science and religion together are forbidden by some believers in Christianity.
There are many gods and demons that are unleashed that seem to be legendary amongst the people. Some pay attention to these beings while others believe that they do not affect them.
There are simply patterns and names that constantly show up in the abyss and when events that seem demonic happen there is always a demon that is responsible or an entity whose name is spoken of when darkness falls.
Zozo is thought to be a demon that has been documented since the early 1800s. he has appeared in times of war and pestilence. He also has been responsible for riotous and lewd behaviors. He is a demon of numbers and patterns and will attach himself to anyone who invites him in. Many claim that he is the demon of Oujia boards and other divination. He hides in closets and will most certainly become aggressive if confronted.
The first reported appearance of this entity occurred in 1816, when a young girl in Picardy, France fell victim to a severe demonic possession (this according to the Dictionnaire Infernal, published in 1818 by Jacques Collin de Plancy. She became the vessel for a number of demons, one of which was named Zozo.
Zozo is formed in chaos and is considered a demon the interrupts the flow of cognitive resonance. Zozo has been known to move about and is seen as a white tornado.
There seems to be a peculiar way that corruption spreads like storm and how the clouds of evil gather without notice. The watchers give warning of the red skies in the morning and no one believes that the tempest will harm them or affect them.
I was recently alerted to an archeological find in Israel where a 3,300 year old cult complex was unearthed at the archeological site Tel Burna. What they uncovered offers hints on cultic ceremonies observed by worshipers thousands of years ago. The cult temple is massive, however so far they have managed to excavate a court yard of 52 by 52 feet.
Finds recovered inside the complex included three connected cups, jars that are nearly of the same size as a person, fragments of face masks and burnt bones of animals that suggest the holding of sacrificial rituals.
It is believed that the temple was erected to the Canaanite storm god Baal. Another deity that may have also been worshiped at the place was Anat, an ancient war goddess.
Among the items found in the ancient complex were fragments of two burna masks that were apparently designed to be worn although the archeologists have difficulty identifying what the masks were exactly depicting. Shai said that masks were generally used in cultic processions and ceremonies.
The archeologists also found sunken large storage jars known as “pithoi,” some of which were nearly as big as a person and have smaller vessels inside of them. The designs of two of these vessels indicate that they have come from Cyprus.
Three connected cups found in the complex were also believed to have been imported from Cyprus although their use still remains a mystery.
Other finds included chalices, goblets, broken figurines of what appears to be a figure that is partly human and partly animal, a cylinder-shaped seal and an artifact that has an inscription of an Egyptian hieroglyphic.
Further analysis of the discovered items are still needed but the researchers said that the recovered artifacts already offer hints on some of the activities that took place in the complex thousands of years ago.
The goblets and large amount of animal bones, for instance, indicate the occurrence of feasts. Burnt animal bones also suggest there were sacrificial activities performed in the complex.
Anciently it was believed that the storms or the tempest was caused by demons. The most well known of those gods is Baal. Baal of course was the god of thunder, and there were other demonic gods like Chango, Oxun, Euroclydon, Seir, Leviathan, Hadadrimmon, and Amurr, that would take part in creating horrible storms.
It has been recorded in ancient scriptures that storms would cast down pillars of fire lightning and thundering and visions of demonic monsters seen churning inside the dark clouds.
We have to believe that the ancients had vivid imaginations because all of the reports of demonic faces and chariots of fire riding above the clouds. Even Elijah’s vehicle was a whirlwind.
Moriah was a wind of death and pestilence that accompanied war. It was the conquering wind spoken of in The Book of Jeremiah:
“Evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.”
The whirlwind was a vehicle for the terror of God. Yahweh was known as the God of the winds. The angel that rode the whirlwind was Metatron.
Metatron became the foremost intermediary between the divine and the human, possessing experiences both of the earthly and the heavenly.
He is linked to many legends. He is the angel who prevented Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac; wrestled with Jacob; and led the Israelites under Moses out of the wilderness. He was also the keeper of records. He would also be the archivist of the genealogies.
Poem by William Butler Yeats is a chilling reminder of the whirlwind, and the roar of the evil wind in the poem is called “The Second Coming”:
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
– William Butler Yeats
The wind and the storm is a vehicle for people to be swept away and they provide visions for those who can see what is coming and just what the storm means. The mainstream media has done their best to divide the people with their reports on the Ferguson riots and the civil unrest that has taken America as if by storm.
However the esoteric element of what is happening is being ignored by the media and in the face of lies and deceit the protestors are siding with Michael Brown’s story. I know that in the midst of the debate no one wants to hear about the paranormal aspects of the case and how there would have been interesting spectral evidence presented in the case of Michael Brown and Darren Wilson.
According to a recent New York Times article the Michael Brown and Darren Wilson stories sound more like an episode of “Supernatural” or “Grimm” than a story that remains in the annals of hard crime or even police brutality.
Weeks ago Ground Zero had read the transcripts of the grand jury investigation into what Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown six times. Wilson tells a story of what appears to be demonic possession rather than mere confrontation. Descriptions of shape shifting, superhuman strength and inhuman grunting can be seen in the testimony of the officer. Wilson said:
“It looked like he was almost bulking up to run through the gun shots, like it was making him mad that I’m shooting at him. And the face he had was looking straight through me, like I wasn’t even there; I wasn’t even anything in his way. He turns, and when he looked at me, he makes like a grunting, like aggravated sound and he starts, he turns and he’s coming back toward me. When I grabbed him, the only way I can describe it is I felt like a five-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan.”
He then looked into the face of Brown and described to the grand jury that he looked up at him and had the most intense aggressive face.
In his words Wilson said: “The only way I can describe it, it looks like a demon.”
Those words have been very controversial. They have been seen as being racist, others have said that obviously officer Wilson had a psychotic break. However new information has surfaced that before Michael Brown was shot he called his father to tell him that he had a demonic vision.
According to a New York Times article, It was 1 a.m. and Michael Brown, called his father, his voice trembling. He had seen something overpowering. In the thick gray clouds that lingered from a passing storm this past June, he made out an angel. He saw Satan chasing the angel, and the angel running into the face of God.
His father thought he was joking about the vision.
After Michael sent his father a picture taken by his cell phone his father believed. While the picture was never published Michael’s father also saw demons and monsters in the pareidolia.
Perhaps it was an omen or a harbinger of what evil waited.
After Brown was shot by Officer Wilson, the autopsy revealed that five of the shots that he received were survivable, however the sixth one in the head is what took him out.
Some say it was creepy, like a scene from the television series “The Walking Dead” where marauding zombies only succumb to death when a bullet is put in their head.
Yet regardless of the circumstances surrounding his death, the significance of this event lies in the reaction to it how it all ended up in a fiery hell storm.
As citizens of Ferguson took to the streets to protest what they view as a racist attack on their community, the response from the authorities was equally nightmarish. The police officers were no longer seen as helpers or heroic. They were seen as warlords or soldiers with death in their eyes. Many people saw this as a provocation: police in Ferguson were encased in armor that one veteran remarked was heavier than anything he wore in Iraq.
And now the cry has gone up: demilitarize the police; take away their MRAPs, their forest camouflage, and all the paraphernalia of intimidation that accompanies them into battle. No longer is it a matter of racist civil unrest, it is the perfect storm of ritualistic death, destruction and a call to war.
However the diatribes and the anger can be poked like an ember in a fire and people can argue who is at fault but what they may not realized is what has been conjured and what demons may be at play.
When dealing with demons and the synchronicity of events we begin to see patterns emerge that are uncanny.
In another, seemingly unrelated case, a man named Michael D. Williams is accused of stabbing four people on an Amtrak train in southwest Michigan. He told police he began the attack after seeing another man turn into a demon. This story was reported on most mainstream websites across the country.
Michael D. Williams was arraigned Monday on attempted murder charges and requested a court-appointed attorney. It is an interesting synchronicity that the man who saw the alleged demons was named Michael with a middle initial D. This again brings to mind the names “Michael Brown” and “Darren Wilson.”
Ferguson is a Scottish name that literally means “son of force.” It also can mean “fear the forceful one” or “fear the forceful son.”
Ferguson, Missouri is northeast St. Louis and sits precisely midway between Cairo, Illinois, “Little Egypt” and Hannibal, Missouri. The Hannibal name is related to Baal, the god of storms as well as the archetypal enemy of ancient Rome. Hannibal served Baal, who by the way was identified by the Greeks with Cronus and by the Romans with Saturn.
Saturn has been called the dark father of the forceful father of judgment and death. This “dark father’ was a mysterious entity that was always part of the teachings of Western mystery schools. The proxy of the dark king, his son, then becomes elected, and in the Saturn-gnosis, the planet and archetype of Saturnus the “king” is the focal point for the manifestation of “the Demiurge.”
This Demiurge is identified with Lucifer, the “Bearer of Light” or the “Illuminated One, and the higher octave of Saturn.
In the Saturnalian ritual, the “Judge” or the “Justice in Robes” represents Prometheus imparting the honor of light and fire as knowledge and with this illumination the governing over all things.
The Saturnalian king of the new age governs all standards of weights, measurements, and number. He is the Lord of the Seven Dwellings and governor of the revealed world and lord over life and death, and over the light and darkness. He is also entrusted with the ability to institute death, causing regeneration and change to come into being.
As the embodiment of the good king he becomes Saturnus, identified with the number 666. He is the Beast 666, manifest in the blood of Man 666, and in the Living Center of the Sun, Sorath the sun demon of the new dawn is also associated with 666.
People think and dream in metaphor. A large proportion of our most commonplace thoughts make use of an extensive, but unconscious, system of metaphorical concepts, that is, concepts from a typically concrete realm of thought that are used to comprehend another. A lot of people may miss the fact that their unconscious mind registers metaphors all the time. Some are mystified when they see metaphors for what they are.
The Ferguson riots and the shooting of Michael Brown becomes an exercise in some medieval play that has all the signs and symbolism pointing to some Saturnalian force.
A storm has arrived and the demons a freewheeling and allowing mankind to divide and demand death to their neighbors.

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