
Tuesday, December 9, 2014




Hollywood has been taking advantage of the internet and the buzz about its various movie franchises. I know that many people who are excited about Star Wars have seen the new trailer of The Force Awakens. While the trailer is a fun peek at the highly-anticipated film, the title alone signifies that perhaps this is the time to have our own inner force awaken to what is about happen.
It is indicated in the trailer that perhaps the evil empire of the reptilian Sith has not died, and that there is a plot to somehow reawaken the dark side that it is still present throughout the galaxy.
Many of the images from the trailers have caused controversy, including a scene where a Jedi knight or an evil “fallen” Jedi shows a light saber that appears to be a “crosier” or a papal staff.
This is only speculation, but evil always seems to find a way to return.
Another indication that symbolism warns of a coming evil is seen in the new poster that has been issued for the James Bond franchise.
Bond film number 24 has now been called The Return of Spectre, and the movie poster for the film shows a bullet hole that appears to have tentacles like an octopus. The symbolism of the octopus sends out a frequency to those who understand the ancient symbology of the great serpent Leviathan, or the Greek myth of the Hydra.
There have been many other film enthusiasts that were fully aware of the symbolism when Marvel studios released Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Captain America still remains true to old American values while those around him seem to be changing. Also, S.H.I.E.L.D, the fictional equivalent of the C.I.A. in the Marvel universe, is showing signs that it is not protecting American freedom, but targeting American citizenry.
Captain America comments in the film that what S.H.I.E.L.D is doing is using fear in order to create a Leviathan-like military industrial complex that is targeting Americans for death — Americans that are being seen as potential threats.
The biggest question is who are these Americans a threat against? As the story unfolds, we begin to realize that the protective S.H.I.E.L.D has been compromised, and that many of the members of shield have been lured into believing in the ideology of HYDRA, the fictional criminal terrorist syndicate featured in the film.
HYDRA’s symbol is the octopus, and in the story of Captain America, HYDRA is the science and technological wing of the Nazis, led by Scientist Johann Schmidt. He is later is revealed to be “Red Skull,” a notorious mastermind that believed his brand of Nazism and fascism would become more powerful than that of Hitler’s.
Flag of HYDRA from Captain America
Flag of HYDRA from Captain America
Logo for United Underworld, the criminal syndicate of villains in the old Batman TV show
Logo for United Underworld, the criminal syndicate of villains in the old Batman TV show
From the ancient writings of the prophets, including the Book of Enoch, and from many books of the Bible, we read about the old serpent, the multi-headed dragon, the Hydra, the Leviathan. In Jewish cabalism and esoteric mystery schools like the Golden Dawn, the Great Beast from the depths of the underworld is understood to represent the evil empire of the elder gods from a “time before time,” the so-called “kingdom of Edom,” that was defeated by God’s angels and cast into the Abyss so that the children of Adam could rule over the present reality.
However, these same ancient energies are implied to be lying dormant beneath the seas of chaos, and are nonetheless being tapped into by those humans who choose to do the bidding of the serpent. Moreover, we know that these servants of Hell are channeling these energies to put themselves into power, and then using their earthly powers to summon the Great Beast up from the depths to rule existence directly through them in a “New World Order” that is simply a replication of the old.
The symbol of this new order anciently was a leviathan. Leviathans had been depicted in many forms, in some cultures this idea was shown as a gigantic sea serpent that was under the power of Neptune or Poseidon.
It also was depicted has a huge octopus and eventually was seen as a symbol of the Demiurge. The Demiurge was the subordinate or substitute of the divine. There was the kingdom of the Supreme Being, and then there was the subordinate kingdom that was raised from the depths and used as a substitute or perhaps even a counterfeit to the divine kingdom of God.
The Octopus as a symbol of the Gnostic Demiurge, from Alpha Galates
The Octopus as a symbol of the Gnostic Demiurge, from Alpha Galates
The kingdom of the Demiurge or Leviathan was based in the material and not the spiritual. Therefore was seen as the kingdom of Satan or Saturn. The symbol of the octopus has been linked to Gnostic sorcery and the notion that a new world can be forged in the guise of a godly kingdom.
This new world or new dawn of time is to be the Age of Aquarius. It promises to be a time of the revelation of the method, the unveiling of Isis, and the eventual messianic legacy of fulfillment which for some means the second coming or incarnation of the messiah.
According to the followers of the occult, there are three gates that need to be opened to usher in the Age of Aquarius.
This will include a new world order, and a new messianic prophet who will unite the world after a possible global collapse. This collapse could be economic, political, religious, or a combination of them all. This new messianic prophet will be called counterfeit by those who know the sign of his coming.
Before he arrives there is to be a time of a great purging of human beings. They will be caught up in war, famine plague and pestilence.
It is believed that the period of transition between the ages extends many years,. Then comes the period of transcendence, which will bring forth great commotion and trouble from the depths of the underworld.
And we are living during one of these periods between the outgoing Age of Pisces and the incoming Age of Aquarius. That is the time when the Beast will arise and completely reveal himself from the murky depths of the many waters.
When the Earth progresses into a new age, there is a precipitation of incoming energies, causing significant variations in terrestrial occurrences. We can expect strange weather patterns, an increase in earthquake activity, and natural disasters unseen on this planet for thousands of years. The possibility of an asteroid hitting the earth is not out of the question.
We are on the threshold of a new era, but the birth of the Age of Aquarius will be attendant with toil and pain. All the prophets and messengers of light warn of cataclysmic Earth changes and an immense global catastrophe heralding the advance into Aquarius.
Of course, the ending of one age is also the beginning of a new one, but we should not expect overnight transformations. The supposed “dawning of the Age of Aquarius” in the 60s, like all false dawns, quickly fizzled out. The belief that we entered Aquarius and are now in a new era of universal love, peace and brotherhood is a delusion suffered by many adherents of the “New Age.” The grave mistake of believing that on a certain date the Earth, along with all humanity, will be automatically transformed to a new level is a serious misinterpretation of astrological cycles.
In the new world, with the coming of this new dawn of enlightenment that we have all taken part in, those who kill in the name of preserving an agenda make history. The surviving victims live in fear of the next time those in power go on a murdering spree. We are all looking for someone to save us from our peril. But we can’t be saved in ignorance. We have been programmed to be stupid.
Unfortunately, people have learned that it is best to play dumb and criticize those who try to be inquisitive. “Stupid is as stupid does,” you know. “Life is a box of chocolates,” and if you take a bite out of a couple of pieces, you can eliminate the caramels from the nuts. That’s the way they want it, and most Americans feel obliged to allow it.
Is anyone going to reveal that the zeitgeist has been hijacked by some demonic mindset, and that we are so caught up in anger at each other that we have no way of turning back?
Symbol of NROL-39, a satellite launched by the National Reconnaissance Office
Symbol of NROL-39, a satellite launched by the National Reconnaissance Office
In Thomas Hobbs book Leviathan from 1651, that classic work on the philosophy of statecraft asserted that people will always fight with each other to their mutual ruin (what he called “the war of all against all”) unless an all-encompassing absolutist sovereign can take over and save us all from ourselves.
Hobbs proclaimed that this dictator must control both the power of the sword and the power of the crown and the mitre (the military power of the state and the ecclesiastical powers of the clergy). He will subsume every single aspect of society, including the people themselves, into the gigantic body of his empire, with himself as the head. This creature he likened to the monster Leviathan from the Bible. This man-beast was illustrated in the frontispiece to the book, above the words from The Book of Job 41:24: “There is no power on earth to be compared to him.” A special copy given to King Charles II showed the creature with multiple faces.
Frontispiece to Leviathan by Hobbs
Frontispiece to Leviathan by Hobbs
Now what does it say to you that a work of philosophy like this was presented to and eagerly accepted by the King of England, who is also a direct descendant of many of the power elite today? Do you realize that this book is still considered a classic and studied in colleges today as a legitimate ideal of how a state should be run?
It is becoming painfully apparent that America has slept through its history, failing to awaken to the corruption and the journey into despotism. Americans need to have their eyes pried open to see reality, and even then many people will be content with not getting involved with the process of real change. Many are under the false assumption that a lot of what is going on doesn’t apply to them, but only to people who are poor, uneducated, or in a minority group.
It is time to pour yourself a hot cup of “wake the Hell up,” because the next gulp you take is going to go down hard.
It has been said that “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time,” a quote that has been falsely attributed to Abraham Lincoln.
And now we make a liar out of whoever said that, because we have all been fooled. We can once again go back to asking “what went wrong?” There was no real positive change for the future. We only got chump change touted as deliverance from “evil.”
Honesty is a thankless attribute. How much praise and acceptance goes to those who program and are programmed to accept the New America without thinking outside of the parameters of their own prejudice and polarization?
Are there people out there capable of accepting that everything we think we know is wrong? Or that we need to approach the New Year with objectivity in the face of our chagrin when we realize that the lie was so convincing that we fell for it?
Sir Francis Bacon wrote that “all governments are obscure and invisible.” This seems to apply to the present shadow government that has many secrets. Much of what was once secret is most certainly being discovered, and there are dots that need to be connected in order to bring the truth into the sunlight.
In 1615, The Rosicrucian Manifesto made it clear how the revelation of the method works as part of “the making manifest of all that is hidden.” Secrets are revealed at the right moment in order to demoralize the uninitiated.
“The entire march of time reveals what is hidden, yet also does it hide what is revealed. There is nothing that will not be revealed, and nothing secret that will not be brought into the light.” – The Rosicrucian Manifesto, 1615
Entropy is going to force the revelation of the method. If the “crowd think” cannot be controlled or predicted, there will be gradual decline into disorder. The biggest revelation of all is that now with this entropy, the elite are openly showing us their dark side.
They are no longer hiding their lies and they are excusing their crimes.
There are also a number of people who are excusing their crimes and accepting them as the way things are done. It is as if we have forgotten that there is another way to right the wrongs of the world.
The elite have the advantage because of wealth. Their criminality is being financed by fake money and thin promises of beneficial change. We can all see that they are resigned to behaving like tyrants to maintain control.
The dark side of the cryptocracy has been hidden for years, and has been relegated to mere conspiracy theory. However, it is now been confessed that the final objective is a New World Order.
War and the threat of war are central to U.S. foreign policy. Not just a war against us domestically, but war that shapes the globe and prepares us for a New World Order where the classes are destroyed. The rich will remain sovereign over an enslaved workforce that is fed the idea that they are working for their freedom.
The Illuminati considers war to be a most advantageous way to sacrifice, for it kills both children and adults. It is also a way to have plausible deniability when they brainwash and commit the acts of murder. Keep in mind that there is no blood on the hands of the Illuminati, but only on the hands of the armies they command. It is the destructive group dynamic and manipulation that is used by most destructive cults. It is very effective in cementing the public’s commitment to letting the elite create more war, ensuring more pain and suffering, as the apt pupils dance in the blood of the dead in celebration.
There are magical workings being performed in high places of power and behind the closed doors of the churches and synagogues.
The ancient traces of such workings can be found in the Talmud, the Koran, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Bible, the Cabala, and The Book of Enoch. All powers are to be considered and all magic has power. The Luciferian illuminists use it to their advantage until slowly the congregations are becoming desensitized to this philosophy of death and murder. We begin to see the ritual of death as a reason to celebrate.
There are a great number of secret organizations which all practice death rituals or make death oaths, and many of these groups are part of an octopus whose tentacles reach into the world’s most powerful organizations, religions, and governments.
Leaders from all over the world are members of these organizations that are considered Luciferian, meaning that those members carry out our affairs without regard for moral imperatives or boundaries. They act on behalf of what is revealed to them in secret meetings. They are told that they will not be judged by any higher authority or God.
In the darkest of secret rituals, there is one where the initiate is forced to witness several carefully staged death rites, and is told that he or she may be killed too. The initiate, after witnessing several instances of seeming death, is then given a ritualistic rebirth. The candidate is told that since he or she has escaped death, that person therefore deserves to be allowed to make the change into the new life. It is known as a “hard baptism” or the forging of “blood cement.”
After the trauma rituals that include witnessing or being threatened with ritualistic death, the initiate is reminded that no matter what, one will always have to face the dark father Saturn.
In the secret schools you are told that Saturn, the dark father of the unseen prison, is your master, and you must learn to respect this entity of chaos in order to restore things to a new order. In these rituals, there is a binding or commitment of “worship” by the initiate to a new mentor or savior. If you defy the mentor, you can face death or material ruin.
Think of all the trauma-based ritualistic murders that have happened on our soil here in America: “The Killing of the King” ritual in Dallas during the JFK assassination; the siege at Waco; the Oklahoma City bombing; the first attacks on the World Trade Center; the Columbine Shootings, the attacks of September 11th; and the disaster of Hurricane Katrina. Theorists believe that these “traumas” were magical rites of death with numeric signatures, code words, and synchromystic events. They appear to be magical ritualistic murders that American people have witnessed, and each of us has seen them repetitively played over and over again through television reports and retrospectives.
Circumstances point to the theory that many of the traumas that we have shared in the world have been the result of dark magic. It seems that groups within the CIA, NSA, Mossad, and other covert organizations carry out rituals using phrases, names and memes in order to set forth a crisis that can be remedied with more governmental control.
The various groups within the cryptocracy are seen as so many tendrils or tentacles that have their hidden hand in everything that happens here in Earth, ever-reaching like the arms of a great octopus. The great octopus is called the Leviathan or the Kraken.
Many conspiracy theorists and those who read books about the fringe know about a novelist and investigative journalist who set out to expose the truth about what he saw as a fascist parasite that was taking over world governments and was gradually changing the ideologies of the United States.
Danny Casolaro planned to write a book exposing misuse of power in government. His book was about to connect the dots of what many “conspiracy theorists” claimed to be a much larger beast. Casolaro uncovered one conspiracy after another, reaching out like deadly tentacles from the body of a slithering octopus. His opus was originally to be called “Behold a Pale Horse,” but he changed it to The Octopus.
The octopus has long symbolized conspiracies to take over the world
The octopus has long symbolized conspiracies to take over the world
Casolaro paid the ultimate price as he was found dead in a bathtub, his wrists slashed dozens of times and most of his manuscripts missing. However, Casolaro had confided in friends that what he was doing was detailing the inner threat and criminal element whose tentacles were attached to a repugnant leviathan of deep conspiracies.
Casolaro had remarked that the tentacled criminal syndicate within government sprouted almost like an endless hydra. Once you were able cut off one head, another criminal organization would grow in its place. As governments accrue more power to themselves, they seek out ways to expand and complete their control. Fear and dread secure the ideal atmosphere in which to enforce this type of mindless conformity.
The main goal of the so-called elite or “Illuminati” is to create a network of human resources and labor to maintain the opulent lifestyles of the few. The way to do this is to create an imperial cult that many have already associated with what is called a bestial, leviathan empire.
In ancient writings, mainly the Biblical apocalypse, this empire will signal the beginning of the apostasy. It will have a number, and that number will be six hundred threescore and six.

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