
Monday, December 15, 2014

The Real Treasure! Ghost Ship Reveals

Posted by George Freund on December 14, 2014
by David Child-Dennis

Type XXI U-boat, 20 of which have never been accounted for.

The story so far…

On May 8, 1945, with Germany’s unconditional surrender, Admiral Dönitz, the commander of Germany’s submarine force, ordered a number of specialised cargo U-boats, still at sea, to proceed to foreign ports across the world. These U-boats carried Germany’s most secret nuclear research materials and some of their most important scientists and technicians. One such U-boat – U-196 – is now suspected to have arrived off Northland, near Dargaville, where, with the assistance of the New Zealand government, machinery and personnel were brought ashore, then the submarine was scuttled. In the early 1980s local divers discovered the hulk of the U-196, sparking a renewed search for those who came ashore in 1945…

Author’s note: “While we may never find out what happened to U-196 and the missing crew, I would like to take readers on a journey which, although at first sight may read like science fiction, is indeed based on the best evidence I can find.”

Pictured Otto Hahn, winner of the 1944 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with collaborator Lise Meitner.

A step through time…

At the beginning of the 20th century we saw a massive scientific interest in nuclear physics and electrical energy, fields both considered to be closely related. Einstein, among others, was beginning to formulate a view on what was to become known as the Unified Field Theory (UFT). Tesla, Marconi and other scientists had been looking at radio waves and beyond. By the end of the First World War (1918), understanding of these matters had advanced considerably. In fact, the idea of a ‘death ray’, capable of killing humans or disabling machinery, was being taken very seriously indeed. It resulted in the laser.

World War Two saw the introduction of radar and from that, what we all know today as the micro-wave oven. But that was only the beginning of the story. By 1943, both the Allies and the Germans had begun serious research into two highly secret projects - atomic weapons and the electronic masking of large ships at sea. Both, as it turned out, required a radical rethink in previously held assumptions about the way in which the universe works and the mathematics we use to describe this. It required the development of quantum mechanics. When the first atomic bomb of the 'Trinity' series was detonated at the Alamogordo, New Mexico, USA, test site, no one knew exactly what was likely to happen. There was a substantial block of scientific opinion that believed it was possible to ignite earth’s atmosphere with catastrophic consequences. Fortunately, they were proven wrong, but the scientists went ahead and did it anyway.

Many readers will have heard of the ‘Philadelphia Experiment'  which involved the electronic masking of the US Navy destroyer-escort DE173 USS Eldridge. The experiment involved passing a large electric current through the ship using heavy copper cables placed lengthways around the hull, so as to reduce, or remove, the ability of enemy radar to obtain a reflective signal from the target ship. On October 28, 1943, according to credible eyewitness accounts, the ship simply vanished for several minutes to reappear hundreds of miles away, then just as suddenly, reappear at its moorings in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. The problem was it returned, missing crew, and there were even reports of crewmen being embedded in the deck plating, and still alive. What the Allies didn’t know at the time was the Germans were looking for a similar solution to the same problem, due to unsustainable U-boat losses in the Atlantic.

Ringing the 'Bell’

Since before the Second World War, Germany had been following the various scientific papers circulating among the academic community about the theoretical possibility of a sustained nuclear reaction for the generation of domestic electricity. It was not until about 1932 that theoretical physicists and mathematicians began to discover a way of achieving this. In Germany, Hermann Goering, then a leading member of the Nazi Party, was instructed to ‘bury’ this operation in the Post Office budgets, where many other secret projects were hidden.

But the Germans took a very different approach to nuclear science from the Americans, British and Russians. They looked at the ‘metaphysical’, the unseen, hidden aspects of nuclear energy. They reasoned there was much more to nuclear energy than just a large bang. German science believed that, buried within the processes making up a nuclear reaction, was the key to unlocking time itself. Even Einstein considered this more than a remote possibility, referring to it as the ‘space-time continuum’. He suspected, as did other researchers, time was possibly ‘elastic’, and depending on how fast the observer was moving, either sped up or slowed down.

Igor Witkowski, a Polish journalist attempting to uncover secret Nazi nuclear experiments, claims to have been shown Polish intelligence files after the collapse of the former Communist regime in 1990. From research by revolutionary German thinkers, like Reich, Stern and his understudy, Gerlach, at the Goethe Institute in Frankfurt-am-Main in the 1920s, came Project Thor. They developed a process, known as the fluorescence of mercury, under the influence of magnetic fields. This system creates a dense plasma field contained by powerful electric magnets to cause the fluorescence of mercury, using photo-chemistry. Excited mercury ions would then cause the beryllium (a catalyst within the reaction process) to emit slow neutrons to be captured by the thorium 232, changing it into uranium 233. A variation of this method using uranium 238 could also conceivably breed plutonium for atomic weapons without the need for a nuclear reactor. It is modern alchemy. Now we can understand why so many of the monsun boats were carrying large quantities of mercury to the Far East.


When the first atomic bomb was detonated no one knew exactly what was likely to happen.

Project Thor began with Heeres Versuchanstalt No10 - a German Army laboratory, in January 1942. The project office was originally located at Torgau, a small medieval town in eastern Germany, but later moved west as the Russians advanced through Poland and into East Prussia, during 1944. On November 2, 1944, Dr Ernst Nagelstein, a German nuclear engineer, visited a conference in Switzerland where he disclosed to an American intelligence agent that a plant at Auer was refining thorium into metal, when there was no known industrial use for thorium. He also suggested that Otto Hahn was working on an atomic bomb using either uranium or thorium. This thorium production was associa...



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