
Friday, December 12, 2014




There has been quite a buzz on the internet over a story that broke few days ago regarding a strange storm of white, heavy, and gooey raindrops that when they hit the earth evaporates into a fibrous substance. Marie Snow and her friend Cori Gunnels knew they stumbled across something sinister, when they saw what appeared to be 50 to 60-foot long “raindrops falling from the sky in clusters, after three military aircraft, including a C-130, flew overhead, minutes prior, at an altitude of an estimated 5,000-8,000 ft.
Snow and Gunnels, decided to collect samples of the fibrous material which was deployed from the three military planes over Chino Valley, Arizona, saving the samples for testing. In fact, the fibers looked so ominous that Snow even opted not to touch them with her “bare hands” and collected them on “white pieces of paper.”
The details of the find sound similar to a case that I recently reported on a cable television show called “Monsters and Mysteries in America.” In a report for the cable show I spoke about similar events that happened in the summer of 1994.
A bizarre sequence of events began to occur in the small town of Oakville, Washington. Gelatinous blobs of biological material began to rain down over an area of over 20 square miles during a storm.
It would happen six times in 1994, and continue periodically thereafter. The latest was during the third week of June 1997.”
The substance that fell had a mushy consistency and smelled like human waste. Members of the town became ill with flu-like symptoms when they came in contact with it. The substance was then sent to a lab for testing. The substance contained human white blood cells.
Lab technicians said that the sample had two types of bacteria, one of which could be found in the human digestive tract. The answer was clear; at least, it seemed clear enough. Authorities thought it had to be human waste from an airliner; however, FAA regulations require that waste matter dropped from aircraft be dyed blue. People of the area claim that before their town was hit with the substance there were strange aircraft and contrail activity over both Oakville and Everett, Washington.
The military had suggested that what fell from the sky was jellyfish remains that remained in suspension after war game drills were carried out and bombs were dropped into the ocean 20 miles away.
Now keep in mind this report happened long before there was a so-called chemtrail hysteria that has been reported for years.
Marie Snow and Cori Gunnels gathered many samples of the fibrous materials and also contacted a local news channel to find out just what has fallen out of the sky. The television station sent the samples to Grand Canyon University’s Forensic Science Lab for testing where a woman by the name of Melissa Beddow tested the samples under “40 times magnification.”
Beddow stated that the fibrous samples were likely “biodegradable gauze” from “nearby cattle farms”, made up of “a mixture of wheat, gluten, flour and bacitracin, an antibiotic” in what the network touted as a “straight story.”
However what is being seen on various chain link fences looks more gooey and web like and less dense than the sample hat was allegedly analyzed. Snow and Gunnels then had more samples sent to another lab in order to get a different opinion and analysis and what they got from the other lab was pretty amazing.
Further tests concluded that both samples tested positive for three metal analytes, “Aluminum”, “barium” and “strontium”, three substances commonly known by dedicated researchers to be found in persistent contrails or chemtrails.
When I read stories and opinions about chemtrails being a hoax or an overreaction to normal condensation trails, I have to point out the facts. Many people are aware of the fact that since 1994, there has been a sense of urgency to correct or control weather and jet stream anomalies using aircraft and laying down of trails in the skies.
While the chemtrail controversy has been downplayed as mere conspiracy theory it was the mainstream media that first suggested that these trails had an effect on the weather and that in the future jet aircraft would lay cloud cover on purpose in order to control the weather.
On December 8th, 1980 NBC news anchor John Chancellor aired the news feature “Clouded Judgment: Do Jet Contrails Increase Cloud Cover?” He and reporter Roger O’Neil gave the facts to the American people back when the fourth estate was actually something you could count on to get the news to the public.
In the report Roger O’Neil says that jet travel is inadvertently making our days cloudier and some day, weather researchers may be able to use jets on purpose to change our weather.
Whether or not this is a sinister plot by the government remains to be seen however the track record for the United States government and the intentional spraying of bio-weapons is well known.
The chemtrailing of the populace is not only damaging our health but it also is causing problems with the upper atmosphere. They have created a monster that is culling the entire planet. It is bio-engineered Iatrogenocide.
Despite visual evidence that every aspect of our physical environment is being manipulated and damaged for the war effort, some Americans cannot accept that dangerous covert operations are being conducted by a government they still believe to be a virtuous defender of freedom and are gullible with regards to geo-engineering and atmospheric tinkering. Their stumbling block is a numbing belief that their own officials would never perpetrate dangerous experimentation on humanity since “they have families too.” I have shown here that History and the release of declassified government documents disprove such naiveté.
Although “they” had families too, the U.S. government and its defense contractors exposed citizens of the Northwestern region of the United States to huge and deliberate releases of radioactive iodine from the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state, where plutonium was produced for nuclear bombs virtually creating mutant citizenry prone to thyroid problems and cancers.
Those Cold War “protectors of freedom” released unleashed radiation illnesses upon thousands of down winders, some of whom received up to 350 rads of radiation, during radioactive bomb tests in Utah and New Mexico. To this day Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah contain some of the most dangerous pathogens in the world and whistle blowers have stated that there are still strange things that go on in the west deserts of Utah.
We are told that defense officials perpetrated these tests so that scientists can learn about how to “protect” Americans from nuclear attack.
Chemtrails are most certainly a reality because we know that geoengineering is a reality, and aerosolized delivery systems for biological and chemical weapons are a reality. We can speculate that chemtrails are part of a program to protect Americans from environmental catastrophe. However, we also know that the war machine has created aerosolized chemical and biological weapons and stimulants that they have tested on American citizens and this has been documented.
It is not a secret that the United States has a rich history of simulant and biological open air tests over populated areas. It is documented that bio-weapon open-air experimentation on the American people took place from the 1940s to the early 1970s.
The army released simulant agents over hundreds of populated areas around the country. Targets included portions of Hawaii and Alaska, San Francisco, St. Louis, Minneapolis, New York City, Washington, D.C., Key West, and many other cities. The purpose was to see how the bacteria spread and survived as people went about their normal activities.
Evidence suggested that the tests may have been causing illness to exposed citizens. Nevertheless, the health of the millions of people exposed was never monitored because the army assumed that the bacteria and chemicals were harmless. The tests involved spraying aerosolized simulants from planes and helicopters over populated areas.
In fact, after 45 years of open air testing, the army stopped using certain simulants for reasons of safety. In each instance, the army belatedly recognized they could be causing disease, birth defects and death, although such information had long been available in medical literature. This was the case in the 1950s when the Military stopped using “Black Mold” as a simulant. The fungus had long been known to cause aspergillosis, a disease that can be fatal.
Similarly in the 1960’s, the Army stopped using zinc cadmium sulfide; a chemical that had been known for years to cause cancer. In the 1970’s, the bacterium, Serratia marcescens caused many infections that lead to death of healthy individuals, was taken out of service as a simulant. And in the 1980’s, a chemical known as DPP, was removed from use as a simulant because of its carcinogenic and other toxic potential.
Neurotoxins that were used in the open air testing were known for causing birth defects and mutations in human and animal DNA. These effects were minimal according to the Military, and so these tests continued well into the late 1980’s; it was alleged that they stopped under the orders of then President Bill Clinton. More horrific information was released about biological human testing and the effects of open air tests on animals.
In 1979, a declassified review claimed that the United States intensified its development of ethnic weapons designed to selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups who are susceptible due to genetic differences and variations in DNA. These weapons were classified under Project Code named MK-NAOMI which specifically was a plan to store materials that could either incapacitate or kill a test subject and to develop devices to use for the diffusion of such materials over widely populated areas. Much of the details of the operation and how the materials were dispersed is scarce. However, new programs replacing MK-NAOMI through the U.S. Army’s Special Operations Command gave evidence of at least three covert techniques for attacking and poisoning crops and animal products that have been examined under field conditions.
One of them included the deliberate spraying of neurotoxins on crops, cows, and sheep. Helicopters were fitted with spray tanks and later C-130’s were also fitted with tanks that would spray a chemical trail over a large area.
Modular Aerial Spray Systems (or “MASS”) were used to conduct night time aerial spray missions on animals and crops. Each system can be configured with up to four 500 gallon tanks for a total volume of 2000 gallons. C-130H aircraft were modified to perform aerial application of toxins. The MASS is built by Lockheed/Conair.
One of the major design criteria of the MASS was that it had to be a “roll-on/roll-off” system allowing the aircraft to be reconfigured for spray or airlift in under an hour. To accommodate the Roll-on/Roll-off design, the full MASS is designed in 3 modules, each attached to modified standard (463L) aircraft cargo pallets. The operators console, pumps, catwalks, and cradles for flush and chemical tanks are all secured to these modified pallets.
The pallets lock into the C-130′s dual rail system. Once the MASS is loaded, interconnecting plumbing and electrical circuits tie the MASS modules together. To contain any spillage of spray materials, a 1.5″ lip (drip pan) surrounds the pallets. The dry weight of the MASS is 10,500 lbs.
In 2003, a report was filed by Tectronics Limited regarding the creation of aluminum nano-powder using DC atmospheric plasma technology for upper atmospheric dispersal. The work was funded under contract from QinetiQ, formally the United Kingdom Defense and Evaluation Research Agency. QinetiQ is also a former partner of the Carlyle Group, a principle contractor of the military-industrial complex. QinetiQ the defense contractor for the multi- faceted atmospheric plasma program called “Cloverleaf.”
Operation Cloverleaf has been a modified atmospheric experimental program that has existed since the first Gulf War which includes and is not limited to: weather modification, military communications, space weapons development, ozone and global warming research plus biological weaponry, and aerial detection testing that uses aerosolized powders and modified agents that perform a multitude of tasks.
Chemtrails are real and they are being used to manipulate the environment. The American people will literally be sprayed over and over again with pollutant particles and so called harmless stimulant sprays. The particulates and stimulants are finer than a human hair and can be inhaled or ingested causing health problems that can be written off as naturally occurring.
As we stare into the haze of an oily sky and wheeze, vomit and cough with our modified diseases and pandemics attacking our immune systems, remember it is all for the war refreshers that let freedom ring. They claim falsely that it is all for the good of the people. Our own deaths will be at hand because we followed the advice of the social engineers that we are so enamored with. We continue to vote for them. The ones we gave a blank check to that will write us off if it means they can benefit.
With millions of lives in the balance this issue is one that you should not be sick of hearing about or talking about. It is unfortunate that the pandemics, the forced inoculations and chemtrail scares have now have been downplayed as minimal threats.
These are all conditioned and compartmentalized tests that continue to tamper with the environment and the overall health of the country. We will constantly argue that what we see in the sky are chemical trails or persistent contrails that linger with a possible secret inside them, a secret that can trigger a hell storm.

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