
Saturday, December 13, 2014


Now, I have to confess, when Mr. S.D. and a few others here sent me this one, I felt like I had stepped through some sort of time warp, and was reading about the dealings of those Super-Banksters Montague Norman and Hjalmar Schacht. Remember them? They could’ve been comic book super heros (which is certainly how they saw themselves): “Faster than a trading algorithm, able to erect mountains of fraud in a single bound (to mix metaphors here), more powerful than ten freight trains of mortgage bundles and derivatives…” and so on.
Well, this one was shared by Mr. S.D. and a few others here, and as usual, it comes from Zero Hedge and appeared there on Dec. 2. It would seem that the Ukraine’s gold reserves, in a manner that betokens all the magical accounting principles of the NY Federal Reserve Bank, cannot find its gold. Or rather, simply sold it all off:
With Its Gold “Vaporized”, A Furious Ukraine Turns On Its Central Bankers
Seriously, someone needs to compose an opera, or at least an aria, based on all of this bankster stuff going on; call it Don Corleone (sung to the famous duet sung by Il Commendatore and Don Giovanni). Or at least a good set of fairies tales, like Ali Babba and the Federal Reserve; or The Pied Piper of London or The Banker’s New Clothes, or maybe Hansel and Merkel.
Now, here’s what happened, at least as far as Zero Hedge reconstructs it:
“The charges against the chief banker involve foreign currency interventions by the Central Bank in August 2014: On August 5 the NBU bought U.S. dollars on the interbank forex market for UAH 11.93 per U.S. dollar and sold them for UAH 12.26 per U.S. dollar. During the same week, on August 8, it traded in foreign currency at a higher rate: UAH 12.45-12.6 per U.S. dollar. First it sold $69 million on the interbank forex market at a lower rate, and some days later it bought $35 million at a more favorable price.
“As a result of these transactions, the NBU lost 19 kopecks per U.S. dollar, Kravets said.
“Kravets claims that by acting so, Gontareva “has intentionally committed an extremely unfavorable transaction for the gold and forex reserves of Ukraine, despite the fact that under Ukraine’s Constitution it is the Central Bank that is in charge of maintaining the country’s gold reserves.” (Emphasis in the original)
In other words, after a series of bizarre trades, the end result for the Ukraine was (1) the decline of the value of its currency (2) the perilous decline of its gold reserves, which one may presume are no longer in Kiev or the Ukraine’s vaults in the BIS (Bank of International Settlements, founded by Montague Norman and Hjalmar Schacht [ed.]), having been transferred “across the pond,” to quote Mr. Putin’s expression, or at least into it’s vault at the BIS or elsewhere.
Now, the good news to all this is that apparently the Ukrainian people might be waking up to the idea that a Washington-inspired neo-Nazi coup sponsored by busy-body billionaires and NGOs wasn’t such a good idea (though I’m with Peter Levenda here, there are no paleo- or neo-Nazis, there are just Nazis; they’re a cult, after all).
But you can forget about Valeriya Gontareva being the culprit here. We all probably know where the order ultimately came from…
…Oh… by the way, did I mention that Hjalmar Schacht and Montague Norman founded the BIS, and that it in turn was instrumental in the creation of, and the model for, the European Central Bank?

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